Creative Dating 101


Staff member
We have a very good column here on dating, incontinence and intimacy and now it's time to expand on that. There have been many great suggestions on how to broach the subject of incontinence with your intended significant others. That can be done when the time is right. But now, how about doing something that makes you more memorable as a date? let's do something creative! :cool: I'm looking beyond the tried 'n' true dinner and a movie thing. And we all know that meeting for a drink at a nearby bar isn't going to fly at this particular time. How about some ideas on where we can take our dates to some place different? The focus is on how cool you are and not on incontinence issues.
If you live in central Florida you can go on a date to the Space Coast to see a rocket launch. Keep in mind they are subject to weather delays and technical glitches. But other than that, seeing and feeling a launch will make a spectacular date. Then maybe a ride on a historic train. That's always fun. There is (or was) one near me which went by a scenic lakeshore and over a tropical canal. Before the pandemic it only went between two towns six miles apart on a not particularly scenic route. Or a boat ride on a pretty lake. There are some near me that cost less than $30 per person, or less than a decent dinner or movie.
I don't want to get too long-winded, but how about other ideas?:D
Drive-in movies. (Yes they still exist here in northern Ohio at least two that I know of), a walk in a park, trip to a beach, etc.
Well, I havent done the normal type of date in a very very long time. I just dont enjoy that kinda time(going somewhere out to eat and movie or bar) most of the time my date will come to my place, in the evening, at about the time its getting dark outside. Usually sitting outside talking listening to the radio. May go for a 4 wheeler ride to cool off if its still hot outside. Can cook up something easy to eat together or eat something she brings. This has worked out good. I dont suggest early in the day dates for first dates. I use to also keep a few fishing poles and go night fishing using pretty much anything for bait even bread to catch perch out of the neighbors pond. This is the kind of dates I have been doing for many years before all this mess. I use to also go to a place nearby on dates that had half decent snacks and diferent live music on weekends. Thats not going on now. Nothing extravigant, but this has worked very well for me.
Never been on a date but would love to do something fun if I did! I think a fun date for me would be an escape room to test how well we can solve a problem together. I absolutely love cave exploring and we don't have to do exactly that but just something where someone and I can experience the beauty of nature. Basically I love challenging things; I feel like I'd talk to someone mostly on the phone or by text but on a date, I want to see how well we can interact with the rest of the world. Any more ideas?
Great ideas and it sure seems like this will be very helpful for me, on the other hand I've been kept under lick and key so to speak - and for so long - I think I don't know anything at all on the subject. But wanting to be everywhere, I'm sure gunna be searching for some creative ideas.
Maryland has lots of fun activities for dates. Harbor cruises with dinner or lunch, fort McHenry, Aquarium, self guided boat tours, local food and wineries, breweries, camping, beaches, great state parks and trails to walk or bike. If you go over to West Virginia they have tubing that is romantic and you don’t have to worry about leaks when your in an inner tube.😊
Just did an escape room for the first time last saterday. 45 minutes to get out and it seemed like 5. My group didnt get out but it was a lot of fun.
Escape rooms are getting really popular. When we were in Chattanooga not long ago, next to the Chattanooga Choo Choo they have a train made into an escape room. How cool is that!
i know its crazy and maybe even totally inappropriate but i’d love a long train ride. thats what i call romantic. a slumber car and a real life mystery book! take me away....
Are there internet groups for incontinent people? It would lend a common denominator to the meeting and twixt the two of you, could come up with ideas of what to do to not have your incontinence get in the way. Or better yet, throw a little caution to the wind and explore new things together, each of you supporting and understanding the other. Thst sounds like real growth and exciting.You talk about the elephant in the room right up front and then get on with it. If either rejects the other, then it prbly wasnt because of incontinence. Then you can look at yourself and peers and get great chsnces at emotional growth.
Wow! Good responses!!!!:cool: What we are looking at here are the reasons why people SHOULD date you! We have tended to let incontinence issues weigh in on everything so we mistakenly believe there is a reason for people NOT to date us. But looking at all of the cool date ideas here really sings out that there is a reason for people TO date everyone concerned here! Good going!:D
Sarah, a long train ride is NOT inappropriate. It would be a good idea for a couple to really know each other first, however. Yes, also a sleeping car can figure into it. I'm thinking of The Canadian across Canada. Sounds like a great ride, but beaucoup bucks!!!:O It brings to mind the movie "Silver Streak," a murder mystery type train ride starring the late Jill Clayburgh.
Doug, internet groups for incontinent people is a great idea. But I don't know of any. I guess if I did, I'd be there along with many of us. Great thinking there! Anybody know of such groups?
Three of you mentioned escape rooms. I don't think there are any near me unless you count the entertainment megalopolis of the Orlando area. The mall that's about 12 miles from me has axe-throwing cages. Can't say if that's an ideal date, throwing axes at targets. And that's especially if you're not hitting it off with your date or if s/he says something you don't like! In those circumstances it would be kinda dangerous!:(
They have some local places in MD and PA with axe throwing lanes. They also have some thing down near the airport you can suit up and go into a vertical wind tunnel and fly. Sort of like skydiving I guess but safer.
I am open to dating actually. MD area here. Maybe like a chill time hangout in the basement and talk kind of thing. Or go see a movie or take a walk or even just hangout and talk outside.
The gun range is always sure to leave an impression. Take an air tour/plane ride. Hot air balloon ride. Rock climbing (if physique allows). Hike the bright angel trail, or half dome. Tour a huge garden or sanctuary. BBQ at home is nice too. Play ice breaker board games at the book store. Or take your date to a rat race game club. Lots of options.
From the responses it seems that boring dates are not allowed here! :D Airplane tours of an area can be a possibility. Sunset tours are also a good option. There are those hot air balloon rides (I'm not fond of heights and baskets on the balloons seem awfully tiny!:O) There are big gardens and sanctuaries here in Florida but I'm afraid the Half Dome and Angel Trail will look out of place in flat Florida! And jrpoorman, we have a vertical wind tunnel thing about 30 miles from me on International Drive. Safer than skydiving? Maybe. But the drive down to I-Drive and along that road itself is guaranteed to give you a heart-stopping' thrill a minute! As for skydiving itself, the closest I've come (and will come) to it is watching with my two feet firmly on the ground. Although I've heard of some couples on a first date actually sky-diving as well as a couple or two who have tied the knot while plummeting through thin air from 13,000 feet.
Wow, I like the ground. Happy some people enjoy the plane jumping thing. I’m happy to watch. Closest I’ve ever been to that is parasailing and that was a blast.
for me, with a troubled part of me keeping me hidden away i never learned to have fun. and then that part working so hard pretending i didn’t even exist, that part never had any fun either.

