Barrier creams. Now why didn't i think of that? Try dedicated pharmacies, safety companies, paint or construction supply places. Look for places that carry solvents. In Legitimate Theater supply places, we used to get & use cold cream for under stage makeup to help with removal after performances (Make-up isn't good for skin and pores), and for skin protection. Not sure of it's liquid-repellency or odor control, but cold cream sometimes came with mild smells like rose. Come to think, Witch Hazel used to be available at "compounding pharmacies". My mom had it mixed with glycerine as a hand cream, skin creme. Before i got serious about safety when using oil-based paints and went to vinyx or nitrile gloves from auto-supply places (Exam Gloves, just stronger) and the solvents to thin or remove them, i used something called (maybe) "Glove In a Bottle".
The Aluminum used in antiperspirant is a suspect in Alzhiemers and/or another in brain-memory deterioration that appears in old age. There are some natural deodorants minus most of the chemicals, and even "no-scent" types. Then there is baking soda in those, usually, but the powder cakes in sweat.
Any of you medical types should correct any errors I've made.