Getting rid of pee smell


Staff member
I cleaned myself up in the morning being soaked in urine. Sometimes I don’t have time to shower before work. I use wipes and spray for urine as I clean myself up. I smell urine on my body later in the morning. I use powder daily but doesn’t mask the Oder. Any advice or suggestions?
Yea showers are critical with incontinence. They help your skin stay healthy and need to be done daily. Also change more often.
perhaps you can consider some air freshener or spraying some perfume. air freshners are great at masking smells (or at least some of them are). carry round with you something- maybe a small bottle of an air freshener you like. also, if you can get a window open or something, (especially in in closed spaces), that will help too. when moving away to another area, don't leave the door open because the smell will just follow you in- I've done that, learned my lesson. I agree with the point about showering- yes it's good for the skin, and who doesn't like feeling clean? (even if it may only last a while)
writing this has made me realise that I need to buy some more air freshener, so thanks for posting this topic
I have the same issue if I have an accident during the day - even though I change promptly and try to clean thoroughly, I still end up smelling like stale pee later. I think that the urine dries and I think I've got it all cleaned up, but them later it gets wet again from perspiration and the urine residue is still there to smell bad.

I deal with it by shaving the area (hair holds the odors and is harder to clean with wipes), and I often use an underarm deodorant on the area as well (sounds odd but works well for me). Another option is to keep spray bottles of soapy water and plain water handy, which lets you wash the area rather than just wiping it. I have disposable washcloths (Attends Dry Wipes), and a hand towel is enough to dry the area.
Shaving and wet wipes are helpful in such a case. More over take care that you drink enaugh. Concentrated urin smells much more.
When I wake up wet I jump in the shower for about 1 minute and use body wash on the affected areas. I also keep my pubic hair relatively short. This combination completely eliminates the pee smell for me. During the day can be a bit trickier, but again I find that the smell is less when my pubes are shorter.
Yea, It's 2am and I am still up. This post got me thinking, After the temporary intstem I have two weeks where I cannot shower or bath. That is a big deal because I have both bladder and bowel issues.


I checked out the link you shared and I am going to look into getting some of the stuff.
@MezaJarJarBinks I do and don’t have problems except that sometimes it gets too dry. I don’t insert it or anything, just a quick brush of the stick works. I do layer it on thick under my arms.

But wait - what am I missing - why aren’t we supposed to use it there; is it carcinogenic?

I don't remember. It's been a long time. I do recall seeing a commercial on TV bragging that their product could be used there. Read the instructions on your label. Maybe yours is okay to use.

Since my wife and I became "older" we both noticed that we don't sweat as much, and our sweat doesn't stink anymore?!? So, we stopped using anything. Maybe if we were to get really dripping wet with sweat, we would stink. :O :D
@MezaJarJarBinks I still stink at age 45 with severe hot flashes after a hysterectomy put me in immediate post-menopausal syndrome. I’m on two kinds of estrogen hormone replacement (for the next 20 years, they advise, so I don’t develop osteoporosis :( And while the estrogens help decrease the frequency, duration, and intensity of hot “flashes,” it’s not enough. A hot flash is not a flash like I always thought until early 2019, rather, it’s a hot hour(s). The “flash” means it happens in a flash. One second you’re fine, and then a few seconds later for nearly no reason, it can feel like you’ve been back packing for 20 hours in the intensity of a July day at the Grand Canyon, without sunscreen and maximum physical effort. It feels like the sun is inside your body. It’s not any kind of normal overheating sensation. It’s extremely distracting and embarrassing. All of my long hair can become soaking wet in a matter of minutes, which never happens otherwise, only with hot flashes. It takes a long time to cool down from one. Even sticking my head in the freezer sometimes doesn’t help.

Now you have given something for me to look forward to with age: sweating and stinking less! My mom has never sweated nor stunk much, but my dad has definitely become worse with age, possibly because he only showers every other day now and because he is severely diabetic.

Thank you for the advice to read the label on my anti-perspirince/deodorant. I will do it first thing in the morning.

That really sounds terrible!

On the topic of "osteoporosis":

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in 2019. The doctor immediately wanted me to take "Prolia". I said let me investigate it first.

I found that more than one of the meds that I had been taking for many years can cause it, such as steroids and acid reflux meds. I also discovered that OP is found mostly in women, so there is far more research for women than men. There are many kinds of OP meds. They act to either slow the resorption of old bone or to increase the production of new bone. Regardless, they are all dangerous with high risks of side effects. I decided against the meds, but to take supplements.

People get OP at any age, but of course it increases with age and menopause. You may want to get a baseline bone density scan called "DEXA". It's a special x-ray for that purpose.

I learned an awful lot from this group:
@MezaJarJarBinks Thank you *very* much; I’ll look into it! I don’t take oral steroids very often but I receive quarterly hydrocortisone injections in multiple places on my body, or those joints don’t move because they get so inflamed. And because of how much Aleve I have to take, I’ve taken daily Prilosec for years already. I didn’t know steroids or Prilosec can cause osteoporosis.
Hey all. Hoping everyone is as well as can be. Snow: oh boy, yes indeed steroids, with long term use, say...someone with end-stage COPD- will turn bones to "chalk". On the other hand they do keep me alive. My twice daily maintenance inhaler is almost pure steroidal based. My next level or "go to" inhaler is ALL steroids. Luckily I don't have to use it often. And talk about the shakes!!! When I was in the ICU it was being administered via IV drip. Holly cow I thought I was going to shake myself all the way to the stars and back. A kind nurse saw what was happening and said that a very small dose of Zanax (.05 mg.?) would help make the shakes subside. I was concerned because someone I love dearly is hooked on it. But I gave it a try. Knocked me on my butt it did! Good night nurse! Also, about the deodorant concerns...being a 70's chic I recall a large civil movement concerning the ozone layer being destroyed. If memory serves me right I recall one of the biggest culprits was aerosol type deodorants. It was during that period in history that roll-on types came on the market. Funny the things we remember and how these memories are triggered! Be well all.
Hello all. Smelling like urine is one of my greatest fears. I don't want to be the Nana that always smells like pee!!! My BFF shares the same fear. She joked the other day that she always uses Tiger Balm so chances are that smell will win out over anything!! Must admit it gave me pause to think....Seriously, I try to be extremely diligent concerning my personal hygiene. I made my hubby pinky swear to me that he would tell me if I ever smelt funky. He promised but sometimes my nose plays tricks on me and I think I can smell urine on my body. After having been a smoker all these years one would think my sense of smell would be compromised, right? Not in the least!! If anything I have a hyper sense of smell. Which is not always a blessing believe you me. There is a balance between the financial aspect and frequent changes as much to my horror my insurance does not cover said products. And as we all know, they can be pricey to say the least. Who would have ever guessed all the needed items, pull ups, pads, home healthcare, ect. are not covered for some folks? It's not something a person thinks about until you get older and are in need of these types of items. I will say I'm continually horrified at all the items my insurance doesn't cover. Shocked to say the least. Cruches?? Nope , no go. But enough of that because I will end up in a dark place that I fight hard to avoid at all cost. My best to all.
There is a deodorant brand called Lume which is all natural and is said to last 72 hours. It comes in a roll on and a tube that you can allows you to express a small amount. It also comes in scented and unscented varieties and is available at most drugstores or online. Their commercials say "good for pits, privates,and feet." I have found it to be very effective.
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