Controlling Embarrassment


Staff member
Health problems, including incontinence, cause many people embarrassment - embarrassment about exposure of what are conventionally regarded as private, mostly erotic, parts of the body, stains on clothes or bed linen, or embarrassment just talking about certain subjects.

A principle that I have found useful in reducing my own embarrassment is to ask myself whether the person seeing or just talking to me would be embarrassed by what is happening. Would a nurse or carer be embarrassed by giving me a bowel evacuation or inserting a urethral catheter? If they aren't then I see no reason why I should be. A few young carers, particularly some of those from different cultural backgrounds, have given me the impression that they would rather not work with men, but I do not decide the matching of carers to patients.

Maybe Nature was mischievous when placing both our waste outlets so near to our genitals. Some nursing and caring procedures do sometimes result in arousal for me, although sick patients will not see them that way.

A bigger problem might be with non-professional people such as relatives or friends. I do not make a point of raising the subject without good reason but neither do I make a secret of my double incontinence. I do not hide away my pads, knickers or other equipment: they might gently introduce the subject without saying anything.

Have other readers got any experiences they are willing to share?
Great strategy, keep up the fight. Life is very hard. There are so many problems in this world and this is just one more. People don't understand what others have to go through since they are so wrapped up in themselves and choose not to believe that the person is suffering. The culture is changing where it is what about me? In my prayers-God has a plan for all our lives and each day is a gift. Blessings-Barb
Thank you Barb. Perhaps I have been less embarrassed about incontinence because it is not my top priority. Since 2013 I have had a spinal injury causing paralysis from the chest down and incessant muscle spasms and discomfort. Blesssings to you too Barb, Barry.
Barry-my heart goes out to you, may the Lord bring you comfort always. I am ready for the Lord to call me home, I am tired of the fight. Life is hard, people get hurt, accidents happen,etc.
Yes, I am also tired of the fight...IBS/D took my teaching career 20 years ago...the bathroom trips did not do well as a HS Choral/Theater Director. I did get on disability after my 2nd application. Life is not pleasant...I stay home most of the time. The InterStim™ system implant has helped me, so I can leave the house some days. For me, it is not 100%...more like 80% improvement, but I am not complaining. I still take the meds that I took before, but not as often. For me, it is not always what I eat; it's just the "way" my GI System works. I will say that you need a GI dr that understands your GI system...and one that you trust; they are hard to find. sc
Thank you all so much for your replies. You made me think of the caregiver's perspective, whereas my original post was restricted to the point of view of the patient. You reminded me of the importance of two qualities in a caregiver: first, understanding and empathy with the cared-for - the caregiver adapting what they say and do to that particular, special patient - and second, the value of carers being able to make something which is abnormal for the patient seem quite unremarkable - something which the carers themselves do.

I remember a nursing sister in hospital who was good at understanding a patient's frame of mind and putting herself on the same wavelength to make the situation seem quite normal. When treating or showering me, she would slip into conversations such topics as her interest in nudism, problems with fitting an intermittent catheter in women or even her body hair preference, perhaps embroidered a little, but successful in relaxing what might have been a tense moment.
Thank You Barry for your thoughts-blessings today and all days Dear Lord please bring Barry peace, joy and hope. Amen.
I had to get a elder lady neighbor to come by and put my catheter in and remove and insert a new one and she said I had the smallest penis she had ever seen out of three husbands and four sons and two boyfriends and boy did that help me feel great/ I told her to tell the other neighbors she was cleaning my house but I feel she has told them about my small size and diapers /
Barry-thank you for your blessings-may the Lord bless you today and give you peaceful thoughts. I am on my way to 5 pm mass-I will pray for you. Pray for me. Barb
Disperwearer18-sorry for your elder lady that sounds like a gossip. Maybe she hasn't and if she has-so what. I can't believe she has had so many men in her life. I had one husband and he was functioning alcoholic and that was enough. There are a lot worst things in life, blessings and not to worry. Life is what it is. Be grateful you can use a catheter. I dread the day I can't drive anymore, cook my own food, go grocery shopping, workout to stay strong.
Thanks she had all her husbands died from prostate cancer very early in her life and then a few boyfriends that never made the cut / I picked her because I hoped she wouldn’t be judge mental on me / I’m ok with her forward ness on my size since I realize it’s true / I didn’t think she would just come out and say it was smaller than all the rest she had seen / it hurt my feeling but I needed my catheter changed and still do so she’s all I got
Thanks Barbara sounds like u understand the depression that incontieence brings us - we will all go threw this if we live long enough
Between all the crap in my life-I am ready for the Lord to call me home. I am here to praise him and do his will. I am tired and I have a lot of things wrong with me. My body is worn out. I fight depression and anxiety all the time. I am off all my meds now. I have a list of chronic conditions tah I try not to think about. When I am feeling good-I have a better attitude-when I hurt-I get depressed and very lost. I am seeing a psychiatrist the end of Nov. I ready am using talk therapy and it helps-think positively-remember good things-forget any abuse from the pass-etc. Try to remember we live better than 99% of the world. Live in the now, old age is hard and it gets harder. I don't have a lot to offer any guy so I am settled to live without a husband in my life. I talked with Father's assistant from the church the other day and said if a 55+ gal needs a room -I can help. We can share expenses and we can keep each other company. It is a small manufacture home where I have two parking places and two bedrooms. My incontinence is better. I have to do my strengthening all the time and no caffeine, alcohol, etc. I also have chronic gastritis, sleep problems, plantar fascitis, neck and posture problems, a mid back problem-etc. I have to exercise everyday, can't life anything heavy-also I have tendinitis on the top of my right foot where I broke a bone many moons ago-have problems driving and walking. Get panic attacks-etc. I could go on and on. My Mom was called home by the Lord at 56 years and my brother at 58 years. I am ready. I am almost a life master in bridge and when I do that this coming year-I will have everything done. I have had enough pain to last 10 lifetimes and yet I know how blessed I am-cause I am still here and I can still get to the store-etc.
Dear Barb, maybe the reason you are still with us is that you still have valuable work to do. For one, there is the wonderful work you are doing in helping others with your contributions to this web site. May The Lord make his face to shine upon you. Barry
Dear Disperwearer18, When someone talks about someone else, what they say is often a better reflection of the person talking than the person being talked about. If I were in the position of someone hearing such things about you from your neighbour, the sort of thoughts going through my mind would these:
'So what?'
'She shouln't be telling me.'
'She's a gossip, not worth listtening to.'
Good luck, Barry.
Barry- thank you for your kind words, Also good insight on the way people think and react to stuff.Blessings- Barb
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