Feeling anxious and scared.


Staff member
I'm looking for feedback and past experiences on what to expect from an upcoming eurodynamics test next month.

I've been dealing with bladder incontinence for the better part of 11 years now and have been fine with using protection after my body rejected multiple catheters early on.

This will be my first time, since it seems we are out of options to otherwise resolve my neurogenic bladder issues.

The whole concept makes me anxious, considering my recent ultrasound showed my bladder held <10ml volume. So the thought of them injecting liquid into it sounds scary.

Is it painful? Should I be scared? Am I just overthinking it all?

At the end of the day though, I'll feel a lot better about my current effect on the ecosystem using disposables. Especially if it leads to an interstim device that helps me regain my independence.
Everyone’s different but from my experience having had 2 I’d say it’s never as bad as I expect. It’s awkward and uncomfortable but other than the moment of catheter insertion there was no pain for me, tension and discomfort but when the bladder was filled to the point of pain mine spasmed and emptied. The nurses that do those tests are in my experience very companionate and understanding so try not to worry.
Yes it can be somewhat painful and discomfort, it is worth it to get the results so your doctor can help you on what treatment to give you. I had it done and found out that I have a small bladder and urge incontinence. My doctor told me to try bladder retraining and some meds. My case none of it works. The only thing that works for me is diapers.
It was an interesting experience. I was nervous but the techs and doctor were great. Not painful but when they filled my bladder that got uncomfortable and I leaked. Learned a bit about my body so that was the interesting part.
As others have said, getting a catheter inserted isn't on most people's bucket lists, but is over quickly. I was terrified when I had that done the first time, to the point that I was almost in tears. One of the nurses held my hand through the entire procedure, which helped a lot. At the end of the day, it wasn't nearly as bad as I'd feared.

Let them know at the procedure that you're nervous about it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and most nurses and many doctors are very empathetic and understand how much patients can be afraid of procedures like that. They'll help you get through it, and hopefully you'll find that it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.
It's not painful, just uncomfortable. When you have a catheter inserted for the very 1st time it's not the best but definitely not the worst.I had to try to empty my bladder before she inserted the catheter. Even after pre-peeing, I still had a good amount left in my bladder. More than normally should be. This is when they said my condition wasn't all urological it was also neurological. As of yet though, my neurologist still can't find the neurogenic correlation between my neurology and urinary incontinence.
@matttyco I've had 3 of these done. I think that the worst thing was in my head. On the first occasion I told them how nervous I was and that I felt embarrassed. They were very kind and very professional. It was over quicker than I expected and they talked with me about the results straight away. In my case they confirmed OAB spasms and also found that my bladder and bowel contract at the same time. I hope that it goes well for you.
I have had two myself. I am not fan of them, but it is not horrible either. The feeling of the Catheter down there and its insertion are the hard part. They both pass rather quickly. In all honesty they typically only last a couple minutes.
Thank you all, this is very reassuring. Cathing before never brought too much discomfort at the time, but major infection issues thereafter. So I'm a bit traumatized by that part of the history with them. Given the size of my bladder, I was more scared about the pain since even a foley hurt like-hell inflating the balloon in my bladder near my sphyncter. I'm still at a loss for words about last week's results about my bladder's volume size at the ultrasound.

I appreciate you, all. Happy Holidays!
You will likely pee all over their floor (I did!), but they know that and will have bedpads everywhere - on the table and the floor. Just remember: they do these tests every day, multiple times per day. They’re used to it, even though it’s new to you.

It’s one of the most painful and awkward tests I’ve endured, but I’m a female, and we get put in a different position on the table than most men do. It’s even more humiliating than an OB-GYN exam.

My doctor is 76. He told me he’d never seen anyone lose so much fluid as quickly as I did. I out-peed the pads they put down and they had to mop. Pretty embarrassing. That was the day he told me my neurogenic bladder was on par with Stage IV Multiple Sclerosis (even though I don’t have MS).

I’m glad I had it done because it definitely helped them confirm my diagnosis. The results were also required by my health insurance company before they would approve Botox for me.

I would call and ask your doctor/nurse to call in a prescription of Valium for you for just that day, so you can be relaxed going in. It will be less painful and traumatic that way, and you’ll feel less anxious between now and then because you’ll know you’ll have some help for anxiety that day.
I have had it done and had to go in with supposedly ‘full’ bladder lol and honestly I am surprised I didn’t have an accident prior to showing up for the test. Fortunately I didn’t. The test went fairly well and the insertion of the Catheter was okay obviously not great but fortunately for me not painful in anyway. However, after they drained I basically passed out and we did eventually have a laugh about it. She said I was like the firemen she has tested previously that had similar reactions. In my case she ended up draining over one litre from my bladder which wow I didn’t know I could even hold that much in it. But the results from the test confirmed I have neurogenic bladder which coincides with my ms diagnosis and obviously I have had lesions in that area of my spine.

But overall the test wasn’t bad however I have never really had pain from catheterization yet lol as I am sure it will come over time as let’s just say my urinary conditions haven’t gotten any better. Like others I would recommend getting a prescription for Valium or antivan for the day of the treatment just so you don’t go in totally stressed out as there is no reason to be that stressed out and if your body is that tense you are going to make the test way harder on you than it needs to be. They are trying to help you from what they find by doing the test. Just my thoughts and honestly best of luck.
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