A bit of History.


Staff member
So I realized that I have never posted a full history of everything I have been though on this forum, so here goes.

Born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and was blue for five minutes at birth.

Poisoned by spring feed water at age two, had diarrhea for a year.

Massive seizure at age seven. Was in hospital for a month at had a fiver of 105 for over four hours before be transported to a children's hospital. Placed on Depakote for a year. Had huge behavior and health changes including my hair getting really curly.

I had to reset my life after the seizure. Needed eye therapy to fix the connection between my eyes and brain.

I have had several concussions in my life. Was kicked in the back of the head in grade school. Got in many fights that I got knocked out in.

I have a bad habit of wrecking anything with two wheels and knocking myself out the worst caused a sever concussion at age 15. flipped a bicycle and landed on my head. Don't remember anything about that summer before that event. I don't remember much about that summer except starting to wet the bed. This was before TBI and post concussion syndrome were a big deal in life and so I was told to sleep it off.

The fall of 1999 started with doctors trying figure out what was cause the night time issue. That lasted unlit i turned 18 when I was place on diazepam after having no effects on other medication. The doctor urologist that I was seeing was treating my for anxiety and depression which I had because of what was going on.

I ended up so messed up that I put my fist through a window during an argument with family, cops call and everything. Stopped taking the meds and started looking for another doctors but aged out of my parents insurance before I settled on one that was not treating my like I was crazy. Small town in Florida with only two doctors offices did not help.

I spent the next few year hiding the fact that I was a bedwetter. Any time I stayed over or had friends over I did not sleep at night.

My bed wetting was not brought up to a doctor until I got very sick and ended up in the ER. I got sick after jumping from a bridge into river water and it was though that I got water forced up my butt on the jump.. (I did a cannon ball from 40 feet up) I was almost in septic shock when I got to the ER.

That leads to what happened in the fall of 2018. In ened up in the ER and found out how sick I was.

I had diverticulitis and a perforated bowel. I ended up have two abscessed drained one was a big as my fist. Spent 12 day in the hospital 12/20/2018--1/1/2019 Yea spending Christmas in the hospital on NPO (no food or drink by mouth)

Had my first colonoscopy to decide if my bowel was messed up.

Had another flair up and ended up back in Er on 1/14/2019

At that point surgery was ordered asap
That happened on 2/20/2019
Spent six days in the hospital and was full incontinent for five week after. The doctors in Florida said that the bigger of the abscess was in my pelvis so was likely effecting my bladder.

Had a second colonoscopy on 12/26/2019 to see what was done. That was here in PA.

The general surgery doctor said that I would have never left his operating room without a ustomy bag due to how much was needed to be removed.

Have had chronic bouts with diarrhea and constipation since surgery.
Had a xray that found that I was really constipated.

Had a third colonoscopy and endodcopy on 6/25/2020 with biopsy and the only thing that was found was that I still have descending Diverticulosis but have not been to the hospital with diverticulitis again.

Placed on MiraLax, MetaMucil, and Docusate Sodium.

Nothing is helping, I am in pain all the time. Tylenol does nothing and I cannot take anything stronger and work as I have sever effect on Opioids.

So that as far as I know is as much of the jacked up stuff wrong with me.
i sorry that you have so many issues in your life. i hope you get re leaf soon:):):) my problem seem not as bad as yours. i had social issues at age of 4yrs old, i had some bedweetting problem and daytime to where i want to wear diapers. i was potty train at 3. i did see our family doctor about that he said i would grow out of it. my need for diapers stop for about few years.until i had my first seizure at 10 and spent a week in hospital and was back in diapers as to day. most of my doctors told me it was because i have seizure disorder. i did see many urologists and some didn't have a answer for me,ecsept for one she told me i have a small bladder and there not much they can do. the only thing that i know that does work for me is diapers because i developed anxiety over the years of me wearing diapers. today my issues of bladder problem are mental/medical. i just can't stop wearing diapers they are a big part of my life now. if where told to stop wearing diapers i would end up going crazy and in a mental hospital. i can't explain why diapers i need diapers for mental reason but for medical yes small bladder.
@ThatFLGuy wow like someone said previously I feel that I have no room to complain, maybe rant, but not complain. I truly am sorry that you've gone through so much. I'm happy that you've at least found some way to speak your voice. I hope the doctors do something soon to help all of us 🙏
Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry to hear that you have experienced so many medical issues and so much pain. I will keep you in my prayers that you will find healing and peace.
And now man, tell us about all the education you have pursued the things you have accomplished. You are one strong intelligent man.
This synopsis of your life and health is not complete without counting in the amazing life you bring to life.
@ThatFLGuy I'm sorry you've experienced so many terrible health issues. I'm wondering if you have tried CBD for pain. I had to take Opiods for pain and found that CBD relieved my pain (and anxiety) better than the Opiods.

