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Had an urology visit today to go over my PSA level. Still undetectable which is great 1 1/2 years post RP. Still using one pad/day for inconvenience. He spoke with me concerning the incontinence and asked if I would be interested in Emsella. It’s a device that uses magnets to force over 10,000 Kegels in 30 minute session. Was usually used for women but he states they have saw good results with RP patients. Said they offer a one time trial for free and would probably need a total of 6. Each session is $200. Said lots of patients are totally dry after sessions are completed. After Googling when I got home I also saw they are using for ED. Having this post RP, I thought this may be an extra benefit. Was just wondering if anyone had any experience using this treatment? If they did what are the pros and cons?
I’ve got an appointment with the Canadian company this Thursday for a consultation but I’m thinking of giving it A try!
Post you experience if you do it… I will post mine too!
I did ask my urologist about it- he dismissed it . A GIMMICK he said, not proven at all. I did ask my physiotherapist as well, She wasn't sold on it, mixed results she stated. She did say that it is very important to sit in it certain way, However she stated that she'd rather see me getting my own Kegel tens device which would be less expensive and I can use it at home to my liking. She was very honest about it, Most likely that is what I will do but apparently it is not recommended to use devices such as these too soon after the surgery. I will need to consult with my urologist re: time-line. Personally I believe that psychology is very important so if you think that Emsella will help you go for it. If only for psychological reasons. All the best.
I haven’t decided to do it or not. My doctor did say it has been FDA approved but insurance doesn’t cover. Will definitely do the free session and see. My doctor said some of his patients have saw improvement after one session. Didn’t see a lot of negative reviews when I did some research and the price my doctor is charging seems to be less than most centers are charging.
@Jimfrompa - Though Jim, I have to be honest. For me being FDA approved is not necessarily a plus. - Pam
I agree Pammy. I am a Respiratory Therapist. After all the craziness of Covid the last few years, I lost a lot of trust in most government agencies.
JIM if you decide to go please let us know how it went and how you feel afterwards. It will be nice to know your first impression. From my DD I conclude that Emsella treatment is pretty safe. I did call one place which provide the treatment and was told that the chair was initially designed for women. Now days however it is used to treat men as well. What turned me off was the statement made by the lady I spoke to who informed me that I will have to wait 5 years after the surgery before I will be allowed to have the treatment done, which sounded like a total nonsense. It just showed me the uneducated side of the personal providing the treatment. After that I called another place and was told that as long as my urologist oks it, all good I can have the treatment done.
I will Josh. Not sure when I will try. My urologist said he wasn’t sold on it until a few of his patients had success with it. So he decided to purchase the device and supply treatments to his patients. Luckily my incontinence is minimal but it would be nice to be totally dry again. I actually posted this hoping someone here had experienced it before I did.
@Jimfrompa - Yep, no kidding. I never had a covid shot. I did get the Omicron virus, but was fine. I found it so awful that with all the Covid deaths reported every day, no one ever mentioned the contributing underlying conditions. - I took a pool class at the YMCA which I loved. Gravity was not my friend. Being in water was always safe. When Covid hit, it all went away. How long I would have remained in good shape? I don't know. Everything has changed now. Thank you Dr.Foucie.sp? - Pam
I went through with the Emsella chair about a year or so ago. I think I paid $300 for a half hour treatment. Six treatments were recommended. I found it to be a waste of $1,800.
Josh… the company in Ottawa Canada said I had to wait 6 months after my surgery and we are almost there so I am getting the consultation on Thursday….
maureen2623 said:
I went through with the Emsella chair about a year or so ago. I think I paid $300 for a half hour treatment. Six treatments were recommended. I found it to be a waste of $1,800.
Thanks for the info. It is greatly appreciated. My urologist is changing $200 per session.
Pammy53 said:
@Jimfrompa - Yep, no kidding. I never had a covid shot. I did get the Omicron virus, but was fine. I found it so awful that with all the Covid deaths reported every day, no one ever mentioned the contributing underlying conditions. - I took a pool class at the YMCA which I loved. Gravity was not my friend. Being in water was always safe. When Covid hit, it all went away. How long I would have remained in good shape? I don't know. Everything has changed now. Thank you Dr.Foucie.sp? - Pam
I was the only employee in my department that got an exemption from the vax. Very few of my coworkers have gotten the boosters and many are saying they will refuse in the future. Sadly, we lost some really good people that refused the initial jabs.
@Jimfrompa - I get it. So true. A friend of ours refused the Vax and lost his job in the sheriff's department. You almost would think that anyone in law enforcement could be given a pass if chosen. Thankfully another department gave him a pass and all is well. - Pam
There is an Emsella chair in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. My understanding is it gimmicky. I heard of people who have found it of value and some say it's a waste of money. To my knowledge, all of the clients have been female.
Jacques1553 6 months waiting time for the treatment after surgery sound just about right. Keep us posted pls. Thank you
I just completed 7 sessions with the emsella chair. I started using it 6 months after my RP and with incontinence of 4 to 5 diapers per day. I still have some incontinence but I am down to 2 diapers per day. More accurately, 20 to 40 ml per day, calculating by weighting the diapers with a small scale.
It is expensive and out of pocket cost me $2k.
It helped but not totally.
I am interested in the tens kegel device.
Anybody has use it?
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