Childhood bedwetting/adult bedwetting

Used to wet my bed regularly as a boy and sometimes my pants - more or less dried up at night by mid teens - but have always dribbled a bit in my pants after peeing - bedwetting returned on a regular basis at 40, and later daytime accidents - I suppose I was never really 100% dry.
I have had lots of medical intervention with little success - diagnosed as overactive bladder with urgency - need to use nappies/diapers now 24/7 / embarrassing condition, but at least not life threatening - I use nappies so that I can lead a “normal” life and not have a life ruled by my bladder
John1967 said:
Used to wet my bed regularly as a boy and sometimes my pants - more or less dried up at night by mid teens - but have always dribbled a bit in my pants after peeing - bedwetting returned on a regular basis at 40, and later daytime accidents - I suppose I was never really 100% dry.
I have had lots of medical intervention with little success - diagnosed as overactive bladder with urgency - need to use nappies/diapers now 24/7 / embarrassing condition, but at least not life threatening - I use nappies so that I can lead a “normal” life and not have a life ruled by my bladder
I wear nappies 24/7 too
I was a childhood bedwetter. It got better for a couple years, but now it is back. It is diagnosed as stress related. I don't like the meds so I am back in diapers, but they tend to leak around my legs. I can't seem to get the tapes tight enough.
I would suggest going to a pull_up, overnight cloth diaper, with plastic pants. Initial cost is high, but with proper care,they will last for years. My diapers are over 3 years old and still are in good shape. I bought 6 at one time for about 250.00 from
lorumipsum said:
I recall one or two bedwetting incidents but I was not a regular bed wetter as a child or teenager. I waited until I was an adult to start the waterworks.


I bet it was a shock when it started. I know when my bedwetting started as a teen I was shocked. I was like, what the heck I cannot be peeing my bed at my age. What is going on.
I’ve never been able to stay dry at night. My condition is not typical at all but I highly recommend you have your people checked for this. I hated sitting in dr. Offices as a 10-15 year old having to answer questions from dr. Or worse nurses about my wetting problems. I always was told with my mom I would outgrow the problem. Now I was a teenage boy wearing thick pin on cloth diapers to bed and thick “training pant” type of underwear during the day to try and control leaking. I also had clothes brought to school by my mom many times when I wet my pants. Well not until my early 30’s did I have a complete euro. Study done that determined I had a neurogenic bladder which, as the dr. Said, my bladder worked like a baby in that the signals from my bladder to my brain don’t work properly and my personal struggle was simply a medical condition I had absolutely no control over. Once I knew this the use of my overnight cloth diapers and daytime disposables are simply a method to manage my issue. I don’t announce but don’t hide the issue either like I used to. Anytime I have to share a room or when my diapers are noticed I have no problem explaining why.
@donny4 Your experience sounds most like mine. I was in cloth diapers through kindergarten. To start first grade, I wore thick training pants with plastic pants and I wore those until middle school. I had to undress for gym and for the first time, I had regular boys briefs. I continued to wear cloth diapers and plastic pants for bedwetting until I was 14. Bedwetting returned when I was in college and drank beer.

The family doctor always told my mom I’d outgrow my issues but when I was 25, I saw urology for the first time. I was diagnosed with hypogonadism - underdeveloped urinary system. My efforts to gain control in my teens actually exacerbated the problem as I artificially increased my bladder capacity and caused permanent bladder and kidney damage.

Daytime accidents returned and now I’ve lost all urine control.

I prefer the cloth diaper for both comfort and protection. I use a Northshore Megamax diaper during the day. I actually don’t have any problem with my issues. I like myself the way I am, and I like wearing a diaper. I’m comfortable and secure and I always felt that way, even when I was growing up. I never felt like anything was wrong with me, and I never had a problem with being wet. When I was offered a surgical solution, I decided against it. I’d rather be in a diaper.
This topic describes my who life. No problem, I would rather use protection than have surgery. At least things are manageable. 🙂 Donny and Jason, good posts, I can relate.

