Anyone have a good experience with Interstim?


Staff member
I have heard from many who have had issues with Interstim, and I really appreciate the feedback.
Has anyone on this site had a good experience with Interstim?
Thanks for your help. I am still trying to make a decision
@stuart I shall also be interested in any views on this as it may be the next step for me. However, my urology nurse can't seem to find out if a herniated disc could prevent me having it anyway, Phil
Phil, I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV, but I can't believe it is that difficult to get an answer to your question. Has you asked your urology doctor the question?
@stuart I will ask when I manage to get an appointment. I have just had Botox, so they won't install one for quite a long time. Cheers Phil
I’ve heard good things about the interesting from the women I know who have had it installed but not many guys I’ve talked to about it are having good results. It’s always worth resurching
@stuart Botox hasn't been as good second time round. I am getting fewer spasms but I am still leaking more than I would like. First time I had about three months completely dry. Phil
Pete, that is a really interesting comment that I have not heard before. I will follow up on that. Thank you for sharing.
I haven’t tried it although it has been something recommended. Medtronic interstim for bowel incontinence. I can’t help but think that part of the success rate may correlate to the specific causes of your incontinence. Most commonly listed problems (Study from FDA) Lack or loss of benefits 49%. Pain or dysthesias 27.8%. Complications at generator implantation site 8.7%. Adverse events are very common. Surgeons should counsel patients of high likelihood of secondary surgeries. 2016 May 6. A study my husband found from GI Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
@jah these figures look similar to a UK study by the national institute for clinical excellence. I asked my consultant about what to me seems like a low success rate, but she said that for a new medical technique this was fairly normal. I will be doing some more research before I investigate it further, Phil
72 year old male. My problems are urgency and frequency with mild leaking. My bladder sounds off at about 4 ounces. Extremely low.

Prior to the Interstim I had 4 cystoscopy with dilation procedures.

I have been using Medtronic Interstim since April 2016. The first implant worked well, but over time it became less effective. I had the amplitude turned up to 8.5. My surgeon said that would drain the battery in 2 years instead of 5 years. So I had to have a new one implanted about 18 months later.

The Medtronic rep changed the 4 programs and frequencies. Now it is working at amplitudes of 2.0 to 3.0 depending on which program I am using.

Current performance gives me a maximum of 3 hours daytime and 2 hours night time. This is much better than every 30 minutes before the implant.

I hear that they will be producing an "MRI-friendly" version by the time I need to replace this one. That is good news, because the current model is averse to all kinds of things that one may need for emergencies and diagnosis of other conditions.

My next attempt is going to be the REZUM technique to reduce the size of my prostate. That's the steam injection procedure. It only takes 5 minutes in the office under sedation.
A little irony here. I had REZUM about 6 months ago and experienced no improvement, so my Urologist recommended Interstim as the next step. Still trying to make my mind up. Thank you for sharing your experiences and good luck with the REZUM.

Have you gone through a "Urodynamics Test"?

I had to go through this diagnostic test before they decided the course of treatment for me.


How it all started:
My problems were caused many years ago, after my 2nd kidney stone surgery. It had required 2 access holes in my back. After surgery there were 2 tubes coming from those holes for blood and urine to drain. After 3 days the tubes were removed and I was sent home. That evening at home, blood clots formed in the kidney and dropped into my bladder. The clots clogged my urethra, so I could not void. I was taken to the E/R by ambulance.

I was already in extreme agony by that time. Then an incompetent nurse inserted a Foley catheter but inflated the balloon too soon. It was in my sphincter muscle stretching it beyond limits. Oddly, no one could understand why I was screaming or what was causing my problem! :O I passed out and they admitted me to the hospital where I suffered in extreme agony day-and-night for 3 more days :(.

I finally figured it out on my own. I actually pushed the Foley in deeper past the sphincter muscle. They removed the catheter and the pain was gone, but the damage had been done. That was the beginning of my "urology career".

Urodynamics test:
The objective is to determine how much urine your bladder can hold, and how much it takes before you have to void.

This was a very humiliating experience for me. I had to overcome any modesty I had left after many years surgeries and other health issues.

The 2 female nurses had me completely undress and don the pointless hospital gown. There was an inclined table with a tiny seat that was not there for comfort. I leaned against the table and spread my legs. Below me was a bucket, and the floor was covered with towels.

A catheter was inserted. The nurses used a machine to pump fluid into my bladder. I was instructed to let them know when I had reached my limit. I held out as long as I could. They removed the catheter and told me I could void into the bucket. Well I don't know about other people, but with me, when I have waited far too long, it also stimulates my colon. I frantically tried to explain to her I needed to get to a real toilet. So I quickly dressed enough that I could run down the hall to the restroom. Whew - that was a close one!
>>>>>> END OF GRAPHICS <<<<<

The conclusion is that my bladder sounds the alarm long before it is full.
@MezaJarJarBinks I have been through this test. I also had two female nurses. As you say, the gown is more or less useless as I had it pulled up to my belly. I had two catheters, one you know where and the other up my bum. Probably the worst hospital test I have ever had, but it didn't hurt and did confirm the symptoms I had been describing. Here in the UK, having a confirmed diagnosis from this test, gives access to a set of treatments that are not available otherwise. It also gives me diaper deliveries every three months from the NHS. So in my case the embarrassment was worth it, Phil
Meza, I totally feel your pain. I had the Urodymnamics test, and it uncomfortable. I am either too old or too oblivious to worry about the embarrasement. It also confirmed that my bladder is too sensitive, empties too frequently, and doesn't totally empty. Based on the result of that test my Urologist recommended the Rezum procedure. He said that while my Prostate wasn't very large, it might be choking my urethra. I found the Rezum procedure much worse (Painful) than the Urodynamics procedure. The disappointment was that it didn't make any difference. My Urologist has told me that may happen. For me, the question is what is next. My urologist has recommended interstim but after the Rezum I a little gun-shy. This really sucks for all of us. Thanks for sharing your experience! Wish I had a better answer for us all!
stuart said:
I found the Rezum procedure much worse (Painful) than the Urodynamics procedure.

@stuart ,
Could you tell more about the "pain" you experienced:
Was the procedure painful?
Did you have sedation?
Was the healing process painful?
How long did it hurt?
Did it cause you to lose sleep?
How many steam points did the doctor do?

Thank you!
I had the Rezum procedure in the urologist office. I was given one pain pill prior to the procedure - not sure what it was - but it didn't do enough. I was totally awake during the procedure. They put a catheter up your penis. I have had that done before, not fun but not the worst thing in the world. Than they blow hot steam up the catheter. They work it up and down. Don't know for sure how long it lasted, but it seemed forever. I would guess 5 minutes. That was really painful. I wish I was asleep during the procedure. They leave a catheter in for two days. Again, not fun but bearable. There was some blood after the procedure, but not terrible. Sleep is always difficult with a catheter, at least for me. Once they took the catheter out sleep got better. The problem is the procedure did nothing to improve my situation. Had it worked, I would probably have better memories of the procedure. The procedure is relatively new so there is not much data on how successful the procedure is. I hope you have better results than I did.
This has been a great thread. All of you have contributed significant information. I just want to say thank you.
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