Health problems, including incontinence, cause many people embarrassment - embarrassment about exposure of what are conventionally regarded as private, mostly erotic, parts of the body, stains on clothes or bed linen, or embarrassment just talking about certain subjects.
A principle that I have found useful in reducing my own embarrassment is to ask myself whether the person seeing or just talking to me would be embarrassed by what is happening. Would a nurse or carer be embarrassed by giving me a bowel evacuation or inserting a urethral catheter? If they aren't then I see no reason why I should be. A few young carers, particularly some of those from different cultural backgrounds, have given me the impression that they would rather not work with men, but I do not decide the matching of carers to patients.
Maybe Nature was mischievous when placing both our waste outlets so near to our genitals. Some nursing and caring procedures do sometimes result in arousal for me, although sick patients will not see them that way.
A bigger problem might be with non-professional people such as relatives or friends. I do not make a point of raising the subject without good reason but neither do I make a secret of my double incontinence. I do not hide away my pads, knickers or other equipment: they might gently introduce the subject without saying anything.
Have other readers got any experiences they are willing to share?
A principle that I have found useful in reducing my own embarrassment is to ask myself whether the person seeing or just talking to me would be embarrassed by what is happening. Would a nurse or carer be embarrassed by giving me a bowel evacuation or inserting a urethral catheter? If they aren't then I see no reason why I should be. A few young carers, particularly some of those from different cultural backgrounds, have given me the impression that they would rather not work with men, but I do not decide the matching of carers to patients.
Maybe Nature was mischievous when placing both our waste outlets so near to our genitals. Some nursing and caring procedures do sometimes result in arousal for me, although sick patients will not see them that way.
A bigger problem might be with non-professional people such as relatives or friends. I do not make a point of raising the subject without good reason but neither do I make a secret of my double incontinence. I do not hide away my pads, knickers or other equipment: they might gently introduce the subject without saying anything.
Have other readers got any experiences they are willing to share?