Dealing with family and friends


Staff member
I feel like this is an important topic. For me I felt like I should just be honest with those close to me. My incontinence is a result of an accident, so maybe my experience is a little different. My friends all know and have been supportive. Family as well. Most respond with sympathy. I have had 6 surgeries as a result of my accident. Most recent being on September 11th. Im still unable to walk on my own yet.

How have you approached the subject (if at all). Is this something you are struggling with? I certainly know I did at the beginning.
May the Lord bring you peace, joy and happiness. Life is hard, sometimes I think that the alternative is better-we get to be in heaven with the Lord. However he has a plan for each of our lives and we much ask-pray that we do his will-not ours but his, Amen. May the Lord through Jesus Christ bring peace and love always. Amen.
This is a really important topic at least to me! My adult children have graciously thrown out ruined matresses and suppiled matress covers without censure,ignored my daily laundry for leaks and changing trousers but do not factor in that i stay home alot because of this. I dont dare travel abroad or to see old friends, stay at extended families homes because i need to launder vathe and change clothes unexpectedly. I have told my brothers this is why i dont visit them but they change the subject. I visited my out of state son and tried all sorts of extra measures to avoid wet bed sheets but failed.
It is not a problem they are willing to hear.
Not to whine but i have yet to find a product i am comfortable to sleep in or can guarantee i wont have a urine spray on my clothes while in public restroom.
This is important and it is very life altering. I wish there was a product out there for you to help you live a more normal life. Have you tried physical therapy. I finally went this last spring-summer and it was tough but helped a lot. Certain foods make me worst-no caffeine-alcohol-etc. Good Luck and try and find a doctor that specializes in this and a physical therapist as well. I know we all want to give up and say screw it and stay home but we have to fight-fight -fight.

I hadn't been as open with family and friend as I should have been. Only the closest of my circle know I have bedwetting issues occasionally, about 4 people.

Why is there such a stigma on bedwetting, Why cannot it be viewed like other "unfortunate, but acceptable", issue?
Most of my immediate family are aware and supportive. I have urinary incontinence due to a traumatic brain injury I received while in the military so that may be why they are more so dunno. Personally I think most people are inclined to be supportive when they know the reason behind the issue than when they don't. However it shouldn't be required for people to not judge.
As i can't sleep i thought about the stigma. Apart from the obvious things like schadenfreude(enjoyment of the misfortune of others which is a regrettably ordinary human emotion)
I thought how television is widely advertising disposable underwear which flips the "them versus us" factor in human psychology which is a very real perception that its not such a stigma as "everyone is doing it".
So, like wearing eyeglasses which used to invoke ridicule perhaps this is a good time to be living with this very ordinary human issue afterall.
I believe as you do, life is hard. Things happen, we do he best we can. I can't please everyone-just try to please God who knows what is in my head and heart. Do the best you can. You will be fine.
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