Have a good weekend everyone! Happy holidays!

I would guess that if u were a bedwetting child you're more likely to be a bedwetting adult. I mean, it makes perfect sense. Id say its much less likely to just randomly start happening as an adult with no previous history of it unless a person is injured etc that causes bladder issues. Of course, I can't say for sure. I myself never achieved dryness at night. Daytime is a struggle as well, but at night if I don't have a diaper on, its a guaranteed soaked bed and always has been. I just don't wake up or i wake up occasionally but its too late. My 2 brothers (I was the only girl) never wet the bed or their pants past 4-5 and as adults, they don't have that problem either. It can definitely feel pretty humiliating but all we can do is the best we can. Easier said then done for sure. Especially when you're mopping up a puddle or changing wet pants, its hard to accept. But we're all in this together and I've noticed its a bit easier to accept and deal with when we're surrounded by a caring little community like this that understands our struggles. As a kid, it was a very lonely struggle. I'm sure many others here can relate. The only girl in middle school who couldn't go to slumber parties or summer camp. The only girl in 5th grade who still needed extra clothes in her locker. The only high schooler who often sported the hideous oversized borrowed blue gym shorts that basically screamed 'i peed my pants.'Might as well have worn a sign around my neck. But hey, all that to say, whether we struggled as a kid, adult or both, its okay. We all struggle and we're all in this together. Happy New Year. ☺

Yes same story here. The best thing today however is I now just accept things as they are and manage everything with diapers. Very thankful I never get any skin irritation from being wet.
Amen to both of you.👍 I only did a couple sleep overs as a kid too and both times ended up soaked. As a kid and an adult it really is sad when you have to know where every bathroom is around town or when traveling. 😕
It just seems like everyone has their own type of what is normal for their specific situation. Not exactly glamorous but I’m just glad we have methods for management that can get us through the day and night.
Have a nice day everyone. Be safe tonight, and May each of you be Blessed Abundantly this New Year!

Off to work...
Sleepovers were out of the question for me. When I was 10, my grandmother died and my parents left town for 5 days to arrange services and burial. I was left with a nearby aunt and uncle. She had two boys, a newborn and a 3 year old. At bedtime, she’d change her newborn, then put my 3 year old cousin in diapers, and then me. I thought this was an improvement of my own home situation. I was with other boys like me, and my older sister, who tormented me, wasn’t there. I was sorry to return home when my parents got back and missed being with other boys in diapers.
Happy new year to all. Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable new year and find a solution to better manage their issues. I don't like to bed wet, but it has been an issue that I've dealt with since birth, except for a short time when I was from 18yrs.old (in 1969), to about 23. In between this time frame, my bedwetting was sporadic.
I learned to manage my bedwetting years ago with mattress protection, nappies and plastic pants and no longer worry about it
Hi all, I’m a newbie here. A 23 year old female university student. Glad I found this forum and everyone. I’ve been having the same struggle for my whole life, since I was young I was a bedwetter and also during day time as well. Living in my grandma’s house when I was young didn’t help at all, I would always be beaten by this. I was always told, like most of you, that I will outgrow of this, but of course nothing happened. In the recent years I’m becoming more and more aware that this is indeed something unintentional, I should start to also seek for professional help. Reading more about nocturnal enuresis I realised maybe I should also seek help from a psychologist? Since I grew up with this I was always ashamed, punished by my family and embarrassed in front of school mates, which results in me being extremely low in self-esteem,confidence and also i am struggling in general with accomplishing things.I also realised this is happens more often in the male percentages than the female percentage? Anyone knows anything about this? Thank you soo much~
To add on this during the nights I never realise when I wet my bed and growing no one believed what I said, which I guess didn’t help at all. I tried soo many options like drinking less, going to the toilet before sleep. Have to be honest but it has quite an effect on my daily social life as well, but I’m glad and feel immediately warm inside that I found a community like this, thank you once again!
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