Anyone else want to discuss cures or pain relief


Staff member
Guess I'm tired of talking about what incontinence protection is called. I'm looking for pain relief, cures, or a chance at more of a normal life.

Anyone trying something new out there? Medications? Surgery that helps you, not disables you further?

Right now, I'm full of medications, but trying them to see if they can steady my course in life.
Yes I am in PT for my incontince, doing keegal exercise and bladder retaining. I did the meds thing and it didn't work out for urologist suggest pt I will give it a try and see what happens. I still wear diapers 24/7. My urologist if PT doesn't work out for me then surgery is the only other option besides wearing diapers. The surgery is like a pacemaker it supposed to help you from not having accidents and cut down you needing diapers in theory. I did some research on it I get mixed info. I just might stay with wearing diapers even if PT works for me because I have other medical issues to deal with.
hey @Boomersway and everyone:

this is very interesting for me to talk about. i am a bit hesitant but talking about these issues may be helpful though at the same time could be hurtful.

i suffer from what is usually called mental illness. i have my own opinions and beliefs about it that differ from what other people think though, and some of those other people being mental healthcare professionals, i could suggest that you take what i have to say with a grain of salt. others may think i’m delusional. i don’t know. maybe i am, maybe i’m not.

but the point here is that in order to talk about pain and the relief of it, i do have to consider my mental state. also, i have mentioned here before (if i recall correctly) that i arrived at having the incontinence i have (urinary and fecal) through self harm. i am in a sense as if i were two people. a victim and a perpetrator. i hate pain and self harm does bring about pain. but then life brings about pain too so ??? all i know is that i’m never happy about my pain.

when i was a kid i used to get headaches frequently and also a mysterious pain in my lower arms and hands and also lower legs and feet. this pain would usually last about a day. my parents had me taking asperin and it helped. in college when i had a couple wisdom teeth removed my dentist suggested tylenol. i found that gradually i came to needing the maximum doses.

i guess maybe in my early thirties, i realized that i was taking way too much pain medicine. i found that (i never had this scientifically confirmed) that the ginger served with sushi has an analgesic effect and that to me seems much better than taking medicine. i also found that taking a hot shower - especially if i had a headache - would help make it go away. so these two things became a good way for me to treat pain.

but the showers lasted a long time. an hour or even longer and a long shower somehow fostered my self harm and thus creating a more painful life for myself. also, with one very bad root canal, and or cavity i was given advil and or the prescription dose but i constantly feared taking that kind of medicine on a regular basis. the result was that i pretty much stopped taking the pain meds. i generally just live with the pain. i do not writhe in agony daily or even occasionally but i do have lots of pain. hips, knees, feet, and assorted things related to my self harm both physical and mental which particularly includes the distress of being incontinent.

for me, the fear of diabetes and what it can do to a body is my second greatest fear/pain. what is worst is knowing that i will live out my life with fecal incontinence which somehow seems like some kind of self punishment though why or how i don’t really know.

now that i’m bleeping old (or so i pretend), my pcp has me on diabetes med, hbp and cholesterol meds. i don’t like taking them but i do. i was also prescribed a med for depression. i am caught in a strange place where i have meds to help and they also hurt and i have a mental illness that causes pain while seeking the relief of pain.

i am telling all of this because i think that no matter how not mentally ill someone may be or believe they are, we all do suffer in one way or another at any given time so my personal experience may be of significance to others and hopefully helpuful.

when it comes to meds, if your pain is not crippling, it may be best to not take meds at all or just at a very minimal dose(s). i use hot showers and ginger but i think there are many non med options such as meditation, therapy and more. (i do not want surgery for myself even though evidence shows that it could be particularly helpful for my knees - i don’t know if i don’t want the surgery out of fear of it or due t my self harm inclinations).

i strongly recommend avoiding meds particularly if it is just to avoid pain. of course this may not apply to extreme pain but extreme pain is a very subjective thing.

