Better days


Staff member
Hi everyone,
The last few days have been really good- only one accident in 3 days. I don't want to get too excited about this and then hit rock bottom later if my accidents increase dramatically again. Have any of you with OAB experienced this where you have times of complete or almost complete control or normalcy? Is OAB something that "flares up" and is better and worse at different times?
I do find that the amount I leak can vary quite a bit depending on a lot of factors. The weather, what I eat, how much I drink and what I'm drinking, summer vs winter, anxiety, and more.

I can often have a "less wet" day, maybe two - but I'm never dry, and I don't think I have ever gone three days in a row.

I hope this is the start of a change for the better for you. But accept what comes. Don't let a setback cause your mood to crash. This isn't something we can control, and nothing to do with the body is completely logical.
Glad for you Sarah! Try to be aware of any changes in what you ate or drank stress level excercises and weather in this time of being better to have understanding of factors that were at the dry time
I have noticed that I have more accidents when I feel cold and/or if I have a cup of coffee but I think I realized the reason today for my short reprieve.. all my kids had gotten the flu this past week and so I spent most of my time sitting with one or more of them rather than being on my feet and active and out and about.. my issues came back as before today and I realized that my schedule just returned to normal. 😕
Yep, I’ve just had a couple of really good days after three days of hell after eating too many curries (of all things) this week. Bladder is in top shape... for now. Enjoy!
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