Am I lazy?


Staff member

Bladder problems are affecting me greatly today; back to going 8-9 times in one hour.

Anyway, it got me thinking about going back to wearing protection during the day during times like these. Does that make me lazy? It just feels like every time I go, I have to go again. Might try some Go Supreme underwear from Northshore care if Adam recommends them,

Been laying down watching the walking dead. My back issues have since resolved and I’m trying not to let my memory issues affect me as I am focusing on my bladder health again.

Not sure how a pull on style underwear would fare laying down most of the day playing video games and watching Netflix. Maybe wish they had pull ons that were more supportive in that aspect.

It’s weird, normally I only have night time issues - it’s been a couple months since I’ve had daytime issues again.

Prevail 360 daily brief are modified diapers / pull-ups. They have Velcro tapes that are 4 inches long on both sides.They also have stretchy sides for movement. I pay around 55 cents each. I used them through out the day as I dribble and have pee squirts. My normal underwear days are over. Also tranquility slim line plastic diapers are great for the colder months. Very discreet and thin under clothing. Great for road trips, traveling and long walks.
Maybe try cheap grocery store pull ups for days but set yourself to get up and go hourly do it by the clock.

I had a UTI and sat for an hour at urgent care with no urge at all forced myself to pee a bit in a cup when required. I experimented and found when I'm in a place with people I don't have urge until y get back home.
Perhaps there is a place you can go to be around people who benefit from your kind self. A senior center volunteer or Animal shelter? A low key non-denominational support church?
@Percara: thanks for the tip, I will look into them. Right now I was thinking the northshore supreme lites - I’m guessing there similar to a Tranquility- but I want something that is breathable during the day and doesn’t feel like a pad while still being supportive enough to handle leaks.

@maymay941: I will try - thank you, it’s hard with my mental health condition to get out of the house these days other than doctors appointments, outings with my family, and general grocery grabbing and errands. I typically keep to myself - hoping to get out more soon when I’m feeling better; still struggling with the effects of grief.
I gave in, again, and started wearing pullups. Despite the angst towards Depend brand, I find the men's "underwear" work well for my needs. I tried the Night Defense and really liked but are significantly more expensive.

I don't need briefs yet but as discussed above the stretch briefs are great and easy to change out and about. Eventually they will be my go to. InControl makes a great one and they go on sale. Walgreens has a decent one but only good for a few hours.

Good luck
I use various brands of pull ups for when I am around the house. For me, it's easier than undoing a brief, but only if I get to the bathroom on time. Your plan to try this form of protection is, in my mind, a good one.
@Honeeecombs To your question about using pullups as being lazy I would not think of it as that. In fact I'd see it as more of a taking responsibility of your needs. By wearing a pullups does not mean you are going to use it. It is just some extra precaution you taken in case you cannot make it on time Oras you try and hold longer an accident happens.

even if you do use it for its intended purpose that is not being lazy in my mind. Again you are making a decision on how best to handle your current situation. In the end you may have less anxiety over your frequent need to pee aknowing that if an accident happens it is no big deal. so yeah, do what you feel is best to handle your current situation.

I felt like you, Honeeecombs, not wanting to use diapers. I was moaning about it to my daughter and she told me to simply use them. That is what they are for. She was right. I am fortunate that my recent Botox injections have made a major difference in my situation. While they are working, diapers remain in their package for me. Like Jaytee stated, think of it as a responsibility, despite how much you hate it. You're not lazy but understandingly irked. Hang in there.
Just because we need protection just in case we have a leak doesn't make us lazy it means we understand our condition and prepare for when we need something extra to feel good.

Not lazy at all. I fought this a lot in the beginning myself. It was like “I am/was potty trained so a day time accident was not acceptable”. This didn’t stop the accidents happening and I spent so much time and energy stressing over accidents that I was not living life.

The fact is that it was better to except it then to fight what I could not beat.
Screw it,

I’m done with the pain of bladder spasms; I’m done with the emotional toll of continence issues; I’m just going to wear a diaper and call it a day. It’s better I’m in less pain anyway…

Go for it. Don’t let life get you down because of incontinence issues. Nowadays people don’t notice what other people are wearing. They more prone to there cell phones than society.
I wear a night time diaper to movie theaters. I watch the whole movie without leaving for the restroom. Who cares.
I honestly believe that the adjustment period to accepting anything like this is longer when we think we are alone in this mess. But if you look at the availability of incon products, it's clear- I mean abundantly obvious- just how common this problem is. It isn't spoken of, because people are afraid of being humiliated, I guess, but I have yet to experience that. There was a LONNNNG period of time that I didn't tell anyone who didn't need to know- and I still don't advertise it, but any time I've had a reason to reveal it, people have been very mature in their reactions. For you, wearing just makes sense.
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