First day off the foley for prostatectomy


Staff member
Can’t hold anything in can’t feel my blaster filling up but I am leaking every where filled up 5 diapers today now scared to go to sleep. Normal?
Absolutely normal. It will get better. Do the Kegels. In the meantime, wear pads/diapers overnight and use an absorbent pad on the bed. How long were you on the Foley? Often the doctor will remove it after 7 days and that really hasn't given your bladder enough time to begin healing. Don't get discouraged. Post updates as you see progress.
May I suggest you use a good booster inside your brief before going to bed? If you don't have anything like that, you can fold up a couple pairs of your regular cloth underwear and position them strategically to absorb what you lose. Especially helpful if you are a side-sleeper, would be to make sure your side is well covered, inside the disposable product. Sleep well.
Very normal. It will take time and patience, but does get better. Everyone is different. I was ok at night, but majorly leaked anytime on my feet. Took almost 9 weeks before noticable improvement. No pads after 6 months. At times I thought it would never get better , but it did. Just take time for your body to recover
@Majudy curious about your age if I might ask, as I’m almost 5 years out still leaking - pad/day unless very active - and 75 years. Wondering about correlation to no pads or leaking whatsoever, as your the second on the forum that can say that.
Yes as others have said what you are experiencing is very normal. I used pull ups at night and was even up in the middle of the night getting showered and changed. As of today (7 months post op) I am dry at night and wear no protection. I know how stressful it can feel and you will naturally be anxious. But you will prevail and things will improve. Keep doing the pelvic floor exercises and doing gentle exercise. I hope your recovery goes well.
Just woke up day 2 / soaked ! Showered cleaned up we will see what this day brings thanks for the support from everybody
As the others said this is normal. I used a depends diaper with a depends male pad added. Like you no sensation of fullness either and leaking nonstop. Now I’m 12 weeks out and much less leaking at night with several times this week where I woke up dry. Then I kegal to the toilet (leaking a bit) and void quite a bit. Sitting is similar. Walking around is still a challenge, lots of leaking. I’ve been doing kegals and PT and avoiding the alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods. Walking as much as possible too as I’m told this helps. I go to an excellent local support group and most there say 3-6 months for real improvement and could be a year. I’m trying to be patient which as you know is difficult. Congratulate yourself on getting the cancer removed with an aggressive treatment and remember this is now the hard part. It’s a marathon not a sprint. It’s hard to see progress in days or even weeks. Give yourself time to heal. I’m hoping 3 months from now to be much better. Good luck!
Similar issues to lots here. 6 weeks post RP. Still leaking mainly while walking or any activity. Think getting a little better. Minimal night time leaking and able to sit without incontinence. Like others say, hang in there. Do kegels. Michelle Kenway on YouTube is great.
Jimfrompa said:
Similar issues to lots here. 6 weeks post RP. Still leaking mainly while walking or any activity. Think getting a little better. Minimal night time leaking and able to sit without incontinence. Like others say, hang in there. Do kegels. Michelle Kenway on YouTube is great.

Hey @jimfrompa;

Another user @jcdunn101 I remember also recommended Michelle Kenway videos -

Check out his/her thread entitled "Kegals - Best method for best results" - I believe has good content for men post RP surgery.

I am two months post-op.

At first, no control at all - they removed catheter and was leaking immediately all over floor in exam room! They never told me what to expect - I didn't even bring pull-ups or anything w/ me! Very embarrassing. A nice nurse went and found me a couple pair to be able to at least get home.

Then had uncontrollable bed-wetting (bought waterproof pads for the bed) and constant leaking...all day long.

The good news: It DEFIN ITELY gets better. For me and MOST, the bed-wetting goes away first. Maybe after a week or two at most, for me. Then sitting gets better.

Like I said, it's been 8 weeks for me and things are starting to get a LOT better. Down from changing pads at each bathroom visit to about two to three pads a day. It's hard to stay patient (it's a virtue I don't have, but this is teaching me to have it!), but time is on your side!

Now, if I could just make some progress on the ED front!!! LOL!!! Getting ready to try penial injections in the short term so that time and medications can hopefully work in the long term!

Keep us posted on your progress - it will come, slowly, though, like waiting on Christmas, as a kid, or watching paint dry! Try to be patient!!!

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