Wisconsin DHS: Drop your contract with J&B Medical


Staff member
To the Wisconsin Department of Health Services-Division of Medicaid Services: Drop your contract with J&B Medical in Wixom, Michigan. Wisconsinites with disabilities, their families, and caregivers deserve better!

Enough is enough. J&B Medical does not provide the level of respect, customer service, and care that consumers need and deserve. Wisconsinites with disabilities are being forced to rely on an unreliable company to get their medical supply needs to be met. Consumers are going without their necessary medical supplies, or are delayed in getting them, due to the incompetence and extremely poor customer service being provided by J&B. When customer service issues are successfully resolved, it is often after days or even weeks of phone calls. In some cases, consumers have given up on getting their issues resolved. Consumers frequently report being hung up on, disconnected, spoken to in an abusive manner, or flat out lied to by employees at J&B. This is simply unacceptable. Currently, J&B Medical has a 1.9-star review (of 5 stars) on Google reviews, of a total of 682 reviews. This should be telling.

We are asking that Wisconsin Medicaid terminate their contract with J&B Medical, and instead contract with a medical supplier that will meet consumers' needs and expectations for service. People with disabilities and their families and caregivers deserve to have their voices heard and to have a say in the services that are being provided to us and to our loved ones

Good luck with this petition- I hope it works. I tried to sign it myself, but being in Canada, my input would likely be disallowed and would be one name less than you think you have. There is no need for this kind of treatment from a company depending on our disabilities and health problems to make their profits. Hit 'em where it hurts.
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