Air Travel advice flying in Diapers

@LiveLifeJR No, but this is exactly what we all talk about when we say the stigma against adult incontinence needs to change drastically to one of compassion and widespread acceptance, instead of negative judgment. I think the more visible ABDL perverts give us a bad rap.

TSA has never been a consistent, reliable, nor decent entity. Just look at their equipment: it’s totally different from airport to airport. Why isn’t it the same nationwide? They’ve been involved in so many scandals.
Also to add on I've never ever had anybody say diapers need to be in a package. The TSA shouldn't be caring about that, if they ever give you a problem about that ask to talk to a supervisor
@greengold4 Thanks for the reassurance greengold4, I feel like im on a balance of fear to fly or not to fly. When youve flown did you carry spare diapers in your carry on luggage, as now I dont know whether to carry spare one in my small carry on or bring a sealed package in a small carry on suit case, thanking you in advance for the info.
I know Just EJ had flown several times and had concerns about diapers. He flew to a place in Florida i used to live Anna Maria Island Florida and that generated a few posts
To answer the question about wheelchairs. They had me transfer out of my chair onto one of theirs and they inspected my wheelchair before letting me board. I don’t know what they would have done had I not been able to transfer. I had one bad incident traveling. The tsa agent said my “crotch felt hard”. I’m unable to do the body scanner so I had to have a pat down. I also told him I’m transgender before he patted me down and I’m pretty sure because of that and that I was wearing a diaper he wanted to cop a feel. I hate flying and while I’m going to miss my family this year I’m happy I won’t have to deal with that crap.
From what I'm reading here, I think the TSA is taking far too many liberties with us. A TSA agent saying "crotch felt hard," I mean what the hell is this? That's an invasion of personal privacy and there is no way in hell we need to be subjected to that type of treatment! This is supposed to be America not the Nazi Third Reich!
The TSA has absolutely no right to act like that with the general traveling public, especially with people who have disabilities. And the fact the TSA finds excuses to "cop a feel" is utterly disgusting! So where are the TSA supervisors when we need them??? And why aren't they watching their underlings like hawks????
And snow raises a good point, why isn't the TSA equipment set to the same standards nationwide???? And in reading these posts are we merely flying to somewhere or are we being herded into Auschwitz???? The TSA needs to come down off its high horse and remember who they work for!!!!
I can’t even imagine what they will do when they have to deal with my catheter. Here is my bag of pee what do you want me to do?
Ej read the pieces on this thread written by mattyco

As for being extensively groped while standing with your arms extended in the middle of a rush of onlookers, yep, it feels DISGUSTING and humiliating. And yes, I am cooperative and pleasant as I am being extensively groped.
We really need to calm down, obviously there are shitty TSA agents but at the same time if doing a full pat down, they need to pat down everything even the private area or at least they are supposed to. If they aren't doing that then they aren't doing there job properly. If they take exceptions because someone looks disabled or says they are disabled then that opens up a way for someone who wants to cause harm to take advantage of that and things get even worse. There is no reason to be afraid of flying. Machines aren't standardized because I'm pretty sure the airports buy them not the TSA and also I have not been to an airport in the last 5 years that hasn't had the circle spinny scan thing where you put your arms above your head. I've flown wearing diapers and also flew a few times last year after I had ankle surgery and was still in a walking boot and every time with relation to any medical things they have been respectful and thoughtful. If they aren't file a report about it so it doesn't happen again. At least personally, I've found that smiling and kindness towards the agents helps.
May - yea but catheters are different than diapers. Whole nother ball of wax. Plus I’d probably still have to wear at least a pull up.
Greengold: you say that until you go through it. Try having some guy grab your crotch and rub it. I was as nice as can be. Cooperative and kind. But I was so embarrassed I didn’t want to say anything.
Ej the post I referred to is Mattyco suggests a letter from your doctor and a tsa alert to disability card
Ej. I know, I know. There is nothing that makes it all OK at the end of the day, being groped in public and i dont care how they couch it.
Talking about this is really bringing up so many bad memories of grinning and bearing it.
I mean I've had my crotch patted down, in my case my diaper set off the machine I could see on the picture that my crotch was shown as red. Guy explained everything he was doing and was polite as possible and did it as quickly as possible. It was really awkward but at the same time he was just doing his job. Anyway, we should really be mad at the underwear bomber for making it so they have to pat down our crotches. I just get frustrated because this is reminding me of the media and everything else lately where because one bad thing happens suddenly something is all bad and it feels like reason and sense no longer matter. Just more that frustration I think is coming out from me
I’ve flown many times while wearing a diaper with no problem at all. Three times (out of hundreds of flights) I was asked what I was wearing and told the agent that it was a diaper. On two of those occasions they accepted my word for it. Once I was taken into a side room and showed the agent my diaper. Maybe I’m just thick skinned, but I wasn’t upset about answering the question and showing the agent my underwear on one occasion.
I fly regularly for business and personal travel and have never had a problem. I'm always wearing a BetterDry.

99% of the time I get thru the scanner but have had a few pat downs and was lucky enough to have decent people performing it. Both times they 100% felt the diaper and did pat it down even more I guess feeling to see if it was trying to conceal something. One of the agents asked "what's this?" and I just quietly whispered "I'm medically incontinent and that is an adult diaper". nothing more said. The other time the agent didn't say anything.

I always change right before going thru security if it's wet at all. I have no idea if a wet spot shows a suspicious anomaly on the scan and I don't want to find out. So maybe that helps, maybe not.
@MikeJames Thank you MikeJames for that info. I too wear Betterdrys and was worried that due to the thickness of the diaper it would cause alarm. Now I know to change into a dry one right before entering inspection. I know the folks at TSA are just doing their job, I guess I will go with a positive and cooperative attitude and most importantly be kind to the inspector.
Plus just in case my Blue tsa medical card and my doctors prescription for diapers to manage it.
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