Dress Left or Right?


Staff member
In high end tailor shops men are asked if they dress left or right. Thus indicating if his penis hangs to his left or to his right. I myself have never had occasion to answer this question.

Now three months post-surgery my incontinence is improving constantly. I do sometimes experience a squirt that evades my guard. Only today did it occur to me that the problem is the direction to which I hang. I am in the minority, I dress right, most men dress left. Instead of lining my guard straight up the middle I should move it left slightly.

I pass this on in case anyone else is experiencing the same.

Kind regards everyone.
WardGuy - your information is very interesting. I have a book on tailoring men's clothes and there is nothing said about making allowances for left or right hang. But it sure makes sense. Thanks
Goes back at least to Victorian, Regency, & Georgian England. Pants for upper class, maybe middle class, were custom-tailored & very form-fitting. Might as well refer to them as a variety of tights. Men don't usually "hang" in the middle, more to one side or the other, & one testicle is usually a bit larger. The material wasn't stretchy; stretchy is more forgiving. It thus becomes a matter of fit and comfort, both. Styles were ridiculous, ever changing, a matter of status, one-ups-man-ship. In essence, pants were tight enough that room had to be left/created at the crotch. Is that where the phrase "how you hanging?" came from?) Told you it was ridiculous; I'd rather wear a kilt! (Is that why the Scots wore kilts, by any chance? Smarter than inbred English noblemen?) In the very wealthy class, women didn't wear a dress twice. Men's styles changed at least every year. There is fiction & non-fiction that includes it. Not sure when England (and probably Europe) changed to "modern" pants.
Hmmm. I've heard a few women complain about the fit of bras - due to not being symmetrical.
My Grandfather was a tailor in the mid-west USA around turn of the century (1890?) to about 1925. By then, here, men's suits were more what we think of as the present-day styles; Pants, not Tights. So there is room enough. Boxer shorts leave room, briefs are "stretchy", so you and the protection can fit.
My essay for the week.
AlasSouth = Thank you for this history lesson! As a person who sews, I've often wondered why men's pants seldom fit. I've heard the story about the waistline of pants hanging off the hips because of the prison sexual primacy and maybe that's true. But, the low hanging pants would make it more comfortable for men. I can see that putting extra fabric on one side or the other at the crotch would help the fit too. And you're right about bras. After a lot of trials through the years and being "fitted" for the correct size which never was a good fit, I went to sport bras and then when I was 80, I went back to the Women's Movement of braless. Who really cares? If I'm comfortable that's what is important.
Jaytee - From what I've read boxer shorts are healthier, but what does a guy do if he has to wear incontinence pull-ups?
Jaytee said:
What about us boxer guys? we don't hang left or right, just down. 🤣🤣


When that time of life called puberty hit I lucky found boxer briefs quick. Nothing like dressing right out the pee flap all the time to make me hate boxers.
ritanofsinger: I love your spirit!
Have you ever noted that women engaged in very strenuous sports seem to stick to sports bras? Well, duh. Rowers (Crew. Racing.) come back to the dock soaked with sweat. Not sure of the material. The pain and effort of rowing, the sheer concentration, overrides the discomfort, I guess. You row until you collapse, and you don't collapse until the cox'n yells Way Nuff.
Go, Husky women! (They win more often than the men....)
ThatFLGuy - When my husband and I were first married, he was wearing white boxer shorts that he had worn in the NAVY a couple years before. After his discharge, the only boxer shorts he could find in stores had elastic waistbands which he did not like. I found a pattern for boxer shorts just like the military ones, with no elastic. I got some soft white cotton fabric and a gripper snapper kit and started making his shorts to fit his waist exactly. I made three pair at a time in assembly fashion and continued that every couple years until he was about 60 years old. One Christmas my mother gave him a package of three boxer shorts from a store in San Antonio and to my surprise he wore them and didn't complain at all about the elastic waist.
Oh darn, I kind of enjoyed sewing those for him!
Great Insight! Never thought of position as the problem. My pull-ups always leak to the left side. I moved the pad off of center and moved to the left edge of the pull-up. Seems to prevent most of the problem. 2 Months from RP surgery and feeling more in control.
Congrats! What my doctor said and what I experienced is that three months is a magical time of transition.
What I find interesting is the reference to “pants.” In England, pants would mean underpants, and trousers are what is worn over them.

Before I wore diapers 24/7, I wore boxer shorts, dutifully tucking my equipment down the left leg. Bladder leakage required a switch to padded briefs. Pointing up didn’t work as I’d leak over the waist. When I wear a diaper, I make sure there’s a “well” in the crotch to hold everything - both for comfort and protection. The best diaper in the world won’t do a bit of good if your penis slips out of it.
Jason: true, but Yikes. English (Great Britain) and "American" are two different languages, or at least dialects (and that's not counting Scotts, Irish, New England, and the Deep South!). We're never sure we are communicating. (I'm Manx. Is that different? I've never been there.)
The manufacturors don't address this issue, so we are "inventing" workarounds. Thanks for the candor & ideas.
I'm so tired of "adult proof packaging", and of "One size fits all". uuugh.
JayTee and FLAguy: I wouldn't go through puberty again for all the tea in china. Talk about the ultimate punishment!
The real kicker - when dining in London, and you’re a sloppy eater - don’t ask for an extra napkin. That’s a diaper. Nappy!
Well, @AlasSouth, once you've survived puberty once that should be more than sufficient!! And that goes along with high school chemistry and physics classes!!! No need to take a 🚌school bus ride through the gates of hell twice in a lifetime!!!!
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