Going Home Today Post Wednesday Surgery

Listen fella, we all went through this, some of even worse off than you are, so although you feel like dog shit, (the way I felt) just calm down and know it will get better. You have a very large supporting staff rooting for you all the way, and we all went through it, so we all understand. In a few days you’ll feel a lot better. We’re praying for you. Love you my brother.
I think @Cay has some insightful wisdom. Also @MAM has been suffering from the looks of things as well.

Living is Suffering. Life means to suffer. Whether it is at the hands of another, health problems, public corruption, or just overall a dog eat dog world we live in - we were put on here by God to live, suffer, and die so that we can spend eternal glory with Him.

At this time I can only offer my prayers - but be sure we are praying for you all. The people who suffer are looking at you with the eyes of an angel.

Why? Because we all know what it is like to suffer.

Resting in His Arms with Strength,
Good Luck. It will pass. For me it was severe bladder spasms. And the catheter is no picnic but we have all been through it and you will get through too. We are pulling for you and you have found this forum for support. I wish I had found it sooner. Get home, get comfortable and take it hour by hour Day by day and next thing you know the catheter is gone and you can start heading back to regain continence. Congratulate yourself for the courage to take a very aggressive approach to curing your cancer. As you know with this disease there is no free lunch in dealing with it. You’ll get better and know you’re stronger than you thought you were!! Keep at it.
Yes this period of testing will pass. The catheter isn't pleasant but you will get over this stage. Don't sit around in your night wear. Get up, get washed, shaved etc, get dressed in comfortable clothes and walk a little, building up a little more each day. That may help you feel in a better frame of mind. All of us who have had radical prostatectomy understand the journey. Before you know it the catheter will be out and the next stage of recovery will begin. May God give you the strength and perseverance you need.
Thank you. Keep the words of encouragement coming. I truly need and appreciate all you guys have to offer.
@Bgh So sorry you're suffering, but as others here have already said, this discomfort you are experiencing will pass (pun intended). I didn't start passing gas until many hours after I got home from the hospital post-surgery. Your colon will surely let you know when it's awake again.
So sorry to hear you are having such difficulties. It will get better. My biggest issue following surgery was constipation.

But I am curious, you spent three days in the hospital? I went home less than twenty four hours post surgery. Granted it was not pleasant the first twenty four at home.
Yes, slowly. I started in the hospital.Of course never as much as I would like. Uhm, one just passed as I am writing this text. I love you guys so much.
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