5 years ago today i beame incontinent


Staff member
on january 3rd of 2015 i was on my way with a friend to go buy a present for my cat for her birthday (dont judge). we were headed to pet smart walking down an escelator to the train when my right ankle gave out. i dont know how far i fell, maybe halfway down but i fell on my tailbone. 911 was called and i was carried up the escelator by 2 ambulance drivers. i remember the ambulance ride clearly. i said every swear word you can think of. the paramedic kept saying "dont look at your leg. dont look at your leg. of course i did. my foot was almost completely twisted to a 180 degree angle. when i got to the hospital i was given 4 shots of delodid. it took them 3 times to try to reset my ankle. it was broken in 4 places. i got home and thats when the accidents started. i kept it to myself but shortly thereafter started getting attends from the medical supply by my house. they were horrible. i am pretty computer savvy and found an incontinence site that had a support forum band began posting there. i found better diapers on xp medical thanks to that forum. my roommate found out and was extremely supportive. little by little i told my family and some friends. i went to the urologist and had a battery of tests and was diagnosed with a paralyzed neurogenic bladder. nothing can really be done. when i fell i damaged the nerves in my bladder and now it is paralyzed. my leg never healed and on june 12th of this last year my leg was amputated below the knee. im still in diapers but its gotten easier. time heals wounds. today brings up some emotions for me, though....
I had a friend who always used to say, "When you share your joy you double it. When you share your sorrow, you cut it in half." That used to annoy me. It sounded too cliche? too cute? but as the years pass and life has its highs and lows, I have grudgingly admitted that I find her saying to be true. It DOES help to share--- the good and the bad. Just speaking (or typing ) it out loud helps through the hard times.

So JUSTEJ, I hope that on this anniversary, telling the account of that terrible accident to your online friends who come to this forum from all different paths, helps.

I am a person who prays. It helps me greatly in getting through some of those lows. But I also pray for my friends, because it is something that I CAN DO for them. You are on that list now. But I feel that you are a very strong person who contributes a lot to those around you through the strength you have acquired since that fall. I hear it in many of your posts.

I hope that your cat appreciates your efforts!
Glad you shared this EJ.
It certainly shows that a simple thing like a fall can have effects no one would dream of.
When i read about a celebrity in a car I often wonder if they too have now become bladder challenged.
Thanks for sharing buddy. Proud of how far you’ve come. It has been a rough road but there are lots of us praying for you. Happy 2020. I am sure it will be a better year for you now that some things have settled down.

Kind regards,
ej, thanks for sharing with us. amazing how a little trip to pet smart could turn into a catastrophe. my little dog whiskey and i think it's wonderful that you were going to buy a gift for your cat!!!

i often feel very down, and your posts remind me that there are always reasons to go on, and that there are supportive people out there.
Thanks everyone. Sorry for the delay in responding I’ve not been online much.

Emily - thanks for the kind words. I’m not a prayer guy myself but I appreciate the good wishes. Typing it out did help.

May - yea it’s crazy to think what one fall will do. We never imagine the things that could happen. I certainly never thought I’d be an incontinent amputee at 42.

Jim - thanks man. I hope this year will be better too with all the big surgeries behind me. Happy new year to you too.

Boasammy - I’m glad you and whiskey can appreciate my efforts to get my cat a birthday present. :)
I’m glad my posts help. I go through some pretty rough times too And the folks on this board have helped me pull through. I’m grateful it’s here.

- eiijah
EJ it goes without saying, of COURSE you got your cat a birthday present!!

(How dare you mock me on this, the day of my cats Quincenyera?)
(Favorite meme)

I am in dog rescue and if we cany spoil these animals to the moon and back it will not elevate human conciousness of animal rights and domestic pet loyalty else where
Sorry crazy busy day in rescue ive been crying much of it over the condition of a new batch of trashed breeder mamas
I meant if we CANT spooil these animals to the moon and back it will not elevate concious animal care across the board
I love that meme too may. Makes me laugh every time! And don’t get me started on breeders. Ugh. Such a horrible industry. Thanks for doing rescue work. ❤️

Also good news on the leg front! I tried my new socket out and had no pain! I’ll get my permanent one in a week and a half.
Whew i wasafeaid id offended you EJ but in the dark world of pet care i love a good chuckle and it never occurred ti mr why you wouldn't get Miss Kitty a birthday present our dogs totally expect a wrapped gift at Christmas.
Hooray for the leg! You never give up, thats a great quality
Oh no you didn’t offend me at all!! I’m not sure if Emma realizes when her birthday is but she always appreciates a good treat. And I have often turned down invitations to events to be with her. :)

And life kicks me down but I always get back up kicking. Just now with one leg. Hahah
all of my dogs have been rescues or from shelters. glad to know you are like-minded folks. my little dog, whiskey, became incontinent about a month ago. so now both of us deal with this. he doesn't mind the belly bands he has to wear around the house. he will be 16 on his made-up birthday, valentine's day, and we adopted each other when he was about 1 1/2. i love him to pieces!!!

i broke my wrist 3 weeks ago and can't walk him for now, but he still gets his daily walks and lots of love.

i'm not supposed to go out, so it is especially wonderful to have this forum. PT thinks i have vestibular problem, and that's why i tripped and fell. no walking till the exercises help me get better. it is very difficult to put on pull-ups one-=handed with my non-dominant hand.

be well everyone!
Sounda like you have a bit of a challenge there Boasammy, but nothing you cant handle. Youre doing well, one handed as it may be! I know, its hard to NOT empathize with an incontinent pet when theyve accepted our issues without complaint.
Oh my god justej. What a horrible thing to happen. I can’t possibly imagine it. I don’t know how you ever survived.

Something similar happened to a friend of mine. He was hit by a car and drug 100 feet. They tried to put him back together but after two years, they decided the leg had to go. But he suddenly died from an unrelated condition. I tried to be there for him but I don’t think it helped much.

I can certainly understand how you feel about your cat. Animals have been kinder to me than most people. I’ve always been very close to my cats. Gadget, my current feline, was adopted from animal rescue just 3 months ago.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Best wishes to you.
thank you, maymay,
i certainly empathize with my little dog, but he is going about his life quite happily. he doesn't have to think cost of diapers and pads, wash his diapers, struggle with putting them on or embarrassment. thank goodness for that. i wouldn't want him to be troubled.

i have a dog care business. i provide day care and boarding in my home. 15-yr-old badger, a dachshund, arrived yesterday, and he recently became incontinent, too. so now i have 2 dogs in diapers. hard for me to manage because of my broken wrist.

got a new cast yesterday. PA thinks he can replace it with a removable splint when i go back in 3 weeks. here's hoping! looking forward to getting use of my dominant arm back.
That is sadly funny and adorable. The image of a Dauchshund in a diaper...
Not belly band?
Sorry your wrist sounds VERY challenging
jason, so sorry to hear the tragic story about your friend.

happy 3-month adoption anniversary to you and gadget!
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