Dear Itapolit-Hi-be grateful for today. This is what I am saying to myself. Take care and life is better everyday. Be grateful for your family. they care about you. This is such a blessing, I have no kids and my health is in the toilet half the time. IT is very hard to go on living, remember all this stuff here is temporary it is not eternal. We are all the Lord's children and he loves us very much. This vessel we have is a temporary one. Let us remember we live better in this country than 99.9 % of the world. The news can be so distressing at times, I don't even want to watch it anymore. I am down in the dumps myself not feeling well. I could laid down and have the Lord call me home. I know he is not done with me yet. Take care and be strong, it is hard on a lot of us. Be grateful for your kids. Many people have is worst than you, they have all these health issues and no family. Blessings-be strong-be happy. exercises if you can-it naturally releases feel good stuff for the brain. My job for today.