Diapers at work

After I went back to work post prostatectomy, i took a cooler with food on top, the my pads etc. When i took my fanny pack they all laughed because it was out of style
Its going to hit a lot of them down the road. I never thought about it or knew it existed so much until it happened to me
Tell them you keep your XXXL condoms in there because you can get a lot done on a lunch hour. Then show them a pack
@Pmikula I only take work-remotely jobs now, which are limited. I can’t work on film sets and run to the bathroom all the time. My loss of career has been devastating. I’m sorry you had to quit your job and I’m sorry your girlfriend patted your ass.
@Doug, Fanny packs are out of style?:O But you know, some of the best ideas should never go out of style. And to anyone who wants to use a fanny pack, go for it! You've heard the saying, what's old is new again? Case in point!:D As for the XXXL condoms, that would be a good diversionary tactic!
@Pmikula, I hope you can get a good job you like back soon and something that's worth waiting for! Down in my part of central Florida there are Realtors offices galore and houses are going up all over the place. So please don't give up and let one incident thwart you! Besides that, isn't someone patting your butt at work a form of harassment that can be reported? And with friends who grab your butt at work who needs enemies????
@snow, I hope you get a rewarding career back on the film sets or wherever you feel most at home. You've had the experience and I'm sure you're good at it.
snow said:
@caseywor OH MY GOSH!!! I can’t believe someone actually asked you about taking your backpack to the bathroom!!!!! HOW RUDE!!! I would never do that.

I guess if you feel annoyed with someone who asks, you can always shock them by saying you have porn magazines in your backpack for a daytime release, so you can concentrate all you energy on your work, lol! The receiver of such a statement would surely be so astonished and uncomfortable that they would likely shut right up! It’s nobody’s business!

I’m glad I’m a female and can take my purse to the bathroom without calling attention to it. I do feel bad for dudes in this regard. Women have garbage pins on the wall of every stall (for menstruation products), so it’s easy to dispose of diapers privately inside our own individual stall. Women’s restrooms also usually have huge garbage cans near the door, in part because it’s women who most often go into their restroom to change their baby’s diapers.

I remember the good old days when I didn’t have to take my purse into the office bathroom unless I was changing! I do hate when a stall doesn’t have a purse/coat/backpack hook on the back of the stall door. Holding a purse on your lap while peeing is hard to accomplish - granted, I carry a large purse.
The thing is that this person is an otherwise cool person that I really like. We joke with each other a lot and like to goof off with each other when we have a few minutes time at work. I don’t take offense to it really, she just doesn’t realize how personal a matter the backpack thing is. It could be an educational opportunity for her, I just am not going to share with her why it was off base to ask. It is indeed something she needs to know why she shouldn’t ask that even of a male, just telling her why is a source of embarrassment. Thanks for your response and advice!
As a bedwetter I don't have to worry about bringing a product to work or having to change at work. However I do get you embarrassment over it. I have had some work training in the past where I had to share a hotel room with a co-worker. I felt sooooooo embarassed when I realized that I needed to pack some overnight pull-ups just in case I bedwetted. No one at work knows about my problem and I wanted to keep it that way. Packing my night pull-ups usually isn't embarrassing, but then I usually do not have to share a room.

The second was of humiliating embarrassment hit me when at the end of the first day of training and we were bak in the hotel room I realized I needed to sneak on my pull-ups. Now with time to think back it really as no big deal. I took my backpack with my cloths and pull-ups into the bathroom with me. Showered, put on the pull-ups then boxers over and some basketball shorts and a T and was ready for bed. My coworker had no reason to suspect anything since it was normal for someone to take their pack into a bathroom to get ready for bed. However my mind at the time did not think that way.

So I totally get what that embracing feeling you have feels like.

Stay strong cause you are!!!

Hi @Jaytee, I know what you mean! I often imagine what it would be like to share a room with somebody not of my own choosing and how to best go about hiding things. For me it would be the pull-ons. But a simple explanation would do. That's the empowerment I've gotten from being on this forum. From what you say it sounds like you had it planned perfectly and what you wore was appropriate. If I were in a similar situation and a roommate took in a back pack to the bathroom I wouldn't think anything of it. After all, it's just his soap and shampoo in there, right? And the way I see it, maybe your roommate could be in the same boat as well! You just never know! People are good at hiding things. And we are masters of that!
@billliveshere So true. In thinking back I realized that I had not reason to be embarassed since my coworker had no idea about my problem or what I was wearing under my boxers. But in the moment you don't think that clearly. You just think about how it could all go wrong.

