Clamp question


Staff member
I got a Lunderg clamp and with some trial and error I got it feeling comfortable while wearing. The only concern I have is after about a hour of sitting and I get up to go to the bathroom I get pain from the pressure of the urine in my bladder. Can anyone tell me if this is normal and if so will it start going away the longer I use the clamp.
Responded to wrong question. With the clamp I don’t attempt to let my bladder fill too much. I also don’t tighten it completely, which can lead to leaking if I wait too long to void. I wouldn’t wear it out without depends as backup.
If you are still working on strengthening your PFMs with Kegel exercises be aware that by wearing the clamp or catheter too often you might do yourself a disservice. I have noticed that after taking those devices off after usage my muscles were too relaxed in effect allowing much more leakage. In other words my PFMs were getting lazy knowing they don't have to work as hard keeping bladder in check . I still wear the clamp from time to time but only if I have to go for an appointment somewhere. I am still in the process of strengthening my PFMs so am aware of how they react in certain situations.
I'm not sure bladder pressure is the cause of the pain.
"Normal" people have a full bladder without pain. I also experienced pain with clamps after a hour or so.

I now have an AUS which is an internal clamp and don't have any pain
under any circumstances
There must be something else going on.
The reason clamps cannot be worn for long is that the vascular bundle is at the top of the penis. The substantial pressure from below to impede leakage is equaled at the top, which shuts down blood flow; pain will follow, though urinary tract infection is another common source of discomfort.
I have had discomfort and some pain when releasing the clamp. I dont use them much anymore even tho they do work well and save money by not needing absorbent products or not as many of them. They work better for some than other definately worth trying them in my opinion.
Thank you for this thread and everyones’s input.

What are clamps best used for, in what situations, and how long?

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