Bah Humbug or hip hip hurray that is the question.


Staff member
Had my follow-up CT done today for my wound closer issue.

Long story short back in November I did not feel well and went to take a sower. Well, my wound smelled horrid and it freaked me out. I went to the smaller ER as it was not actively leaking.

Well, they did a CT there and found inflammations so I was stuck on antibiotics.

They wanted a full contrast CT done for follow up which was today.

I have a GI appointment on the 7th that has nothing to do with any of this but now has to and I hope to get the all-clear, or I will have to wait to tell the 22nd and see if I feel up to driving myself to Florida.

Or just saying Bah Humbug and staying home this year again.

It is not a money issue on this but just a health one so I don't know yet. Just have to wait.
What you need to remember, your health is more important than any trip. Wound care is very important because sepsis can occur very, very quickly. It’s nothing to play around with. I lost my right leg from the knee down from a small cut. I got necrotizing facisitis, a flesh eating bacteria, and lost my leg in less than 3 days. Be careful with all wounds. I’m sure you will - just saying. I’ll pray for you and wish you the best. Take care and enjoy life. Happy Holidays my friend.

That is what I have been telling my parents and family.

My wound is still not healed and I had surgery on October 26. The CT I had today was to check if what they found on November 20th went away or if we have to go at it with other things. So no matter what I have to wait tell I get the results back for that.

The big thing is that my ride to Florida is my dad. He wants to leave on the day of my appointment (7th) so we can be home for my two nephews' daycare play.

I told my mom tonight that three things have to happen or I will have to wait tell the 22nd no matter what.

My car is due for inspection. I need the results from this CT, and I need an all-clear from my doctors.

I cannot even do a basic cleaning on my apartment until I get an all-clear so.

The last thing is if I drive myself on the 22nd then I have to get the Oil changed in my car.
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