
I have recently stopped drinking coffee and replaced it with hot matcha tea. I did this in an attempt to help my mood from being bad so much, or really just that my mood can change from good to real bad easily and I dont like that. So far I think it has helped. Also Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid drank it.
Has anyone ever done a test to see if one cup of fully caffenated coffee causes you to leak more than the same cup of half caf and the same cup of decaf. In other words, Does the amount of caffeine in one cup of coffee make that much difference in your bladder control?
Hey Pap,
I apologize for not responding until now, but felt it was too important to not respond.
I, the idiot who with my 4 brothers grew up in the “ Walk it off ya Sissy”!As kids my Dad kept a pair of huge boxing gloves hanging by the back door. If a dispute broke out he would just point at the 2 offenders and say “LACE EM UP”! Please understand these gloves were adult gloves which would make it more like a pillow fight than anything, but it broke that “Spell” and made us realize how stupid we were being to be arguing instead of reasoning. Dad would coach us as we grew as he was a boxer in Golden Gloves, then for the Marine Corps. Always followed by a lesson in reasoning then prayers.
I say this as this Walk it off strategy almost killed me! Add this to the aspirins I was taking put my chance of a massive pulmonary embolism, stroke and death over 90%. I thought just a bruise no big deal. Well taking aspirin with a massive clot essentially lubricates the veins/arteries helping to move the clot to the lungs and heart much faster.
They put me on Eliquis after a long fight with my docs about leaving the hospital.Of course I’m sitting in the back of my Uber when I got a text from CVS telling me Eliquis is NOT covered by by Cigna! What else is new, they cover NOTHING! Cigna told me they had the exact same drug by another name that would the same thing. I called my doc and she told me turn around and get back to the hospital NOW! So I got to spend 3 sleepless nights in the Cardio wing. Only when threatened by a letter Fed-Exed by “My Lawyer🤣” Father in Law did they agree to pay the $1500 and the Doc let me go home.
Sorry for blathering, but what I had completely forgot about, was the day before the clot hit, I was involved in what I thought was a minor fender bender accident in my Wife’s new car. Some Jerk cut over from the 3rd lane to try to make the right turn lane at 50 mph, hitting my drivers front fender and sending me spinning in the pouring rain. I was focused only on not flipping the car and don’t even remember how many curbs I hit, but the car was still sitting on all 4 tires when I got it stopped.It ripped the whole rear bumper off the car that hit me, but of course no license plate as the car was stolen.

Before I went to the mountains on Wednesday they told me they were going to total the car so come get anything you want to keep. Honestly I thought the car looked great considering what we went through. As we took a closer look the entire car was twisted from bumper to bumper! They popped the hatch with a pry bar and the whole car shifted another 2+ inches. So apparently all of the G-Forces and impacts were transferred to me and I was slamming my left leg on the door speaker every time we bounced, so blood clot!Have to give a shout out to Audi, they build one heck of a car!
Wish you all well in the New Year!
I drink caffeinated soda - and it probably does bother my bladder, but sometimes so does water.

If i drink so then switch to pure water, I’ll have two days of the worst spasms ever then they will calm down. But even drinking just water doesn’t mean I steer clear from spasms and leakage - so it’s just a “why bother “ and enjoy what I like.

I don’t drink coffee though,

I gave up caffine the same time I bought my kegalhard device. 6 weeks later I'm pretty dry. Like 99.5%.
Caffine was causing my leaking I reckon. Man I wish I have listened to the advice from my urologist from a year ago!
Now I drink Nespresso decaf and can't tell the difference. Win win.
Coffee is a life saver. I drink it a lot - but not to late in the evening. Decaf? No - then I can drink water :D
I’m 68 and 10 weeks post op from an RP with nerve sparing. I’m down to a couple of lightweight pads a day and dry at night. I generally try to drink decaf if I can but have the occasional full caffeine. To be honest I can’t say that I notice much of a difference to my continence. I drink some beer and wine, in moderation, and provided I don’t overdo it, I don’t notice much in the way of side effects. It’s obviously good to be rid of the cancer but I’m trying to get back to as much pre-cancer normality as possible.
When I asked my doctor they suggested I switch from coffee to espresso, much less water (I only use a small amount of milk and a hazelnut powder).
I see this thread originally started a long time ago - indeed I contributed briefly to it - but contributions still coming in so here is my overall experience: I was an avid drinker of strong black coffee for years, morning noon and night, through college, living abroad, and then at home and work. (I'm 78 now). It definitely had an effect on my frequency/urgency but I mostly ignored this: coffee was part of my way of life. About 20 years ago switched to decaffeinated, and on the whole am not sure if I really noticed the difference to frequency - I had just become so used to living with it - I was really trying to avoid the nerviness that coffee was starting to give me. Then I started to find that decaffeinated coffee (still strong and black, and always with a lot of sugar and/or sweetener) was becoming nauseating, so switched to tea. I had always avoided ordinary caffeinated tea, as I found it had a really bad effect on my frequency/urgency. However, stupidly I stayed with Earl Grey tea for a few years, then finally changed to decaffeinated tea. It is brilliant, why didn't I do this sooner ... I have stuck with it. 1 cup decaffeinated tea = 1 cup water, for my system anyway.

I never drink fizzy drinks of any sort; I do drink some fruit juice, a glass of orange in the morning and fruit cordial with water with dinner in ht evening. I used to drink just water with dinner, but a few years ago our tap water started to smell strongly of chlorine and I really dislike this - the cordial is to disguise it. (I won't buy bottled water).
I’m 68 and 10weeks post op RP. It’s been a difficult time but with regular Kegelexercises theres been a slow but very gradual improvement. I’m dry at night and get through a couple of lightweight pads a day but I’m still learning about what I can and cannot eat and drink.
@Dewibach1 - Even being female, it sounds like you are doing very well - I am stuck in pull ups 24/7 - Pam
Dewiback, You are going really well. For only 10 weeks in mate that's quite amazing. No doubt you'll be on the road to a full recovery.
Thankfully I am now in the same boat, but it took a LOT longer than it did for you!
This will give so many men that read this hope that a normal life is possible.
No cafine, kegels and regular exercise is the key IMO.
Cheers all
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