Good point about him also needing to do the same stealth moved. I doubt he had any bedwetting issues to worry about just given the statistics. Hoe likely would it be that two guys from the same company had the same issue. There is some I grant you, but it would be very low. Your point on people being good at hiding things is well taken. I know I have hide my bedwetting issue many times without ever thinking that someone else might be doing the same thing.
Hi @Jaytee, Sometimes things just happen so fast you don't really think that clearly and you know hindsight is always 20/20!:D When you have a few minutes you begin to think of all sorts of scenarios where things could have gone south and quickly! I know that happens to me quite a bit. Sometimes we just over-analyze without slowing down and thinking, "hey, he probably wasn't even paying attention to that backpack or what I was wearing, et., etc." The other guy may have ben in thought about his family situation, finances, his parents' health issues, any number of things. I agree that it is somewhat unlikely that the guy in your room has the same issues although it's still possible. Anywhere we're in a situation of sharing some kind of space with someone else, be it a hotel room, office, restroom, airplane seat, Pullman car room or anything like that, we just need to stop and think we are not the only ones who may not want our secrets inadvertently revealed. That someone you're sharing space with may have daytime incontinence issues, day and night issues or may even wear some sort of an ostomy bag. Or that person may wear an insulin pump or similar device which would elicit others to wonder, "What the....?" Basically you may think you have something to hide but remember,. the other guy may have it worse....far worse!
I was asked why I had a buldge in my pants. Looked at them in eyes and said it's my diaper you got a problem. In the bathroom I kept a spare one to change into. Put the right beside the woman's pads and tampons. I don't care what people think. Just had second PSA test still at .068
Hi @Idmclean13, And I bet whoever did the asking was at a loss for words!:D
That's a good, split-second response. After all it's not YOUR problem, It's the problem of whoever did the asking. That's because you know how to take care of yourself, thank you very much!
So this is what I have learned from my time wearing to work.

First, I my case I have to have my bag checked every time I go through security which will be less next week as I am changing what break room I eat lunch in. But any guy carrying a backpack into the bathroom will cause people to think and maybe ask questions. One trick I read online is that a newspaper is your best friend.. People just think you are taking a #2 and need something to read and it hide a diaper easy. Just hope that a coworker does not ask to borrow it when your done....

Second, at first everyone wanted to know where I was at while I was out and wanted to know why I was not back in the area that I was in...(Side note most of my friends knew that I was running to the bathroom all the time so that help establish what then being sympathetic to me now dealing with what is going on)

Third, people have three reactions...They are sympathetic, they don't care or they are jerks. Lucky I only dealt a few jerks so far and one ((a guard was let go by his company over his dealings with me...( another side note, all the guards now leave me alone. A look in my bag and making sure I take it through the metal dictators is all they do.))

Forth, Carry more than you think you need and wear more protection than you think you need. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CARRY A CHANGE OF SHORTS OR PANTS. Learned this the hard way and had to leave work early with air dried and wet wiped pants.

Fifth. Once people get over the section three... They move on with life. No working person has time to worry about what type of underwear you have on.

Sixth. You judge yourself to much. I found this the hardest thing to get over. I didn't want to have an accident at work. #2 in particular sucks. But truth is that it is all in your head. It is an accident, you cannot help it so why beat yourself up over it. (I still hate it and beat myself up over it but I am trying)

Seventh. Make time to do something that you love. For me this is photos, It sucks that it is hot and I am a night person but I still try to apply some of the things that I love to my life every day even if it is window shopping gear that I can't afford online, or learning a new editing trick on youtube.

Eight. Pray... I know not everyone believes the way I do but trust me it has saved me more than anyone can know. I truly thought that I was going to die 12/20/2018 and so did the doctors once they figured out how bad I was. Surgery was the only option to keep me from relapse and needing emergency surgery that would have ended up much worse. Now dealing with this.. Being in pain all the time and not having anyway to stop it has made me need prayer all the more.

Last thing....

Do right by yourself. Only you matter in this situation. Just you... Yea other people can and will care about you but your health and wellness are up to you and you alone. I love my family, but my Mom as amazing as she is cannot understand how I feel and no one can. All she Can do is care and try to help me as best as she can. Yea, sometimes it is hard because she see my need for $$$ coming before my need to not be in pain or suffer with #2ing in my pants at work... She and my dad have done all they can...Gave me 1/4 of their income last month to help me pay bills, paid for diapers and food. And took me to doctors appointments that are an hour away.

Love you and let anyone that judges you for your underwear behind.
Wow,FL Guy, most touching and shows excellent wisdom! Couldn't see the screen for a couple of minutes, it was that touching, if you know what I mean. Beautiful, beautiful thoughts! Very profound! I hope everybody reads this! I just can't tell you how right you are in that only you are responsible for your health and wellness. After all, only you know your body and you call the shots as far as your body is concerned. Not sure what part I liked the best as it was all so extremely good! It shows you have been listening to us as we all are supporting you in your hour of need! (have to pause again) And you know it's iron-clad we will continue to support you.I know we talked about your photography as it is so obvious that is a big love of yours.
Well guess what! I'm doing something I love and that's participating in this forum with the most truly awesome people I have never met in person!:D:D:D:D And reading your heartfelt thoughts makes it truly rewarding and I know I have, along with all of us, come to the right place.
In my "real" pre-pandemic life I was a volunteer teacher at a nearby nature center where we hosted elementary school kids on field trips. They'd spend a full day with us and we took them through four activities based on what they're studying in school. I've always loved doing that and the kids, even from the very first day working. The kids were always great and I knew I had found a purpose. Then along comes the Covid fiasco and of course no kids anymore. At this point don't know if, as or when we'll have them back again. So there was five months of emptiness. I found this forum and identified with everyone here and enjoy interacting with every one of you here! I feel the same enthusiasm and energy I felt working with the kids at the nature center. And I have a new-found purpose now!:D
And @ThatFLGuy, different underwear or not, your post has given all of us a true sense of who you are. And I think that's truly a reflection of the love, goodness and kindness of everyone in this forum. My wish for you is smooth sailing in your quest to get on the path where you want to be. Sorry if there are typos. Sometimes hard to see the keyboard clearly for the past several minutes.
@ThatFLGuy Dude you are nailing it. Awesome post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

@billliveshere Totally agree. I know you are happy to hav found all of us and we are happy to have found you. Keep staying positive and strong.
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