i only had dreams. i’ve just always loved the thought of a long cross country train ride. seems real romantic to me sitting back, gently resting in his arms with the clickity clack lulling us for hours just watching the countryside wiz by our window. then staying awake all night in each other’s arms... in our slumber coach. then getting up at the crack of dawn for a traditional railroad style breakfast. maybe i might have learned to jump out of a plain or do the hot air balloon thing but i just find the train ride with the guy i love better than anything.

well maybe this could be even better. a little cabin hidden away in a lush forest. a babbling brook, a mountain to climb, a meadow to frolic in - and i mean frolic!! and just me and “him” together any way we want. alone where there are no grizzlies, no lions. well maybe the wild life is there but my guy would just make me feel safe anyway. then hiking the mountain and frolicking in the meadow, skinny dipping in the stream, dreamily playing for days and days just loving together.

hey wake up Sarah, i thought you were an empowered woman! well ok dammit maybe i will learn to jump or hot air balloon or any of those exciting other choices you guys have been talking about. like i said i never learned to have fun. there must be many ways. but even still i find those romantic escapes all alone with the guy i love, holding each other endlessly the most appealing.

OK! hows that for a first date?
Sarah, there is nothing holding you back now. You CAN learn to have fun and do things you've always wanted to do. And if you want to go skydiving, then go for it!:D And you can tell me all about it when you finish!:D I like the ground, thank you very much! You will fly up to around 13,500 feet and you and your instructor will exit the plane. It won't be cheap and you will need to have some sort of orientation. Just make sure the skydive center where you go is accredited and has a safe reputation!!!! And if a hot air balloon catches your fancy then just make a reservation. Hot air balloon operators should be listed online and once again learn about their safety record. Once again, not cheap. But traditionally they serve champagne at the end of the flight. For me, you'd have to give me plenty of champagne BEFORE I get into one of those baskets!!!:O But I'm with you on the trains! Maybe you could try out a short Amtrak ride to begin with and see how that grabs you. You mentioned a railroad style breakfast. It has to be served in the dining car! No two ways about it. That's part of the fun, eating well-prepared chow as you watch the scenery fly by your window. Be forewarned these days Amtrak is probably still in its el cheapo mode and breakfast will be in a utilitarian, bare bones food service car and will consist of a bunch of plastic-wrapped do-nuts, pastries, and other convenience store crap. Good news is Amtrak has a new president who may possibly return some civility to American train travel. Have fun with your adventures and happy trails!
billliveshere said:
Sarah, there is nothing holding you back now. You CAN learn to have fun and do things you've always wanted to do. And if you want to go skydiving, then go for it!:D And you can tell me all about it when you finish!:D I like the ground, thank you very much! You will fly up to around 13,500 feet and you and your instructor will exit the plane. It won't be cheap and you will need to have some sort of orientation. Just make sure the skydive center where you go is accredited and has a safe reputation!!!! And if a hot air balloon catches your fancy then just make a reservation. Hot air balloon operators should be listed online and once again learn about their safety record. Once again, not cheap. But traditionally they serve champagne at the end of the flight. For me, you'd have to give me plenty of champagne BEFORE I get into one of those baskets!!!:O But I'm with you on the trains! Maybe you could try out a short Amtrak ride to begin with and see how that grabs you. You mentioned a railroad style breakfast. It has to be served in the dining car! No two ways about it. That's part of the fun, eating well-prepared chow as you watch the scenery fly by your window. Be forewarned these days Amtrak is probably still in its el cheapo mode and breakfast will be in a utilitarian, bare bones food service car and will consist of a bunch of plastic-wrapped do-nuts, pastries, and other convenience store crap. Good news is Amtrak has a new president who may possibly return some civility to American train travel. Have fun with your adventures and happy trails!

whatever i do just has to make me a happy girl. that is my real dream.
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