Can you cheat a colonoscopy?


Staff member
I usually only drink 30-45 oz. of fluid per day, not counting something occasional like yogurt or soup. I’m supposed to have my first colonoscopy on Friday and I was just reading that on Thursday, during the day, they expect me to drink 64 ounces, and then from 5:00 p.m. until midnight, another 64 ounces!!! That’s 128 ounces in about 14 hours!!! I can handle spending most of the *day* in the bathroom, but I cannot handle spending ALL night in the bathroom. As most of you know my problems are primarily based with Nocturia. I already pee every 5-60 minutes per night and I’m rarely lucky enough to sleep through the OAB urge. I love wet diapers because they mean I actually got to sleep through the urge to pee. Unfortunately, I don’t get wet diapers very often. So there’s no way if I drink 128 ounces in 18 hours that I’m going to get any sleep. I probably also won’t be able to get any sleep the next night, either. That’s just plain dangerous! I think the most ounces I’ve drank in one day since I incurred Neurogenic Bladder is around 64 oz., and boy oh boy, did I suffer for it. I’m not sure I can do this exam.

My question is, have any of you ever not consumed the entire quantity of liquid before getting a colonoscopy, and gotten away with it? Or, alternately, did you not drink the entire amount and then get caught and have a failed exam?

I’m open to all advice about this drinking-too-much-liquid problem. I’ll also be calling the doctor tomorrow about it.
There is an in home test you can do involves sending a fecalmsample tona lab.
You might want tonrequest that as as alternative
The biggest issue with not taking the full prep is having an inadequate prep so they have to do it again. Maybe ask for a lower volume prep like Suprep
Have you talked to your doctor about doing the Cologuard test instead? If you get s bad result from that, then you could do the full colonoscopy.
@snow, Everything I have read says to drink ALL of the prep. (I had to with mine last spring.) Will your doctor allow you to use a new prep (FDA-approved this year) called Suflave? I did some quick research, which I know you're good at. It appears to require less liquid to drink, but maybe you can ascertain that. Here are two links about Sulfave that might have value to you:

Regardless of what you decide, every article I have read states to drink the entire concoction. Also, what you eat and drink two to three days prior to the procedure can give better results. Be sure to read up on that if you haven't.

I wish you the best!

If the test is not done for a few days call your doctor and ask if you can do a fasting colonoscopy. You can’t eat but don’t have to do the prep. This also sometimes gives them more information.

This is what my new Gastroenterologist recommended as a reason for my Ostomy being reversed last Thursday. Now they can find out how my digestive system is working and figure out if I have colitis.
@snow. Ask the doctor if you can prepare in a way with less drinking of water. The last one I had was drinking less and using an enema.
I have had several of these. The prep stuff will cause most of the water in your system to exit through the colon and bypass the kidneys. So, less need to pee.
@snow - Everyone here has brought up some good points. I think a call to your doctor who knows your history would be a good place to start. Maybe do some research before you talk to him so you can mention somethings that you have read about regarding any possible alternatives. Let us know what you find out. I think we would all be interested to see how this shakes out for you. We will be thinking about you! - Pam
@snow - I fully understand your dilemma. With IBD I have had my shares of colonoscopies. With strong inflammation, it was difficult to get properly cleaned for a successful procedure. I have done different solution for the prep - but always been told to drink, and drink a lot. I would probably recommend to start the heavy drinking earlier - so that you are mostly done before the night - and hopefully have a restful night.
I can tell you one nightmare that is even worse than peeing all night, and that is when the cleaning is at max during the night. THAT has brought me literally to tears, with no sleep, a lot of cleaning. As long as what comes out is “clean” water - the job is done.
You would not go through this one extra time, just because you are not clean enough - that is the flip side.
But I also recommend to call your doctor.
I wish you all the best with the cleaning and the colonoscopy. :)
@Maymay941 @Beckyd The Cologuard test is only 80% accurate. I have a family history of polyps in my mom, and polyps and recent colon cancer in my dad; in him, it had even spread into his appendix. I also had cervical cancer which can spread to the colon. My ex-husband is currently dying of rectal cancer from an undetectable virus that I may also have. So unfortunately, I have to agree with my doctors, it would be the best idea for me to get the real test done. I’ve also developed pretty constant diarrhea since COVID. I think it’s really from taking way too many NSAIDs for back and knee pain. Either way, I should find out. I just can’t believe that in this day and age, they don’t have a better way to do a colonoscopy.

@runningbarend @fleemoore Thank you for the recommendations about Suprep. My particular GI’s office doesn’t offer it but I did read up on it. I can always try to find a different GI. I may do that. Since it’s my first time, I have no existing relationship with the doctor I’m supposed to see on Friday.

@ThatFLGuy @Anxiety Thank you to you both for your ideas, also. I talked to the nurse today and she said I could only do the Dulcolax/Miralax prep. But I think I’ll be spending tomorrow calling around to different doctors. I wouldn’t mind trying an enema; I know men who do them regularly and love them, even report feeling peaceful and lighter afterward.