It might be something you want to look into.
You did tell us in an earlier post you're into photography and that is something that not everyone can do, so that is something you've accomplished and can continue doing so. You do know what the score is as far as what's happening to you and it's probably a good time to start identifying those who can be the biggest help to you at this point. We all need help of one kind or another at some point in our lives and it's really good you're reaching out to us. And looking at Maymay's post right above the story of your life isn't complete without taking into account the "amazing life" you can bring to your life. I see signs all over the place, like in front of churches, etc., that say "count your blessings, not your problems." Maybe a great idea???!!!!:cool:
So a bit more.

I also have three diagnosed learning disabilities, Dysgraphia ( affects writing abilities, spelling, puttiong thoughts on paper...It affect both fine and sometimes complex motors skills.) I also have Dyslexia, and was diagnosed with autism a few years ago ( My mother and sister are both special needs teachers and my sister specializes in ASD. SO they tested me because I show a lot of the common effects of ASD.

So now for some of the good with the bad. I am thirty five years old. Graduated in 2004 and went to school before all this tech was really big. having Dysgraphia, Dyslexia meant school was very hard. I had a early word processor ( A Brother PN-8500 MSDe Super power note) it took 3.5 floppies and weighed a ton. I got mine right after they came out in the mid 90's and it was a game changer. Before that I was deemed un-educatable by grade schools. I was told as was my mother that I would never graduate or be an effective member of society.

My mother was not taking that BS. She and my step-dad spent years homeschooling me during that time when I was doing eye therapy. They literally help retrain my brain for the trauma I went through.

Shortly after getting the power note we moved to Florida and it was a new start. I remember my first IEP (Individualized education program) meeting and bring my new school up to speed on my needs. I ended up in special needs classes with children that were so develop mentally delayed that we had our own little world in the school.

My mom fought for year to get me main streamed in school and it took tell junior high to get me there. But that also meant a lot of bulling. I was the odd kid with a computer that never had to read out loud or write on the board. (Made to once and cursed the teacher out because she keep erasing my bad handwriting and making me start over)

In my freshman year, things started to get bad. School decided that they would not accommodate my needs so that I had a chance to graduate. This was 'No Child left behind times' and that meant taking people that did not help the static quo out and putting them in non-educatable track.

Again my mom was not having that BS. I took the max amount of classes and was on track to graduate. then my sophomore year the school pulled me out of mainstream classes and my mom was pissed. I was 18 and there was noting that she could do about it.

With her help I moved school and begin driving an hour and a half a one way to school. The principle took a huge chance as did my ESE teacher. With a lot of help I graduated with a big fat 2.275 gpa. The old school did not let me take sat/act which was part of the reason my mom was pissed. So college was not going to happen. I ened up taking some community college classes but did not stick with it ( They were tech classes and did not count for credits)

I bought into the lie that I would never be anything until 2000 my church went to three days of the Billy Graham Crusade in Jacksonville Florida. I had been a Christian for a long time by then but never felt called to ministry in any way.

That changed but was not a right of the bat change. I went full on against it for years as it still scares the crap out of me. I have done a lot of ministry work.

In ended up going to College and luck did not need Sat/Act to go due to my age. I studied ministry and have a undergraduate degree in both Church ministries and psychology and before getting sick was working on my masters in Church history.

So I quite literally did what teachers/Doctors/Psychologists said I never would be able to do.

So where does Photography fit in. I lost my father in 1993 and still have all of his 35mm film cameras during highschool I took film photography as an elective and fell in love with one of my fathers passions. He was a very skilled photographer and was even published in our local PA news paper. (I was born in PA-then moved to FL after my mom remarried)... I didn't take to digital right away but my parents bought my a digital camera for Christmas and it was off the the races. I have over 1,000 photos from that camera on my PC.

Photography also fit into ministry for me as it was part of what I did on many trips for Churches that I worked with. It was never something that I wanted to make into a job because I felt it would make work out of a passion but I am seeing now with this heath issue that I may be time to change gears and make my passion my lifestyle.

Before getting sick and being jobless in the early part of 2019, I was saving to buy and build a sprinter style van into a mobile home/ travailing evangelism/ photo journalist command center. That dream was crushed under medical stuff and I got to the place where everything was put aside and my health became #1..

Now I am still in the same place but I miss my passions. The photo I shared before was not even my best work. I don't shair people photo or some personal stuff but the one linked is one of my favs.

I will get back to what I love doing soon, I just got to take care of my health right now.

I am truly blessed to have family that caries enough to help me out right now. My parents have been great thought all of this...Now if I can get doctors to move quicker on figuring out what is going on then I can get back to life.

@ThatFLGuy It seems like your mom has been your rock through all of this. She is truly amazing. And your photo is so gorgeous! I can't wait for you to get back to your passion!! These docs better hurry! I wanna see more 😁😁😁
Great little squirrel!!!:D You can see that critter's personality through this shot. So FLGuy please do what you can to regain your health so you can concentrate on photography which is where you need to be! And we're all rooting for you here!
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