Zantac!! Any truth to this??


Staff member
I got a surprise visit from a guy that I used to work with yesterday. I have not seen the guy in 10+ years. He had heard that "I had had a date with the DaVinci robot" and he wanted to share his experience with the robot with me if I had any questions... What a blessing!! Cause the information I received was eye opening...
In a previous post of mine someone mentioned "Bimix and Trimix" for ED.
He says this is what works for him. And that it does the deed for him. Definitely something to investigate.

Here's the big one though...
He asked me if I ever had taken Zantac or its generic form Ranitidine.
Which I had from 2004-2011 or so...
He then informed me to Google search those medications with prostate cancer.
Which I did!!
A huge class action lawsuit is underway whereas they are gaining a lot of momentum proving that the former may be cause of cancer in the prostate and other areas...
Of course I plan on looking into and delving into all the facts..

Have you guys or ladies here ever heard of anything of the sorts and have you had any success with settling with a law suit concerning this??

*I personally started having urinary function problems... Straining, split stream and just plain struggling to urinate in 2014. I was sent to a urologist who did a Cystoscopy looking for "stricture" and finding none.
What if??? There was no structure true indeed... But what they should've been looking for is what those above mentioned medications was doing to my prostate??
Cause unlike most people diagnosed with prostate cancer..I don't have a hereditary line that I fall into...

Please let me know if y'all have had any luck in this area. If you haven't delved into this and it fits your criteria...I encourage you to look into it, I know I am.

Yes, I've heard of the class action law suit.

I called the 800 number and talked to a person that based on the questions was prescreening me to see if I qualified and if so then a lawyer would call me back to gather more information. The prescreening covered details of general medical history including age and use of Zantac/Ranitidine. When the lawyer called me back he said they wouldn't take the case because I was over 65 (age discrimination?) and had developed prostate cancer. Their assessment was that due to my age there wasn't a clear link between prostate cancer and use of Zantac/Ranitidine.

A different law group or your different circumstances may have a different outcome.

Definitely worth the call.

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