Childhood bedwetting/adult bedwetting


Staff member
Was looking for some help answering this question. I had problems with bedwetting well into my teens with no cause ever found and then I had some dry years but now wet the bed as an adult. Can there be any correlation? Are you more likely to wet the bed as an adult if you did as a child? I haven't been able to answer that. Thanks.
I had the same thing happen to me. Early to late teens before it calmed down. Then a few years went by after being dry to a full out issues at night and during the day. Been through many tests. The doctors told me I was developing overactive bladder. He wanted and tried to push surgery to fix it. I ask him what the outcome would be after surgery. He said it might cure it but I might have slight leaks once in a while. Nope! I will stick with wearing diapers. It took me a long time to adjust. Once I did, it was no problem. You should get checked out at least and rule out serious problems.
JWT said:
I had the same thing happen to me. Early to late teens before it calmed down. Then a few years went by after being dry to a full out issues at night and during the day. Been through many tests. The doctors told me I was developing overactive bladder. He wanted and tried to push surgery to fix it. I ask him what the outcome would be after surgery. He said it might cure it but I might have slight leaks once in a while. Nope! I will stick with wearing diapers. It took me a long time to adjust. Once I did, it was no problem. You should get checked out at least and rule out serious problems.

Thanks. I've had a myriad of tests but nothing seems to solve it. I have alot of issues though and some could be related. I need a surgery for something else that may or may not help. I just get the sense that the bedwetting is linked to a development issue. I'm 34 and I still can't get used to wearing diapers and really dislike them. I'm still hopeful that eventually I won't need them.
I was a chronic nightly wetter as a kid and throughout my teens. I wasn't reliably dry at night until my early 20's. I have had episodes of bedwetting throughout my adult life and have been back to nightly wetting since my late 40's. I've had all the tests done. I'm diagnosed as being incontinent due to diabetic neuropathy but no one ever found why I wet the bed growing up.
My Mother always said it was hereditary. I had an uncle who wet his bed all his life. My mother was a late bedwetter and both her and my Grandmother became incontinent in late middle age.
One of my family members went through same thing with nighttime bedwetting as teen. All kinds of medications, tests, doctors visits, social workers for anxiety...lots of frustration. Someone else recommended looking at her sleep patterns as a common reason that is often undiagnosed by doctors. This was the cause. She had kind of sleep disorder that meant she didn't have normal REM cycles. Nerves were sending signal but brain was in too deep of a sleep always to hear them and wake her up. It took about 6 months of training with monitor to wake her up and break the sleep pattern to fix the problem and start having normal sleep cycles. I would think this could be issue with teens or adults the same. There are coaches that can help guide you through this process which is very helpful because you'll want to give up when quick results don't happen, but it really takes patience and discipline to correct.
Have really wet at night my whole life. The frequency got slightly better in my 20's and by that I mean I would have 1-2 dry nights a week. Always struggled with daytime leakage also and usually had to rush to the bathroom 15+ times a day. I could handle nighttime with thick cloth diapers and plastic pants (along with a mattress protector) but during the day I hated wearing thick layers of underwear and still getting wet spots on my pants. When they came out with adult pull ups I chose to wear those. Wasn't until sometime in my 30's I had a through urodynamic study done and the urologist said I had a neurogenic bladder, and I had had it for along time. He didn't know what the cause was as it is usually accident related or caused by spina bifida, or something like that. Anyway he said I could have been born with it, which I'm guessing is the case since I wet my bed every night growing up, often many times a night. He said my bladder reacts more or less like a babies in that the brain messages don't communicate with my bladder properly. In addition up to age ten I would wear training type of thick underwear and plastic pants during the day because otherwise I'd have pretty wet pants all the time.
These days I just wear good quality tape on briefs during the day and cloth at night. I do overflow my thick diapers at night some days which is why the mattress cover comes in handy. I have also discussed with my doctor the idea of surgery but have received the same reply, "well it might help the situation". I'm not willing to have a surgical procedure done that isn't pretty certain to work. At this point in my life I'm so used to diapers I really have no problem with them aside from the inconvenience. I was also lucky enough to have skin that has no problem with being wet as I never get any irritations or rashes.
Willing to share.

I wet sporadically until I was 12 or 13 then nothing significant, once a year or less for 25-30 years with less than 12-15 events.

