Thank you everyone. @Boomersway a diazepam suppository sounds nice so they can get that my bladder to relax. Does the suppository go into your urethra directly? A female’s urethra hole is like just a little pinprick of a hole; super duper tiny, not sure a pill could fit in there. I’m definitely going to make sure I talk to or see my urologist again today. I think I have retention. My pee is increasingly cloudy. I have been reassured by my various urologists throughout life that there’s actually no reason why Botox should stop working for those of us with true Neurogenic Bladder because people get Botox in their faces for decades and decades and it never stops working. I’ve had it in my trapezius muscles and neck to treat migraines for a decade and it hasn’t lost any efficacy. I’ve been getting it in my bladder for six or seven years and I’ve never had an issue.
I think that maybe because my urologist knows the injections hurt me a lot that instead of giving me the standard 44 injections, she narrowed it down to eight or 10 – I wasn’t counting – trying to be nice to me - but instead ended up putting up too much in just one part of my bladder.
I noticed overnight when I took my muscle relaxer for sleep for my bones that it helped my bladder. So did laying on my side. I don’t want to do that all day for the next month, though. I think resting is going to happen, though.
@lorumipsum Generally, it takes 14 days of Botox to start really working, to be at max bladder muscle paralysis. One does have to strain harder during the first two weeks following those first 14 days. But I’ve still always been able to get 100% flow. Personally, I would rather strain a little with my typical Botox dosing than to be awake every 5 to 20 minutes every night. Not getting Botox is not an option for me. Botox is for life for me if I ever want any sleep. If you can’t sleep, every other part of your body breaks down and I think it’s a good part of the reason why so much of my body is soooooo broken down at such a young age: because I’ve slept very little and like crap my whole life.
Let’s keep this topic open and see what we think is going on. let’s let each other know what our Urologists say and I wish you all the best. I don’t mind those first two weeks of a little bit of retention and having to squeeze harder but I do mind this totally frozen bladder bomb sitting in my lower abdomen.
As for OB/GYN stuff, yes, @Boomersway I, like you, now have the horrible delight of having a yeast infection that I’ve now got to treat separately, oh joy.