Snow: Yes, I had a good job with decent pay and benefits, in the end. It did require flying to and from work. I worked hard to get that job - and it was not as an "officer". I started as an ordinary Deck Hand - "unlicensed", it's called. It is hard to drive around Alaska - it took about 16 years, until the last 8 years, to get a permanent job near where I lived. We moved there for that job. (I had moved to where my wife's job was, years before, so fair is fair.) My job was seasonal, in that winter meant working relief and never knowing which ship and which run and which days. In the early days of TSA and security screening, I remember lines stretching so far down the airport, the airlines sent agents through the lines asking if you were on a certain flight, and moved you to the front so you didn't miss the flight - and that was even when I arrived more than the 2 hours before the flight; and the plane still left 20-40 minutes late. I had to do 4-5 month trips at sea to pay for the transportation costs, sometimes. My son and daughter grew up seeing me half a year - and visa versa.
Did my body start betraying me at 50? Did I work it beyond it's capacity? Do I just have poor genetics? Here I am on this D*** forum for the same reason everyone else here is. I guess I'm lucky it didn't start when i was 5 or 35.
So, Yeah, I am one of those rich types. I paid my dues, or so I tell myself. So, yeah, I was able to afford schooling - college and trades - but that was back in the days when an ordinary American could afford to go to school - as long as it wasn't M.I.T or something. It took 6 years alternating schooling and working to get near that first graduation - and them I got drafted. I was 25. I got paid $286.83/month in boot camp. Pre-Tax. Support a wife and son on that. And I got my college NDEA Loan paid off in 4 years in the service. I didn't see my son more than twice a year, those first 3 years.
So thank you very much. Don't thank me for my service. In their bizarre wisdom, the Service sent me to the Arctic, then Alaska, then the Antarctic. So for 8 years of time in, I have no Viet Nam ribbons/medals. I don't qualify for the VA benefits. I don't get a military pension.
My mother, who was single after my dad died when I was 8, would be pretty insulted to be told she was "rich" or "elite".
Is there inequality in our system? God is there ever! We're tearing ourselves apart over it.
I have medicare - and retirement medical insurance. I'm part of a dying breed. I recognize how lucky I am - and God help my great grandchildren.
I walked the picket lines, the anti-war marches, the civil rights marches and sit-ins, the union negotiations and strikes. Argued equal right before the Federal Arbitrator for all the reasons from race to sex to ethnicity to religion to you name it. All those years of fighting for progress - and those my age get to watch our fellow Americans give up those hard-fought wins. Not that we ever won the big ones. We are still fighting the same fights my mother spent her life fighting, and she was born in 1907. She never did get equal pay to a man for the same job.
I did my share of working politics, and time counting paper ballots until 2 in the morning.
Did I sin by paying for that TSA pre-check? I don't know. I hit 60 and was tired. I'm not sure it is in the Catholic Canon, but it gets hard, at 75, in this day and age, to avoid the sin of despair.
I try not to be bitter, but it gets harder and harder. Try living on limited income, watching your savings get destroyed by inflation, profiteering, a pandemic that should have been stopped in its tracks...
So, Yeah, no one should have to pay for Pre-Check. It shouldn't be needed. Make the "rich" stand in the long lines and see how fast things change. (They'd pay off the politicians and we'd get Pre-Check back). If First Class wasn't an option on planes, would the rest of the seats be so small and have no leg room? Greta Thunberg (Spelling?) is right: we shouldn't be flying.
You probably know what I'm talking about (Okay: ranting about).
Suggestions? I'm open to suggestions. If I had my choice, I'd pull the covers over my head and hibernate until 2059. (Except they'd get wet. Wetter. Wetest.)
God Bless and Stay Safe.