Interstim and Similar Nerve Stimulators


Staff member
Hi All,
Someone here is looking for Interstim (or similar implant) information from Folks that have had the procedure.

Hoping everyone that does have (or has had) this nerve stimulator can share their experience for all of us that are interested or who their Urologist Suggested the device.

Better to hear from actual users than just take the sales pitch without being informed.

Thanks everyone.
In any operation I would ask the doctor how many years have they performed the procedure and how many procedures ha e they themselves done.
If the answer is vague or arrogant I would personally take it to be evasive and worthy of a think.
Keep in mind that if you have existing back problems and will need MRIs in your future, an interstim shouldn’t be implanted. My doctor refuses and I’m glad.
I have been living with an implanted Medtronic interstim device for many years now. This really works well for me. It works like a pacemaker for the bladder.

Before getting the permanent implant I was hooked up with an external trial. After that proved to have a positive effect I was given the "permanent" implant. (They must be replaced about every 5 years or so depending on how fast the internal battery drains.)

The device is about the size of a silver dollar. I requested that it be implanted in my back a few inches above my belt line.

Wires run under the skin to the bladder.

The device has 4 channels loaded that I can tinker with to find what works best for me. Actually, there are 99 potential programs available that the doctor or Medtronic sales rep can change and tweek. I have an external controller that I use to select one of the 4 channels and change their amplitudes. (It works like a Bluetooth device.)

Your doctor may have told you that it may take 2 weeks for you to adjust to a different channel/program. However, I have found that effects of a change are much quicker than that - maybe a day or two.

Make sure you really understand how to operate that remote control. It's easy to accidentally turn off the internal device. (Hopefully, they have improved the interface of the latest devices.)

Higher power settings will quickly drain the battery of the internal device, requiring a new implant sooner. (I had to replace mine after only 18 months. They are supposed to last 5 years.)

If you revisit a previous channel you might get shocked! So, before changing to a different channel I suggest turning the current channel power down. That way when you go back to it later you won't get shocked. Then increase the power slowly from there. Maybe keep notes of what power you were using on a channel before moving to a different one.

My doctor said that the next time I have it replaced there should be an MRI-friendly device available; I sure hope so.

Doctor skills and experience is important. Try to find the best one you can.

God bless you.
I have had two Interstim Implants. Went ahead with the second one only because it was a different Urologist and thought that could make a difference. Neither one worked for me. I had the channels changed at the doctor’s office a few times. Still didn’t work. Finally had it removed this past March.

I have never lost control yet. I might get a little moisture if I wait too long, but nothing to brag about.

My latest thing that I am praying to the Lord for wisdom is osteoporosis. I am a male, and (Lord willing) I will be 74 on August 25th. Osteoporosis is loss of bone density leading to fractures. It is mostly a female condition, but I got it anyway. There are lots of medications for it, but the side effects are very scary!

So the bladder is the least of my concerns for now.

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