Ever Have a Doctor Give Up On You?


Staff member
I'd been going to my cardiologist (actually his physician's assistant, kind of a super nurse here in the states) since my flu/hospital stay over a month ago. Well she just stopped inviting me back for another visit even though I'm still really weak.

Now, a more aggressive person would have put their foot down and demanded something be done. Another person would have just gone to another doctor. I should have done one or both of those things, but I didn't. It sucks sometimes, but it's just the way I am.

My current plan is to tough it out for a month or so and if I don't get better try my primary doc. I suppose eventually if things don't improve I'll demand something be done from my cardiologist, that's tough for me to do. I'm better at it now than when I was younger, but I'm still no good at it. Which is kind of funny for a 6'3" 350+lb guy who could easily bully people, but that's just not me.
No harm in not being a bully, there are too many of them. However, you don't want to get forgotten about. Here in the UK, it is often better to ask the consultants secretary about appointments. Does your cardiology doctor have a PA or secretary you could approach? Phil
Its true, sometimes the greatest medicine is patience and time. However, getting an actual appointment can mean weeks away so you might need to make an appointment now for later as your flu was some time ago.
The physicans assistants no they are not DOCTORS so maybe you need the actual MD to at least have a chat.
Part of being ill or depressed is not taking action on your own behalf, just ennuie with the concept.
Remember, its ultimately YOUR body that you alone have to live within not them or the choices they profer.
And yes, especially around the topic of incontinence i had the pleasure of the big shrug.
Anyhow, wish you were well.
I had to find a new GI doc a few years ago because the one I was seeing basically said he had no idea how to help me and to only call him again if I has a real GI problem. I was nauseous and vomiting and losing weight, seemed like a real GI problem to me. New doc finally figured out I was gluten intolerant.
Maymay941 said:
Part of being ill or depressed is not taking action on your own behalf, just ennuie with the concept.
MayMay the funny thing is I've been less depressed since going off me "depression" medicine. I'm frustrated I guess because I've got to try to figure out what doctor to go to when I really don't know the cause of this weakness. I guess I expect too much out of doctors, all I know is that when there is a problem I'm dealing with at work I keep at it until it's solved or I pass it off to someone who can solve it. I don't just give up.

I will eventually follow up if I don't heal on my own in a reasonable amount of time.
Humor is another excellent medicine. Find a chiropractor and have them tickle your funny bone. Leave the pills and go for the thrills. In the hills. No, please, continue, ive run out of rhythms.
Hi everyone,
Hope everyone is doing well or better. Squander, hope you feel better soon. No fun feeling blah. Yes, the first doc I told when I was younger, I don’t think he had experience treating or dealing with it. I have only told a few other and you guys since then.
So look forward to our posts. Makes my day hearing from everyone. Especially new folks who never knew we are here🙏
I am so Blessed to have each of you to talk to. Thanks guys (and Ladies) it is a sunny 73degrees today just north of Baltimore, Maryland where I work. Just came outside and it is beautiful. Love it. Although the beach would be great with this weather.
@jrpoorman We finally have spring in Minnesota, which heralds the start of orange barrel season and then 10 months of winter.
My Urogynecologist gave up on me. Said he didn’t know what else to do to help me. My husband went online and found a Urologist rated top notch. They have yet to give up on me after several years of treatments.
Kathylp said:
My Urogynecologist gave up on me. Said he didn’t know what else to do to help me. My husband went online and found a Urologist rated top notch. They have yet to give up on me after several years of treatments.
I may need to do that too.
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