Zoloft Higher Dosages


Staff member
Was wondering if anyone else is on higher dosages of Zoloft, and what effects did you feel. Did they help you? Anyone on 200mg, or more, what to expect. Anything else. I worry higher dosages will increase my incontinence if that can be possible.
I have been taking Zoloft for years, adjusting the dose as necessary. Currently I take 200 mg/day. Have not noticed any change in incontinence with the change in dose.
Hello. Even a standard dose of Zoloft made me gain huge amounts of weight, like 70 lbs. Once I went off it, I was able to lose that weight. I took Zoloft for five years, at which time I was not yet incontinent, so I’m not sure how Zoloft affects incontinence. Good luck! And good for you for taking care of if your mental health.
Good Luck, I took so much anti depressants when I had the brain tumor, that I had weight issues also. I do not care to go on anything anymore. I notice when I took anti-anxiety that I did sleep better. I sometimes think about it. I don't like to take anything unless I absolutely have to.
The most I took was 100mg and felt like a zombie.
Went off all antidepressants including wellbutrin and Zoloft.
It helped to understand that Anxiety is normal and face what's in front of you and be ready to fight all those bad thoughts and worry.
At the end of the day God is the author of my faith and if I die so be it.
The thing that I remember is that only this vessel parishes-we live forever with the Lord-our spirit goes on.
snow said:
@Izthewiz The amount of anxiety some of us have is farrrrrrrr from normal or manageable naturally.

Well put.

If I were to go off my antidepressants, at best I'd be hospitalized. At worst I'd take my own life. I have deep faith in God, but part of that is the knowledge that my responsibilities to my children and my family are sacred. Casting those aside through suicide is not living out God's plan for me.

Fighting what's in front of you sounds good, until you realize that what's in front of you is a dragon and you forgot to bring a sword to slay it. Even with antidepressants, it's all I can do to keep the dragon from consuming me. Trying to go without would simply be setting myself up for failure.
Dear Itapolit-Hi-be grateful for today. This is what I am saying to myself. Take care and life is better everyday. Be grateful for your family. they care about you. This is such a blessing, I have no kids and my health is in the toilet half the time. IT is very hard to go on living, remember all this stuff here is temporary it is not eternal. We are all the Lord's children and he loves us very much. This vessel we have is a temporary one. Let us remember we live better in this country than 99.9 % of the world. The news can be so distressing at times, I don't even want to watch it anymore. I am down in the dumps myself not feeling well. I could laid down and have the Lord call me home. I know he is not done with me yet. Take care and be strong, it is hard on a lot of us. Be grateful for your kids. Many people have is worst than you, they have all these health issues and no family. Blessings-be strong-be happy. exercises if you can-it naturally releases feel good stuff for the brain. My job for today.
@Izthewiz I dont know what to think, she seems to think that we must work towards this dosage. I mention to her, I had and she knew this from my history about my bad reaction on 20mg of Lexapro, and that is like 50mg of Zoloft!
Exercise if you can, it is a natural mood booster. IT is hard when we have all this crap in our lives. I just decided to live in the now and forget about all this crap all the time. I played some bridge this afternoon, made a few mistakes but we got some points-yea. Boomersway-be strong-listen to your body-do some research on line and check things out. We all get tired of this stuff-it just keeps coming. Drink lots of water and natural food lifters-like beans, whole grains, non processed stuff-I might make m y own granola tomorrow.
@BarbaraDrabek yes, I take walks daily, which helps to unhinge some. But that dosage does concern me as I might need to get my wheel chair out to push for walks taking this.
I do eat right, lots of right stuff, and 100 ounces of water per day. So all that is covered. But I need to follow what they think too
True-it is hard-I have pain issues which prevent me from exercising like I should. What to do sometimes, I don't like to take drugs at all. I try to keep myself busy with stuff so I don't worry about it. I try to live in the now and pray to the Lord just to take me when he doesn't need me anymore here to do be an example of his good work. Amen. I was on the committee for an indoor warm water therapy pool and I hope we get it someday. IT will probably be too late for me especially with the price of everything going up crazy.
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