Botox helps me 70-90%, depending on the day. I get max benefits for three months then have none left by six months. The efficacy gradually tapers. If you’re in the U.S., your doctor will likely start you on 100 cc’s/units. If that amount doesn’t help you enough, inform your doctor that in Canada, the UK, and Australia, they usually start with 200-300 cc’s/units. 200 works twice as good for me as did 100. I have never had to self-cath. Every country I’ve ever researched considers 400 cc’s/units of Botox to be the max a human can safely receive in a 3-month period. I know this because I also get 200 for migraines so my brain neurologist and urologist check with each other. Make sure your insurance will pay for it before you get it because if not, you’ll be shelling out at least $2,500.