@MezaJarJarBinks Thank you so much for pointing this out to me, regarding where the liquid will be going - lol - NOT to my bladder. Now I’m feeling relaxed about the peeing and more worried about 1) being up all night with diarrhea, and 2) having to get up at 5:45 a.m. to take the second dose. I’ve never been easy to wake up (so say my parents, ex-boyfriends, and ex-husband) because it’s so hard for me to sleep - once I’m finally asleep; I want to stay that way! But my cat says it’s easy to wake me up, lol - especially when it’s time for his breakfast! My appointment is at 9:45 a.m. so they want me to stay awake after 5:45 a.m. for the second dose! I’m very much naturally a night owl, which I hate, so I have extreme difficulty waking up before 9:00 a.m. I could wake up that early if somebody slept over with me, and literally shook me awake. There are some major downfalls to living alone. There are many benefits, but I think it’s largely a mistake which I must eventually try to remedy.

@Allan_59 I am also worried about cleaning up my body to the extent of tearing it significantly, and I’m worried about being really exhausted. I’m supposed to volunteer at the ballet that night but it sounds like I’ll be wayyyyy too fatigued to do that. I guess I better either cancel the ballet or res he duke my appointment.

@Pammy53 Thank you for your concern :).

I finally understand why everyone hates colonoscopies so bad. I used to think to myself that diarrhea and fasting aren’t so bad; I often have diarrhea and often fast through entire days without even noticing. I didn’t realize that the diarrhea goes on all through the night, also. So that’s my new question for all of you - were most of you awake all night with the diarrhea? I’m supposed to start my first dose of Dulcolax at 9:00 a.m. and then the Miralax at 5:00 p.m. the day before the procedure, then on the day of the procedure, take more Miralax at 5:45 a.m. That sounds to me like I’ll be awake all night? I know everyone’s body is different; I’m just trying to get a better idea of what to expect.

Thank you everyone!
I agree with what others have said. You don't want to cheat a colonoscoopy because collon cancr,, if found early enoough, is treatable. My friend refused even to do the fecal test, and died of colon ancer a few years ago in his early 50s. Find out from your doctor what you can do to drink less.

Soorry for my typing mistakes. I am having an episode of essential tremor.
@patrusky No need to apologize, friend :) Thank you for your advice. I agree it’s best not to cheat. I definitely don’t want to do this twice.
Hi Snow, good luck on Friday. I have had 6 of these due to my acute diverticulitis. all times I followed the instructions to the letter. I was told that The insane amount of fluid is to help with dehydration as you’ll be going and going all night. One bit of advice, if possible, go on a light or liquid diet 2 days before (broth, jello, etc)it will help when everything starts to “flow” during the prep. A lot of you gave some great advice. I would address your concerns and the advice given with the gastroenterologist. I’m sure the Dr has heard it all…
Good luck on the exam and I’m glad your taking the test.
The last one I had earlier this year was much easier than previous procedures as I wasn’t required to drink nearly as much. They’ve changed those requirements at least my doctor has. My results came back fine.
Regarding the Cologuard test... Like my doc told me, that only shows a positive when there's cancer present. (And even then, not 100% accurate.) The trick is to find the polyps BEFORE they turn to cancer. At my last colonoscopy, they found one small polyp... Snip - it was gone, BEFORE it got to the cancer stage. I'd rather have a colonoscopy more often and KNOW I'm clear, than to take a test and not know for sure.

As far as drinking all the prep - If the colon isn't clear, they can't get a good view with the camera.
@snow I am so sorry to hear about your diarrhea problems. That is how I discovered my IBD - I feared cancer, and was happy that it was only ulcerous colitis.

In my worst period with inflammation I experienced night time diarrhea and accidents, but I mostly woke up.

During the cleaning - it was impossible to sleep when the flow peaked (sorry for TMI..).

I will be thinking of you on Friday. Remember - even how bad this procedure (and the preface) is - it is so worth checking for cancer. I hope there is another explanation for your diarrhea.
Skip their prep crap. Get some fleet oral laxitive. And a fleet enima. Eat light the day before you flush. You will be clear in 4 hours. They stopped doing the fleet thing because ''it's to hard on you''.
@snow - snow I understand that you certainly have good reason to be hesitant about your upcoming colonoscopy. I know that you have had alot of input to sort through. My husband also had the Ducolax/Miralax combo. He asked a nurse about the necessity of the Ducolax, and she told him "it was just to be sure" For him it just prolonged it. - So, when I did mine he told me "DON'T take the Ducolax" Which I didn't. I did finish the Miralax, and was passing water anyway when all was said and done. The Miralax basically pulls almost all of the fluid out of your system. Even going to the appointment I was still leaking a little. Re the Cologuard test, I had done one, but never really trusted it. - I ended up on the 10 year plan. My husband had a polop removed, but the reason he had to go back in 5 years was not because of the polop it was just in case they missed anything. - If you can have someone help you, drink the Miralax COLD! Makes it easier to get down. I've heard people that mix it with 7-UP and even Vodka if you can imagine that! - My husband brought me flowers and fetched and toted each dose from the 'frig. He even set up a TV tray with a speaker so I could watch movies. Then when my battery got low we would trade phones. - The only hard part was by the time I was done, my butt was practically vacuum sealed to the toilet seat and I couldn't move, because my back hurt so bad. My husband had to haul me up under my arms to get me on my feet. - My primary did tell me that technically you aren't completely out. If they need you to move, they can just tell you which I thought was interesting. Thinking good things for you. - Pam
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