enuresie adult


Staff member
I introduce myself I am a 64 year old man and for 1 year I have been wetting the bed
At the beginning I did not live it well and even now because I do not accept myself to sleep with a diaper
Unfortunately I have to oblige so as not to wet the bedding and so that I can sleep peacefully
By reading the posts on this forum I see that a lot of men and women wet the bed
It comforts me and makes me feel good for my morale
I hope not to have made too many mistakes with the translator
Have a lovely day everybody
Philippe, good job with the translator. I also wet the bed every night. It’s difficult, but like you, I need to choose to sleep well and minimize laundry. This is a wonderful, supportive forum. Welcome
Hello and welcome Philippe,

I too wet the bed and I just except it now. I can control things better when I am awake but occasionally get caught out!
My ex wife was not sympathetic and at the time I felt pathetic as of course sleeping in a wet bed is simply not very nice.
I now get a good night's sleep!
@Blissfullyunaware Hello and thank you for your message
My wife is very nice to me but I'm ashamed of myself when I'm with my diaper in bed
I too am an adult bedwetter and have learned to live with it. My wife is fine with it and never complains. I wear nappies and plastic pants at night and our bed is well protected.After a while bedwetting just becomes a minor inconvenience. Don't be ashamed there are many adults like us.
I have been a bedwetter nearly my whole life. I am 70. Wearing a diaper and plastic pants gives me security and a good night's sleep.
It is estimated nearly 2 percent of the adult population wet the bed. This number is probably low.
Reasons for Adult Bedwetting

According to the National Association for Continence, adult bedwetting during the night is known as nocturnal enuresis. It occurs when an involuntary voiding of urine occurs during sleep. There are two types of nocturnal enuresis. The first type is persistent primary nocturnal enuresis. This condition begins during childhood and is characterized by nighttime dryness occurring for no longer than six months. The second type is called adult onset nocturnal enuresis as is defined as nocturnal enuresis in which dryness is achieved at some point in life, for varying lengths of time, and then nighttime bedwetting begins in adulthood.

According to the National Association for Continence, genetics may play an important role in causing nocturnal enuresis. One study found that a person with two bedwetting parents has a 77 percent chance of becoming a bedwetter. A person with one bedwetting parent has a 40 percent chance of becoming a bedwetter. The study indicates that these percentages do carry over into adulthood.

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Anatomical or Physiological Causes
Nocturnal enuresis may be caused by an anatomical or physiological factor. The National Association for Continence reports that a lack of antidiuretic hormone, or ADH, may be one cause of adult bedwetting. Normally, the hormone stimulates the kidneys to produce less urine at night. People who do not produce enough hormone will produce more urine at night. In other cases, the body produces enough antidiuretic hormone, but the kidneys fail to respond to the hormone and keep making urine overnight. Either situation may lead to adult bedwetting. Another cause of nocturnal enuresis may be a small functional bladder capacity. Functional bladder capacity is the amount of urine the bladder will hold before signaling the brain to urinate. Since the bladder capacity is decreased, the bladder never gets to fully relax and keeps signaling the brain to urinate even during sleep. An overactive detrusor muscle may be another cause of nocturnal enuresis. The detrusor muscle is the muscle that contracts during urination. An overactive detrusor muscles can lead to incontinence during the day as well as at night.

Medical Conditions
According to the MayoClinic.com, several medical conditions can cause nocturnal enuresis. Some of those conditions include diabetes, urinary tract infection, obstructive sleep apnea and cancers of the bladder or prostate. Urinary tract stones, prostate enlargement and neurological disorders may also lead to nocturnal enuresis. In addition, the National Association for Continence reports that some medication may include nocturnal enuresis as a side effect. Some of those medications include drugs taken for insomnia or psychiatric purposes like thioridazine, clozapine and risperidone. Anyone experiencing nocturnal enuresis should check ask his doctor whether a medical condition or medication may be the cause of the bedwetting.

