

Staff member
I can’t be the only person dealing with this! I’ve been sneezing like crazy!!! Makes my incontienence worse too. I’m on my second day of Benadryl which xeemd to be helping. But damn I’m so over this.
I use Benadryl at night since makes you drowsy and during the day I take Zertak over the counter med from Costco that helps.
@Assad yea Benadryl doesn’t make me drowsy. I just wish the itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing and randomly peeing myself (more often than normal) would stop!
At this time it may be Ragweed allergy at the beginning of the fall season.

Talk to your doctor for advise; allergy medicines like Benadryl, and many others, are available to provide relief if that is what may be causing frequent sneezing.

Essential oils help me a lot with that. I am on several allergy medications and nothing is better than my oil diffuser. (I actually have three of them set up in my apartment.)
Any change to where you are living, even just changing apartments in same building, or renovations/construction/new carpets, even other parts of building, etc?
This is a list from trying to determine source for children/grands/friends/relatives.
Have you ever been tested for allergies?
Do you have hot air heating which can recirculate air from other apartments?
We are both going through that sneeze routine.
Changes: Full Winter has finally hit with single digits, due for negatives tonight; working outside in that weather; snow coverage; wood stove 24 hour operation (we get some smoke when open door to load more wood); cleaning or other activities that stir up dust (that can include taking a dusty book off a shelf); far as I know, weather precludes pollen. Spending time in a workshop. Cleaning for change of season. Probably etc.
In winter, house sealed, so get less flow of fresh air.
When child & grand were growing, both had allergies needing special diets, and no carpets (we ripped them out. Boy! Did that set my nose off!) Maybe you can get the carpet steam cleaned? Pet changes, even just indoors more? House sealed for winter? Rodents sneaking into house (Attic, crawl space, basement (damn squirrels, too)
We just hate those multiple explosive sneezing fits.
I totally agree - this has been the worst allergy season ever. The entire year has been strange. I live in the northeast, and we have had a record haul of acorns. Everything is worse this year!
This is a subject that I have had lots of experience with.

It started suddenly at the age of 15 as I was walking to the first day of school for that year - after a summer of making money mowing lawns in the neighborhood. My eyes were burning, nose was running, even my gums were itching! I was a mess.

My mother took me to an eye doctor. His uneducated diagnosis was that I had "allergy eyes". He told me to take Benadryl. Of course, that didn't work at all. This went on for years into adulthood until I heard about an allergy specialist who would give shots. People were swearing that they were cured by these injections. So, I made an appointment. He was a pioneer in the field of allergies. He was even training other doctors from around the world.

He performed what he called "scratch tests" all over my back and arms to determine exactly what substances I was allergic to. Once he had determined what was causing my reactions, he made a custom compound serum that contained small amounts of everything that bothered me. Then, he would have me come to his office 1 or 2 times per week to receive a small dose of my vial injected just under the skin. The dose was gradually increased over time. There were no side effects.

It worked extremely well! My symptoms were totally gone. In fact, I stopped getting the injections after about 3 years.

Unfortunately, at age 38 my symptoms suddenly came roaring back with a vengeance! I tried to go back to that same doctor, but he had died. He had trained so may doctors that it was easy to find another allergy specialist.

By that time the science had advanced so that the treatments were only five years long rather than for a lifetime. So at the end of 5 years I was "cured" of airborne allergies. My last injection was in 1990. I have never had symptoms like that ever again. So, I highly recommend allergy treatments like I had. It was covered by my insurance, so your situation may be different than mine.
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