Air Travel advice flying in Diapers


Staff member
if you wear diapers and you are flying please read Mattyco advice on how to protect your rights and privacy when going through TSA security at airports.
This is in the thread Disability lawyer TSA posted by Trucker.
(Mattyco thank you as you are a frequent flyer your advice deserves its own post!
Rule #1 - Try to wear something lightweight as you pass through security. If you require a high absorbency brief, be sure it's as dry as possible. Saturated or soiled briefs and pullups will show up on the body scanner, which may lead to a secondary or private screening. Change before entering the security area, when possible. You can always change into something more durable after passing through the TSA security zone.

Rule #2 - To prevent any unnecessary conflict or invasive security screening encounters, carry a doctor's note regarding your incontinence issue and prescription or suggested use of adult briefs/pads when possible.

Rule #3 - Print and carry this TSA Disability Notification Card with your doctor's note. You are allowed to keep it in your hands with the note at ALL TIMES throughout the screening process. If they ask you to put it in the scanner, tell them you prefer not to as it is a TSA authorized form that you can keep on your person through the security area.

I've attached the card with the necessary information that can easily be saved and printed from the message board here. Or you can download the card and fill it out by hand as you see fit, by using this link.


I appreciate the advice. I really do, but this is still a huge invasion of privacy. The police Academy rejects at TSA have no right to know about my medical issues. Why should I carry around all sorts of papers that able bodied individuals don’t? No hotel or theme park could treat people like this, they’d be sued and lose so fast your head would spin. This doesn’t apply just to our issue, but I have relatives with joint replacement implants that endure similar indignities.

It’s time for an epic lawsuit to try and fix this stuff.
Hi @matttyco, Thank you so much for that info! :D That is a huge help especially at this time of year when people are traveling. I don't know how many of us are hitting the airways but having that card and that advice will really serve in good measure!!! Good timing! As for me, well, not traveling this year. :( But happy trails to those who are!!! :D
All I just had to fly an was concerned about that as well because I had a bad experience when I broke my knee cap and had to fly. Fortunately this time was fine. They searched my bag, did not say anything about the diapers. I do like the idea of the card.
I remember a previous post, from 2018, when someone was told they couldn’t go through TSA with just a few diapers for the flight. They were told they needed a brand new, unopened pack with them in their carry-on, to prove that they actually medically had to use them. Remember?
@snow Oh man!, so one should not take spare diapers in one's carry on?, why are they making it so difficult for us incontinent folk to travel😡
So can't carry loose diapers in carry on through TSA checkpoints? That would be sorry😢 I don't know why they woukd screen you out just because you had diapers in your carry on or were wearing one when going through checkpoint. I think that would be discriminatory. What would be worse is if they decided they needed to strip search you or something because of you seeming suspicious since you are carrying and wearing diapers. That would be awful and humiliating.
Since when is it a rule to not be able to carry loose diapers in your carry-on bag???? So can you not be allowed to carry a loose pair of socks or a shirt that's not wrapped in something or an unwrapped pair of bedroom slippers???? That has gone beyond insane! And if someone who uses a wheelchair would they be allowed to go through with a wheelchair or somebody wearing a hearing aid? Or somebody who has any kind of a disability??? Those are things that help disabled people be able to function in the real world. Diapers help people function in the real world. And strip searches if you're wearing diapers??? Let's not even go there!!!So why are people with disabilities being treated like this?? This is beyond ridiculous!!!! :( UGH!!!
Alot depends on what instruction they are following that day and what tsa agents are working. I flew monthly a for several years pre covid and I found that getting a wheelchair(i use a cane due to my severe hip injury) saved me from to much intense scrutiny most of the time but I would stand to go through the screening machine and I dont wear diapers. Sometimes I was in
pain and stiff and had a good chance of falling even with a cane provided. An underwire bra which I always wear was always a cause for a thorough public patdown very personal touching of private areas.My carry on frequently taken apart completely.
I felt it depended a lot on the people working that day, how bored they were, how much they felt like showing off their power.
@LiveLifeJR o.k, so that means I will be taking a brand new sealed package of my betterdrys or xp 5000 as a carry on, just cant wait to see the look on their face😆😆
I've never had any issues with loose diapers in my carry on and their is no reason that the TSA should care if your carrying diapers in your carry on.
@mhart82 That is exactly what the man in 2018 was posting about. They *do* strip search most people wearing diapers because there could be gasoline (or explosives) in the diapers. That’s why they told the guy his diapers had to be in an unopened package.
@Maymay941 I totally agree with you: TSA and security guards are on a sick power trip, like their cop cohorts. And I, too, have been abusively groped in my bra during TSA searches. I’ve also had my shirt blown over my head by those machines that blow you off to look for explosive powder. They have those in SLC.
@snow would they do that to parents who are carrying diapers for their 1 year old babies and consider them suspicious?
I feel like I'm the only one here who has never had an issue with the TSA, usually they've never done anything even close to over the line and anything that comes close like a pat down of a sensitive area I've had them make sure to tell me exactly what they are doing before they do it. I think a lot of how they treat you depends on attitude, if your nervous they will tend to inspect you more carefully. If your friendly and treat them with respect and kindness they tend to return it. In most cases they are just doing their job. Even the one of two times my protection has set off the sensor, I have just told them what I'm wearing and why and they have let me go on my way after the obligatory pat down that as far as I'm aware is required of any body part that sets off the sensor.
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