i will be very happy to discuss the things i’ve touched on here in more specific detail in this or another forum thread or PM if that is preferable to you or anyone. hoping my life experiences can be somehow helpful to someone or more in overcoming their pain and suffering.
Thank you for your honest self examination Etamilbus.
I think it is perfectly fine to share here. Incontinence is a whole person issue and you explain this very well and show compassion to share your thoughts and experiences with the goal of helping others.
When i was involved in Tibetan buddhism (40 years ago before it was a cliche and i was a lost soul wandering in Denmark) the early teachings say that all living beings experience pain and as HUMAN the highest calling of the human existence is to offer comfort and relief to the pain of others.
You might find interesting also in the concept of Bardo which is various potential "realms" of disembodied life forms between incarnations in this existence.
There are various forms of suffering that could be relating to things like an insatiable appetite, an unrequited longing for something the "ghost" can not attain in that life time. Physical pain in certain body parts until tht ghost or spirit has worked out a path to another incarnation or elevated state. ( if i recall correctly there is a short list of what amounts to the seven deadly sins that are the cause of pain)
The practice of compassion for others, for all living things, is the mantra or repeated key words to attain this elevation out of pain.
You have brought me back to a very significant life shaping philosophy by sharing your experience Etambilus. Thankmyou.
Boomer, you mentioned once sitting on a porch in the summer perhaps rocking gentley in swing feeling the cool breeze on a warm summer eve.
I dont know how to teach you to to get to that place better than to say, close your eyes, envision yhat place, see yourself on that porch, concentrate on the feeling of your hands on the wooden chair, the sway of the rocker, the scent of summer. Be aware of your breath in breath out, slow and steady. Feel the breeze pass the top of your head, ruffle your hair. Breathe in breathe out, slow and steady...
See a white light expand from your chest and surround you in a comforting glow. If other colors first come observe them nojudgement let them go... go away and rest there in your summertime porch....This is what i do when faced with a doctor surgery or dentist. Also when due to circumstances beyond my control i have been subjected to pain.

A short immediate fix for something like the dentist or a sharp pain like a head ache. I pinch the webbed area of the opposite thumb and fore finger area so hard it hurts. I dig my nsil in and put my concentation on THAT point of pain. Then release after 10 long seconds and repeat.
This especially helpful for head aches dental anesthesia and ear aches.
@Maymay941 what you are saying makes me see similarities in the interpretation of existence between buddhism (as only one example) or other religions that attribute states or embodiments or nonembodiments to realms that we can’t actually know about but still effect us so deeply. i sometimes believe i have purpoe in existing here. i sometimes believe i’m possessed by a demon. a therapist i once worked with suggested something similar about the ghost or spirt having to deal with issues that could not be worked out in life. i personally do not believe in evil. that of course does not mean that bad things don’t happen but i do believe that spirits cannot have bad intent. only misstepping while living due to inexperience, lack of opportunity or being blinded by pain or other things i am presently not thinking of. so much to think about....
A small practical point for etamilbus; if you have diabetes, hbp and high cholesterol, then I suspect that you may be overweight. If so, losing some excess would help a lot.
@etamilbus well done on letting us know all of this, it is a brave thing to do and I hope that it helps you to have it in the open. I think that you are very right to say that many people go through periods of mental health issues, I certainly have, some connected to health and some connected to other things like work stress. I have found that talking to people and walking my dogs is great therapy. I am late to being a dog owner and had no idea how much they could help after a bad day. I can lie on the sofa, put some rubbish on TV and cuddle the dogs and let some time drift by. I also agree with you about pain killers, it is better to take short doses when needed rather than take them all the time. Anyway thanks a lot for your post, cheers Phil
i do have incontinence and anxiety where i have to wear diapers 24/7. i just started PT for my incontinence, it helps with bladder retraing and kegell exirces. it is spouse to help you gain control over your bladder. i will see because of my anxiety which is moderate to server, where diapers give me that support of clam feeling sometimes. i do see a therapist on a daily basest which helps out alot. if gaining some control from my bladder would be less stressful for me. i wouldn't have to worry about accident even though that i wear diapers. i think I'm leaking through my diaper it gives me stress and anxiety alot. having to deal with this is very hard on my well being. i do look on the bright of it most of the time. sorry about my spelling.
hi @libbymac ,
thanks! actually some say i’m ok in weight and some say only slightly over. probably i should lose some but i love many things that i should not eat and eating is also my main coping mechanism. i know i should be giving some of it up but i’m not ready to.
I'm going to try tibial nerve stim.

I didn't want to do interstim....too invasive for results that really don't sound promising to me.

PTNS is very non invasive and supposed to be on par with interstim in terms of improvements...likely worth a try.
One treatment I am trying for chronic fatigue is Low Dose Nalotrexone or LDN. Which does seem to be working. Yay.

It also supposedly works for chronic pain. I have an extremely high pain tolerance so I can’t say I would really note anything as I am rarely in pain fortunately.

Just google on the web or amazon as there is lots out there in regards to LDN if you want to try something different.
mike james, toward the end of my 12-week course of ptns. it worked very well. then my doctor at kaiser only had room for me to go every other week,and it doesn't work nearly as well. now they say i can only go every third week. so many patients want it, and they don't have enough room.

i am going to discuss botox with her tomorrow, but she told me i will probably have to have general anesthesia, not a sedative as most people get. if that is the case, i don't think i will do it, as i don't want general every few months.

i am relaxing with my dog and the 5 others here for dog care today. looking fwd to my dog walker coming over. looking fwd to my broken wrist and vestibular problem healing so i can walk them myself.

thank you all, as you help to lift my spirits
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