More what I had in mind was video of average people doing everyday things, that all kinds of people do every single day with a voice over stating the number of incontinent people you may see, work next to, ride the train with, beat your butt in sports etc. etc. each day without even knowing it.
(VIDEO) Look at the shelves in all of the grocery stores, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, ETC. loaded with adult diapers, that shelf space is EXPENSIVE!!!Who is buying all of these adult diapers??? That NORMAL PERSON next to you....
All of these YOUNG, ACTIVE people are able to live a normal life only by relying on the use of diapers. Stats/Stats/Stats 30+ million Americans, almost 1 in 10 (Depending on stats out there) adults live a NORMAL life every day because they utilize diapers so they are not ruining their clothes, their desk chair, car seat, YOUR COUCH blah, blah, blah...
Something that dignifies the struggle we all have to fight, just to appear normal to everyone else. Just to avoid making a spectacle of themselves, DIAPERS! What it takes for us to do the normal things everyone takes for granted. Again, just some thoughts...
Sorry for the typos I can’t find my glasses!