Staff member
So I have no IBD but the GI doctor found what my physians assistance thought was going on months ago. So I am not going #2 everything that I am passing is the result of the constipation I am dealing with. The CT showed that I was full of stool again. They gave me 593ml of magnesium citrate to drink. Did that on Friday. I was supposed to drink it in one go and mixed it with blue Gatorade and got it done in three hours. I don't think that it worked as well as the doctor hoped it would and I still have diarrhea today but I am also taking a double dose of Miralax as well as the other medications. The big tell is that I passed corn, last time I had corn was two weeks ago. I have a appointment with my doctor tomorrow to get paperwork done for work (yea more paperwork) and decide if I have to stay out of work. The big thing is that today I am back in pain after eating and my bottom hurts from all the diarea. I really hope for the best but I am preparing for the worst. I really like the GI doctor and how upfront they were with what may happen if we don't get this solved soon. I have to follow up with them this week as well so that they know what is going on. If this pain keeps up then I will need another CT. I asked the doctor about the x-ray as they are cheaper for me but they don't do the same thing so I may be back and forth getting CT scan s for a bit. Not fun as they give me a wicked headache. Good thing is that I will have paperwork to stay out of or leave work if I need to tell we get this sorted out or something.