Psychological Causes
The National Association for Continence reports that in rare cases a psychological condition may be the cause of nocturnal enuresis in adults. Such psychological conditions may include acute anxiety or emotional disorders. Anyone experiencing nocturnal enuresis should consult a physician for a full examination.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/161064-reasons-for-adult-bedwetting/#ixzz1juM2rY7v
Hi Phillipe, I started with incontinence about 7-8 months ago suddenly without warning. I am still in the diagnostic stage and I know when I am going to wet the bed because I have terrible bladder spasms with the wetting episode. I will be seeing my third specialist at the end of December and learning more each visit. Last month I went to Johns Hopkins Brady Urological Institute and will be going to a Neurologist Urologist in MUSC Charleston. I pile on the diaper and booster at night but still end up changing 2-3 times a night. I am a 72 year old woman. Nice to me you.
Thank you DP Care that article is so concise would you publish it as separate post.
You might have done so before but we often need reposts to help new folk and refresh for those who missed it
I will I just got a copy of that from another group I belong too bu I thought the timing was perfect and worth sharing with this thread

Maymay941 said:
Thank you DP Care that article is so concise would you publish it as separate post.
You might have done so before but we often need reposts to help new folk and refresh for those who missed it
Hi @philippe and welcome to our forum!!! We have a sizable international group here and it makes one realize that incontinence is not restricted to any one part of the world and is not contained strictly within international borders. It is a universal problem and here we are made to feel much less alone and that there are others who face similar issues.
I know it's a shock to realize when you become incontinent and that it is a real wake-up call to know you have to wear something absorbent. That is something that you get used to although it may feel very strange at first.
From my own experience I've gotten used to it and realize it is not the end of the world but instead I feel much more comfortable wearing absorbents!!!
I'm glad you saw this forum and decided to come and visit with us. You will find a lot of support and sympathy here and we exchange plenty of ideas and views.
Welcome and hope you enjoy getting to know us!
By the way, the translation was fine!!
artiejr said:
I have been a bedwetter nearly my whole life. I am 70. Wearing a diaper and plastic pants gives me security and a good night's sleep.
It is estimated nearly 2 percent of the adult population wet the bed. This number is probably low.
The continence nurse I see periodically says she sees many adults who wet the bed. I suspect it is way higher than 2%
Hi @philippe good to meet you. Fellow bedwetter here too. As you see bedwetting is not all that uncommon. Glad you found this group. As others have said it is a great group of people who deal with various forms of incontinence.
Hello. My journey started 9 months ago with leaking and urges during the day. At night I was fine but then I started waking up feeling damp. I thought it was sweat but then I wore a pad and discovered otherwise. I’ve now transitioned to pull ups at night and either thick pads or tena flex during the day.
I have to say I started out in denial that I needed protection. Now it’s a relief and I feel most comfortable with the pull ups or the Tena flex. I’m trying to be grateful that at least I don’t have to worry about issues out in public or in bed.
Next urologist appointment is in January.
I’m hoping to get the issue rectified but I’ve accepted it’s ok if I don’t
I'm a bedwetter too. I was a bedwetter as a kid, until my mid teens, then I stopped for several years.
In my 30's, I started bedwetting again, but very rarely, like only a few times a year. Over the next few decades, it increased to monthly, then weekly. Now in my 60's, I wet the bed pretty much every night..

Now here's the weird part - My wife actually prefers that I'm bedwetting more now. Here's why.. When I started bedwetting randomly, in my 30's, I never considered wearing a diaper. I mean hey, it was only a few times a year, WHY would I wear a diaper EVERYNIGHT for such a rare issue?? I kept this mind set even as I started to bed wet a few times a month. (Although by that point we DID have a mattress protector on the bed.) However, when it got to the point where I was bedwetting a few times a week, she more or less demanded that I start wearing "Protection", because of all the extra laundry, with the wet sheets and blankets. I really couldn't argue with her at that point. I started wearing diapers to bed every night then, and it really lowered the stress level at home. Now that I wet every night, I wouldn't even think about going to bed without a diaper on. And the wife is happy that there won't be loads of extra washing to do.
DaveW49519 said:
I'm a bedwetter too. I was a bedwetter as a kid, until my mid teens, then I stopped for several years.
In my 30's, I started bedwetting again, but very rarely, like only a few times a year. Over the next few decades, it increased to monthly, then weekly. Now in my 60's, I wet the bed pretty much every night..

Now here's the weird part - My wife actually prefers that I'm bedwetting more now. Here's why.. When I started bedwetting randomly, in my 30's, I never considered wearing a diaper. I mean hey, it was only a few times a year, WHY would I wear a diaper EVERYNIGHT for such a rare issue?? I kept this mind set even as I started to bed wet a few times a month. (Although by that point we DID have a mattress protector on the bed.) However, when it got to the point where I was bedwetting a few times a week, she more or less demanded that I start wearing "Protection", because of all the extra laundry, with the wet sheets and blankets. I really couldn't argue with her at that point. I started wearing diapers to bed every night then, and it really lowered the stress level at home. Now that I wet every night, I wouldn't even think about going to bed without a diaper on. And the wife is happy that there won't be loads of extra washing to do.
My wife encouraged me to wear nappies at night and my bedwetting doesn't bother her.
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