Nearly three years ago I began to wet the bed, went 5 nights catching myself all but one or two nights. You can't hide that from your spouse. I hear many of you "deciding" to wear diapers. LOL--the decision was not mine. I spoke to my wife and she has been the most wonderful but didn't ask me about diapers, it was not a choice. I am thankful for her support and strength and knowledge of me because without her I would not be as responsible about this and she has demanded.

All of that to say, yes, I had issues later into my youth than is normally considered the statistical norm though I did enjoy years of dry. Now I sleep with protection and wet 5 out of 7 nights.

Thanks all, nice to be able to share.
Hi all.Chaps54 your story sounds a lot like mine had some late accidents then dry then around 50 became a bed wetter again.The part about talking with my wife then going back in diapers.
Talking to the continence nurse I see periodically it is not uncommon for men to start bedwetting again. I told her what My Mother always said "Once a bedwetter, always a bedwetter" She laughed and said "You know there is always some truth in Old wives tales".
I wet the bed regularly until age 6 and occasionally until 7. I then was dry until age 25 when I started to wet the bed again. I then lost daytime control a few later and am fully urinary incontinent at 32. My dad wet the bed until 16, so I guess is a genetic connection. I am grateful that I didn't wet during my teen years as I would have missed out on numerous sleepovers, scout camping trips and many other things.
stonne168 said:
I wet the bed regularly until age 6 and occasionally until 7. I then was dry until age 25 when I started to wet the bed again. I then lost daytime control a few later and am fully urinary incontinent at 32. My dad wet the bed until 16, so I guess is a genetic connection. I am grateful that I didn't wet during my teen years as I would have missed out on numerous sleepovers, scout camping trips and many other things.

I wet the bed well into my teen years. Then I was somewhat dry. I've never in my life been completely clear. For alot of years it would happen maybe 5 times until eventually wetting more constant again. It really bothers me. I stay in hotels alot for work so I have no choice but to use bed pads and even diapers. It's wierd saying this but I would be happy if I could wear pull ups. Im not there yet though. I've done so much to figure out why and nothing seems to cure it. I think there is something linked to childhood. Maybe something neurological.
I was dry at night at the so called normal age like 2.5.3 years old. Had a few wet pants as a kid but nothing out of the norm and only one wet bed that I can remember.

But when I entered my teen years I started to have some wet nights. Not many, one every few months but enough that I noticed that this was not the norm. I never stopped having those occasional wet nights. It fluctuates from maybe one to two a month to once a week for a while. It is so random for the most part. I did notice that at times of stress I tend to wet the bed more frequently but most of the time there is no real reason as to why I bedwet.

Not really an answer to your question, but wanted to let you know that you are not alone. Adult bedwetters are out there.

I had similar history. Wet through elementary school. Slowly tapered down until i was completely dry by age 17. Started up again around 20, and slowly ramped up until age 30, when i had a major relapse. Back in diapers at night since then.
Wow. It seems like more than a few of us have shared a similar timeline; having dealt with bedwetting as kids/teens, entering a period of having little to no accidents and then the problem returning in adulthood: either due to health issues, life stress or even unknown reasons.

Myself for example, 31yr old guy. Was a bedwetter until 17, had a mostly dry period until my mid 20s and bam. My wetting came back. I know NOW that I have PTSD and my wetting returned as a symptom of that. But many of us here share such a similar timeline.
I started bedwetting again last year. I have been to a urologist who diagnosed me with neurogenic bladder. Now in the care of a neurologist trying to find a cause. Been in full time diapers for almost a year now.
I wad a chronic bedwetter until about 18. Diapers and plastic pants were hard to find, So I didn't have any. Woke up soaked from head to toe ev6 morning. After 18, it was hit or miss with my bedwetting for the next few years. Then it came back again. Now I use cloth diapers and plastic pants. BTW, I am now 68 and still a bedwetter. Haven't had a dry night in years.
I recall one or two bedwetting incidents but I was not a regular bed wetter as a child or teenager. I waited until I was an adult to start the waterworks.
I was a heavy bedwetter into my teens too. It trickled down to a couple time a year. A couple months after moving in with my partner. It happened. We had a little mg talk while I stood in front of him in wet briefs,about my bedwetting history. I realized I never really stopped and was always a bedwetter. After that I was back in bedtime diapers and then my bedwetting came back in Ernest.
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