Hi @rdouga1, Glad you're here on the forum. It's a great place with everyone who knows what you're going through and is quick to help. The best thing here is no one is judgmental and no one belittles anyone. I hope that you'll soon begin to enjoy chatting with us and will get to know us.
That said, I prefer the pull-ups and have always found they work for me. At first they may feel, well, different! But after wearing them for awhile you get used to it, just like you would regular underwear.
As for wearing, I always say it's better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them!
One very important tip is to make sure it's a good fit, especially around the legs. If they are too loose they will leak and then they won't be doing you any good at all! They'll be worthless to you So please take careful measurements. When you buy a package of them do pay attention to the size indicated. Whether you hips or your waist is bigger, that is the size you need to pay attention to. As an example, if your hips are 36 inches and your waist is 34 inches then you'll want the size that accommodates your hips. That will give you the securest fit.
Please note that finding your perfect pull-ups may be a trial and error deal. A lot of online vendors can send you samples. You may have to pay a couple of bucks for shipping but at least that way you can get an idea of what size and what style to wear. These places have sales reps who can advise on size and absorbency. One place that gets a lot of mention here is North Shore, based in the Chicago area. They have a very big variety of styles and types and very knowledgeable sales reps.
I hope our tips here have helped and that you have a good idea of how you want to proceed! Please let us know how you make out!!!