Found a doctor, narrowed down some issues and way (for me) to treat


Staff member
So after having to fight with my last urologist, I went to a new one. I went to the old urologist for frequent urination, as well as incontinence (both day and night) and having to wear a diaper.

During this time it was discovered I had urine retention, and every visit in the office, their tests showed I was retaining urine. The nurse who ran the urodynamic tests, was concerned with the amount of urine left over and suggested I consider talking about my options including catheters with the doctor.

So after the tests and during the follow up I mention it to him, and I was blown off as nothing to be concerned with. My Veterans Affaris nurse was concerned as well and suggestion I request a consult with Urology. Long story short I was given a referral to an outside the VA doctor. Listened to what I had to say, seen I had retention and set me up with a nurse to learn to do self catheterization. I go in for repeat of the tests with the new doctor later this month.

I will say while not fun, catheterization has helped a lot. The biggest complaint is it does take time out of my day to stop what I am doing and do my thing then go back to work or whatever. I still leak, and wear a pull up at work and a diaper at night, but I have noticed improvement, I do not have that urgency to go all the time as much etc.
Very glad you went on past the VA doctor to better help.
Who ARE these VA doctors? I have yet to hear a glowing report of their skill and efforts
Hello, I am on my 6th UTI now, into 5 months. My Kaiser urologist has scoped my bladder and said, “I have no idea as to why you keep getting these” Now what, you cannot live with these things as you can barely function, bad enough being incontinent. Any one faced these repeated UTI’s? Let me know if you found help.
Ps. Also now have impacted 6mm kidney stone ct showed nothing 5 weeks ago. How can a stone grow that fast? Any help is greatly appreciated.
@Bobdog is it the same bug each time? I managed to get my uti's under control using a low dose antibiotic for a longer period of time rather than the full does for a few days. In my case the infections probably came from self Cathing, I hope that you find a solution, cheers Phil
Hi, yes same staff and now MRSA, I do not use a catheter, they have been treating me with bactrim for 4 months every time I get the uti
@Bobdog I haven't had either of those. My worse one was psuemonas, this took three months of cipro to get rid of it. Good luck with the treatment, Phil
Wow, I feel for you. UTI’s and kidney infection is no fun.hope the doctor is reviewing the lab reports after the panel is processed and making sure you are on the correct antibiotic that works on the bacteria. If not call the lab or go to their website and see what the report shows.
Bobdog, totally nonmedical advice here but just a thought. Cut out all caffiene alchohol and sugar, sugary foods too. Tske a quality probiotic pill. These things improve gut health which may help your over all immune system.
I know there have been times when i said i would try ANY lifestyle changes to feel better and i know this worked for me and people i know.
Really sorry, as i live for coffee and any sweets.
Fresh vegetables non processed simple food
To feel well it is worth giving this a trial
I am very happy to hear you found a Doctor with some answers and that you have found some improvement in your conditions it is very very important to see a doctor with incontinence
I hope you are getting a urine culture each time you have a UTI. I had about one a month for 5 months last winter, and the cultures showed which antibiotic I needed.
Hello, it takes a week to get the results back bactrim is about the only one that works when dealing with MRSA. Sure I got when they put a scope in my bladder
Maymay941 said:
Very glad you went on past the VA doctor to better help.
Who ARE these VA doctors? I have yet to hear a glowing report of their skill and efforts

Believe it or not I've had really good care with Dr's at the VA (except one experience). My biggest complaint is the complete lack of privacy during the exams and procedures with the interns. Incontinence is a private matter and having 6 or more interns sucks!
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