Bedwetting, cycles?


Staff member
Hi all,

First what a great place to share our experiences and support each other in a non shameful forum. Thanks for all that make this place so supportive and friendly.

To my question. Background, 40 something male who has dealt with bedwetting since his teens. It has always been a random and occasional situation. However for the past month and a half or so it has been a weekly thing. Now I know from time to time I wet more then usually so not a total surprise to me. Just one of these more wet cycles is all. But got me to thinking does anyone else who occasionally bedwets experience these cycles of lesser to more to lesser wet accidents?
Hi Jaytee,

For me I don’t bedwet however during the day I do experience cycles in which I have way more accidents for a few weeks and then nothing for many weeks and then wet incidents. So I understand it from a different perspective. Hopefully that makes some sense. Lol.
Hi Jayfee
I feel for your situation. I am a Continence Nurse and I would like to assure you that there is right management and treatment for your issue.
I would recommend to you to see a Urology Specialist as there are different causes of your issue and needs to be identified and treated accordingly.
I hope this helps
Hi Jaytee, I have times of the year that it’s worse for me, I live in Minnesota and the colder temps play hell with my nerves and the accidents are much more frequent and heavy but besides that my diet makes a big difference on the severity and frequency of my IC.

You may have missed my earlier post. I think there is a solution that you should seriously consider, which is to reduce or eliminate the leakage using an external device. Stopping the leakage is much better than dealing with the leakage, I have found. I'm using a soft silicone sleeve device designed to put pressure on the urethra, which shuts down most of my leakage. I wear it 14 hours a day, without need for removal or adjustment. Daytime,I would normally be a moderate level leaker, but at night slightly less so, since I do sleep on my back mostly...and don't hydrate much after late afternoon. I have details,if you are interested. Duane
Hi Jaytee.I,ve been a wetter for yrs and still have periods of down pours and times I can control it better.

It does make sense. Not having day issues I hadn’t even thought about it happening in cycles too.

Thanks for the info. Not sure it is something I’d need or use. I only bedwet occasionally not every night or even every few nights. But maybe others will see and contact you.

Thx for the note. My own primary issues with leakage are daytime, which is when I mostly need to wear the aid. At night, if I've lost count of the beers, I definitely need to wear it then, as well. Yesterday, I wore the unit 15 hours and forgot it was on when I went to bed. After ten minutes (no beers earlier), I remembered and removed it. It is nice to have, if needed. Best wishes to you. Duane
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