Hello all. Smelling like urine is one of my greatest fears. I don't want to be the Nana that always smells like pee!!! My BFF shares the same fear. She joked the other day that she always uses Tiger Balm so chances are that smell will win out over anything!! Must admit it gave me pause to think....Seriously, I try to be extremely diligent concerning my personal hygiene. I made my hubby pinky swear to me that he would tell me if I ever smelt funky. He promised but sometimes my nose plays tricks on me and I think I can smell urine on my body. After having been a smoker all these years one would think my sense of smell would be compromised, right? Not in the least!! If anything I have a hyper sense of smell. Which is not always a blessing believe you me. There is a balance between the financial aspect and frequent changes as much to my horror my insurance does not cover said products. And as we all know, they can be pricey to say the least. Who would have ever guessed all the needed items, pull ups, pads, home healthcare, ect. are not covered for some folks? It's not something a person thinks about until you get older and are in need of these types of items. I will say I'm continually horrified at all the items my insurance doesn't cover. Shocked to say the least. Cruches?? Nope , no go. But enough of that because I will end up in a dark place that I fight hard to avoid at all cost. My best to all.