Happy Shower day.


Staff member
Today exactly three years ago was the first time I was able to shower after my hospital stay from December 20--January 1 and then being on antibiotics that made it so I could not get my hair wet.

Small things like this remind me of what I have overcome.
Wow! Were you able to keep track of the first time you got your hair wet? Bet that felt good, too! :) I'm boggled by the "don't get your hair wet" thing. What a bummer - except you made it that far. Greeeat!

I had a line in my left arm right under my armpit and I was not allowed to get hot with those antibiotics. The first time I got them in the infusion center they gave them to me like they did when I was in the hospital and I ended up there for 4+ hours.

The antibiotics were not really made to give to someone not in a hospital.

The thing with getting wet was that I had to have someone with me 24/7 while I was on those antibiotics and Yea. I was not showering with someone in the room with me. I did take baby wipe baths but to much of a risk to do anything more.

Also while I was in the hospital I did not shower the whole time so I was like "what is a few more days."
Man, that sound like a pain! There are all sorts of strange reactions.
There is one family of antibiotics that make me pass out. The nurses were not impressed when I hit the floor.
There's a drug you can't take with Grapefruit. Grapefruit? How Weird is that?
There's an antibiotic that negates The Pill.
My wife and I both cut our hair short for getting ahead of chemo.
I don't remember which medicine, but you can't get exposed to sunlight. Is that an antibiotic, too?

Bet if they ever get a drug for incontinence, it gives you purple polka-dots the size of - well - grapefruit. (I'll still take it. I look good in purple.)
Here's to side effects.

Mankind's greatest scientific advance was hot running water. Hair doesn't have to be very long before getting it clean is the finest sensation.

The antibiotics were made to give with an iv over several hours. In the end, they ended up having to have me stay for two hours so they could give me a high drip IV with the antibiotics. The thing was that they were trying to prevent me from having another diverticulitis attack. It only lasted a few days after stopping the antibiotics before I was back in a Florida ER. That is when they did a colonoscopy and found out how much bad bowel I had. They thought that they were doing what was best by not taking my whole bowel back in February 2019 but now they feel like it will happen sooner than later.
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