Autism and partial incontinence


Staff member
I was wondering if someone could help me word how I am feeling so it doesn't sound as "special" like as it has to do with Autistic mindset and embarrassed and dont feel comfortable communicating it in the real world if it makes sense so I can get help as I tend to feel lik SH when it pops up?
I am having issues with my bladder with episodes of incontinence, normal and retentness to the point it is messing with my mind to the point I wished I either had full or no control (as in full urinary incontinence) I think it has to do with the Autistic all or nothing mindset
Its to the point I am making myself sick with restricting fluids
also sometimes I wish I wet the bed (blush) as sometime the bladder gets painfully full or i have disturbed sleep 😢 go this really makes me sound extremely bad idiotic stupid spastic (no idea) sorry
I wished my bladder and bowels were normal but unlikely ever will due to nerve issues 😢
could one of you rewrite it so it doesn't sound so spastic like so I can print it and hand it to someone I am really sorry 😢
Hi and welcome aboard.

First off don’t start restricting fluids as it will just make your incontinence worse.

I am not the best wordsmith either lol so probably don’t use mine ;)

Sounds like you have retention issues combined with incontinence or Over active bladder, bladder spasms, or stress incontinence or a combination of everything. Not sure if you are seeing a doctor however I assume you are. Or better yet maybe see an urologist to get a full diagnosis. You may benefit from intermittent catheterization or even using a Foley catheter. Not sure who you are trying to give a summary too. Curious is did you damage your nerves in an accident or from anything you know of.

You found a great place to come. Everyone here is very accepting, non judgemental and is just here trying to help, get help, or just communicate with people who will understand some parts of what you are going through.

I wish you all the best and don’t be sorry. Nothing is wrong you are just seeking help for something that is very difficult for most people to even talk about. So congrats to you for taking one of the hardest steps asking for help.
Not seeing a specialist as urologist refuses to do anything (due to bladder all over the place)and cant pay for a private one.

Cat Cath as I have essential tremor in my hands due to meds and worse when I am stressed.

I have nerve impingement l3l4l5s1 due to constant kicks in the back by stepfather as a child as well as had a wooden chair snap under me in 2009.

I am just so sick of the inconsistancy of my bladder to the point I am harming myself re dehydration to the point of migraines to the point I wished the doctor could give me siomething to loose the rest my bladder continence so I just have to worry about changing every couple of hours and dont have to think about the bladder at all :'(
I think I might have same problem as you do. I can't help you with what you are asking for. My restless legs and wetting are a big issue and night. I do wear diapers all the time and try to go every 2hours. I just can't tell when I have to go. I do have a learning disability, but I always wondered if I could be auisitic.
I also have autism and incontinent 1st don't cut back on fluids that is #1 see your dr then go from there.
Hi SJ, I see a different flag in your post. Can you tell us what country you are in?
Different countries have different types of medical systems and products for incontinence.

In the meantime, you are very articulate, autism is part of your expressive style and I think you can simply say what you said here:
I'm dealing with a frustrating medical problem, it appears to be linked to my autism, childhood abuse and nervous system. I'm deeply embarrassed but but I have some incontinence issues which I've tried to address medically without much help there.
I just wanted to explain this to you as I am trusting you will be a patient (friend, therapist, family member or what ever the person is to you).

I hope this helps. But please remember this is not your fault, it's a medical condition.
HI @SJPERSONAL, I'm kind of late chiming in here but in reading your post the first thing that struck me is your cutting back on fluids. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't do that! Incontinence issues or not, you need water. We all do! Your kidneys need water in order to function. And if you don't drink your urine gets very concentrated and that irritates your bladder even more. You want to take care of your kidneys for sure! If they go out of business then it's game over! I don't want to scare you but hey, you've only got one body and you want to take care of it in the best way possible!
We all get that. I know what you're thinking about that and drinking more will make you pee more. Just enhance the protection you wear with booster pads or diaper covers, or even a more absorbent undercover. Fortunately you do have choices. And enhancing protection is perfectly okay and it's something that's normal for us on the forum. You can go online and type in adult incontinence supplies and you will see many companies that have what you need. Most have very knowledgeable sales people who can talk to you and advise what is best for your situation. Please don't be embarrassed talking to someone at a company as they are there to help and are totally understanding.
But unfortunately bladder issues happen and it's not your fault at all. The urinary system is one of many different systems in our bodies and the number of things that can happen to any of those systems is totally surprising. As people get older, things happen and things break down, sadly. But with incontinence there are plenty of ways to help. I'm glad you reached out to us. This is probably the best forum anywhere around for incon issues as everybody is eager to help and understand. So please don't beat yourself about the head wondering why you're incontinent.
I am sorry to read that your stepfather kicked you in the back. I hate child abuse! No reason in the world for it! We have had fairly recent posts on that and please take the time to read them.
So, SJ (if I may call you that), I hope we have helped, and if you still have questions and comments, please come here and we will put our heads together and see what we can offer!
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