Can you cheat a colonoscopy?

Hi snow.
My opinion
Don’t be scared or panic over it. Very common procedure
Drink what you can of the cleanse solution. Stay hydrated up to the point you need to stop as directed. If you don’t finish the second solution entirely, you’ll be fine.
It’s all about having the colon as cleared as possible so they can get the best images possible.
I’ve had three colonoscopies over the years.
On the last two I just couldn’t finish the final second drink.
It’s awful stuff. Blahhhh….
The doc said it was fine and the I was perfectly cleared out successfully.
When it’s all done. Enjoy that feel good meal you’ll treat yourself to.
Best of luck
Thank you again, everyone, for your advice. Because I was also scheduled to volunteer for a double shift at the ballet on Friday night, after having to be awake all Thursday night prior to the colonoscopy, I ended up canceling the colonoscopy for now. I *will* reschedule it some time when I feel like staying awake all night and being messed up for days afterward because I didn’t get to sleep.

@Pammy53 Sitting on the toilet for ~24 hours is going to be really hard on my busted lumbar spine, too. I have nobody to help me but I like your idea with the TV tray. I don’t own one but I can borrow one from my parents. Do you think I’ll be able to get up long enough to feed my cat twice in that period? Thank you for your tips; I will put them to good use. What a great job your husband did!!!! I’m starting to realize I need to find another one of those but the good ones are already in good marriages.

The appointment I had booked was for 9:45 a.m. with the second dose beginning at 5:45 a.m. Because I have Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder and can’t fall asleep until at least 3:00 a.m., I can’t get up at 5:45 a.m. (if I was able to get any sleep, that is). So next time I’ll take an appointment at 1:30 p.m. (their latest slot) so if I can get some sleep, I can therefore sleep until 9:30 a.m.

I’m medically emotionally worn out right now because I’m finally getting my knee replacement on Dec. 27. I have sooooooo much do before then: work, the holidays, finishing building furniture and unpacking my condo. Work is picking back up in Hollywood now that the writers’ strike is over and the actors’ strike may soon finally be over as well. Tonight my mom (who will be my caretaker after my knee replacement) and I have to attend a mandatory class at the hospital before I can get the surgery. We both had to read a 1”-thick binder with post-op instructions.

So I have plenty going on without having to worry about staying up all night for a colonoscopy. That may have to wait up to six months longer. Now I know what in entails, I need to get my head around it before I can commit it. I understand the need for all the prep, but I don’t understand why they don’t provide a pill to stop the diarrhea so you can get at least a few hours of sleep. It takes most adults several Disorder to recover from being awake all night so this procedure is really more like a 5-6 days in total nightmare. @JoeAK I will definitely choose my reward meal carefully :)

I found a different doctor who has you take a total of 24 pills over 24 hours, called Sutab. You only have to drink water and it’s a few less ounces (96) than the 128 of Dulcolax+Miralax. Patients seem to prefer Sutab in online reviews. The side effects don’t sound great but maybe it’s easier than Miralax. I don’t personally taste Miralax when I take it so that part doesn’t bother me. I’ll have to think about Miralax vs. Sutab. Has anyone here tried the Sutab?

@snow- I had a friend who was a paraplegic. Because of that he had to be hospitized to get his colonoscopy done. I never did find out the details in how they did it - but perhaps that could be an option. - Pam
Your last response just reminded me that on one of my colonoscopy’s, I had scheduled it with another surgical procedure. I asked the two docs if they could coordinate the colonoscopy either prior or following the other procedure.
I figured as long as I was already going to be under anesthesia and knocked out, why not.
Anyway, they did it.
The hospital, two surgeons and the anesthesiologist made it happen.
That was nice..
Perhaps you could ask your surgeon and other doc about it.
@snow Yeah snow, like I said, I have no idea how they do a colonoscopy in a hospital setting, or what it would cost you financially - maybe worth a look see - Pam
@snow - re your question about feeding your cats. My husband had no problem getting on and off the pot when needed during his prep. I didn't have that option, which is what killed my back. As it was it took 45 minutes before I even started. Had I known, I wouldn't have bothered sitting there. - Anyway, as far as feeding your cat- cats - A. - they are NOT going to starve to DEATH if you are not able to get off the pot on demand. It may drive you crazy, but they will not die. If you can't get off the pot safely to feed them - try putting their food in a familiar place before hand. If it is more than once that they need to be fed, try a couple of different familiar places.No matter what, they will live. - And, hey, If getting hospitalized for your colonoscopy is the way to go - feeding your cats becomes a whole different story. - Pam
@snow I have had some not so nice cleaning preps, and I have been «locked» to the toilet for some hours, but not for that long that feeling the cats should be a problem. Probably my experience has been somewhere between @pammy53 and her husband. The problem is that you are a loose gun in that period, you don´t know when it starts - so plan ahead as good as possible.
Clear you calendar to minimize stress and allow yourself to recover. And I would not recommend it with a bad knee - unless it is done while you are already knocked out - that was a good solution if it was possible.
Good luck with your knee surgery preparations :)
I feel much better prepared for a colonoscopy now that I’ve talked to all of you. I knew I could count on you folks. I’m so glad I asked my question and I have less anxiety about it now. Thank you again.
@snow Yes snow we do care. I think that you know that. Take your time trying to sort out all the details - your brain is probably spinning with all the details you have to deal with. Overwhelming to say the least. I am pretty sure no one will bug you about it here. When you get it done - if you feel like it, let us know - Pam
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