

Staff member
So both my primary care doctor and my psychiatrist think I have gasteoperesis. I’ve been vomiting every day a couple times a day sometimes and have had several daily bouts of diarrhea for about 2 months. I’ve lost 15 pounds. I go to a gi doctor on the 9th but was wondering if anyone has dealt with this? Thanks.
Darn goodness. That's awful. I am sorry you have been dealing with those symptoms. I am not in the same boat but I feel what you are going through. Throwing up sucks.
Yes I have gastroparesis and IBS c n d.

Mines idiopathic but diabetes can cause it. Also a stomach bug aka the stomach flu can cause it too.

Back in 2014 i caught a bad stomach bug that gave me severe cramping, nausea and severe diareah. It also caused me to loose control of my bowels. For 10 days.

I made several trips to the er. As I was severely dehydrated and had off and on fevers.

Only things the wrong did was give antinausea meds and pain meds along with pump me full of iv fluids. And ct scans .

Was finally referred to a gi dr.

After upper and lower scopes and MRI and another set of scopes done the 2 smart pills .

1. Diabetes can cause gastroparesis.

2. A stomach / GI bug .

3. Is idiopathic.
Thanks for the info @compwiz878

It’s definitely not diabetes. Just had bloodwork for that. Everything is normal. I have lost control of my bowels off and on the last couple months. (See old post about that). We are most concerned about the vomiting. Do you have that as well? Thanks.
I mostly have nausea and cramps, but i do vomit here and there, its not very often though.

Something else i have is severe bloating to the point that i look 9mo's pregnant. this messes with my appitite and fluid intake. Lets just say i have to choose to eat or drink fluids i:e 1 or the other not both daily.

Additionally my bowles are on a constant roller coaster ride that never ends. As in i have bouts of soft stools then Hard stools then normal then watery stools and mild to moderate constipation . and its all random .

Ever since i got diagnosed with GP i cant eat lettus so salads are out but i like chefs and tossed and garden salads , cant even have lettus on burgers or and sandwhiches . ther lettus messes me up . but i do order a salad now and then but suffer the consiquences afterwards. I try to eat everything good and junk foods as it doesnt matter what i eat except lettus i still have the above mentioned symptoms, I'm borderline diabetic and lipid / triglyceride/chloresterol issues. I've seen a diatition and everything he sugested involves salads and very high fiber diets along with wheat/rye breads, at which my GI told me low fiber no wheat/rye breads. So those types of diets are out too.
It's aggravating that the different "specialists" (or not) all have a different idea of what to do. I'm no doctor or other medical expert but I know my body. I know that sometimes my stomach bacteria gets off balance. I go to yogurt or OTC acidophilus for a few days. I know when a UtI may be starting and I drink lemon juice or cranberry juice. I know that overeating can cause discomfort in bloating and constipation. I know that not drinking enough liquids ( mostly water) can cause me to be unusually sleepy and dull. I know that my dry skin (flaking) can feel like gnats are biting me.

I know that stress (having to do something that I prefer not to do) causes me more back pain than usual. I know that drinking more than one cup of mocha cappuccino a day will start a bowel problem within about three days that will cause me great discomfort for a week or more. And adding even a bit of dark chocolate with almonds will make it worse!(I have to choose between enjoying what I really like and the consequences!) etc.

Take an inventory of your body and what is happening. Who was it that said, "Physician, heal thyself"? You are the one who knows you the best. I had a doctor once who would say to me, "What do you think is wrong?" I loved that man. He never discounted me and between us we found a solution to whatever ailed me.

Years ago I had a sudden pain in my abdomen that continued to get worse over two days time. I went to the ER and the doctor on duty diagnosed me with IBS. I knew I didn't have IB because my symptoms were not the same. She gave me her diagnoses because she didn't know me and she apparently assumed that I didn't know what I was talking about. The pain went away soon after and I never did learn what was causing it, but perhaps it was a piece of popcorn that got lodged against the wall of my colon and then got loose. I'll never know. But I haven't had those symptoms since 2013.

I had a sigmoidoscopy years ago. The Specialist told me not to eat any nuts, seeds or popcorn. Are you kidding me??? What he should have said was, 'be sure you chew your food well'. Take a clue from Laura Ingalls Wilder's book "Farmer Boy". Chew each bite at least 25 times and lay your utensil down while you do so.

No matter how many years a medical professional has been diagnosing patients she is still "practicing". Hopefully she's gaining knowledge and understanding and keeping up with new discoveries. I once asked a new (to me) Ophthalmologist if she was reading anything interesting these days. She said, "When I finally got out of school, I decided I'd never read another book." Well, I never went back to her "practice" again.

I hope you find answers soon. Sometimes it's hard to smile and go on when you'd like to cry and hide. We have to just keep going and hope and work for the best that we can do.
If you are using ANY opiates you need to consider this as possibly causing intermittent but cyclic vomiting and constipation on the regular (which causes diarrhea)
@canadianbaby Hi no opiates here. I haven’t been on them in a long time.

@ritanofsinger You mentioned lettuce. That’s interesting because the night before I had a really bad accident at a friends house when I was watching their pets I had a salad. That explains so much thanks!
Awhile back, after having severe blood sugar issues I kept getting sick. I was diagnosed with CIC/IBSC before that so we know there is a gut issue. A nutritionist I saw gave me tips but suggested I look into it. Unfortunately, didn't happen back then. For me, I think I have sluggish digestion but not Gastroparesis, however they can seem similar. Sometimes it just takes time for the body to adjust to what is going on, but also the nutritonist was able to get me balanced. I still have to take fiber pills and walk after heavier meals, but it seems things have somewhat improved.
Koigal It's good to hear that you found a solution and are doing what it takes to keep the problem at bay.
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