I have dealt with similar issues for a long time, but prior to my accident I rarely ever got up to pee at night. With all of my back and knee injuries I was told to sleep with my legs elevated to reduce spasms etc. Overnight it felt like the volume doubled! I spoke with my Docs and 2 things 1) knees & back were still healing so not nearly as active so legs were retaining fluid, 2) By elevating my legs at night it accelerated the volume through my kidneys and I was pumping 2-3x my normal output overnight.
I am guessing the wheelchair came with the hip problems so it might be a similar scenario, all those fluids once your legs are up?
As an aside, I have used cloth diapers with waterproof pants at night forever unless traveling, much more comfortable and easily adjustable absorbency. The cost of everything is through the roof! The cloth might be worth a try so you can drink what you want/need and still get a good night sleep.
Keep in mind when all of these “Analysts” of which I used to be publish these inflation /CPI numbers with an addendum attached which seems to always get left off by our media & currently the White House. These numbers do NOT include gasoline, heating natural gas / electric, any kind of food and finally medical / hospital supplies.
The reason I included this is our incontinence supplies have almost doubled in some cases because a container (almost all disposables come over from China in a container) cost has gone from est. $800.00 to $30,000 per container because of Covid ( Much of China is still completely shut down & locked down) gasoline up 75%, and heating gas will go through the roof this winter so get some extra blankets & warm PJ’s as we will likely be sending natural gas to Europe now that Putin has shut down Nordstream 1 as well to Europe. With the additional interest rate hikes coming things are going to continue up, up, up!
Sorry if I am spreading lousy news, but the media should at least be honest so people can be prepared. Sad truth, bad financial news doesn’t hold viewers like a flood or a fire