When incontinence is second nature. What works for me


Staff member
At the beginning of the month I get several large boxes of diapers/wipes/chux/gloves. I line I’m an apartment building and my neighbors are used to my large deliveries.
A little background: I’m a right below the knee amputee that has a paralyzed neurogenic bladder from an accident. I have large voids and for the longest time couldn’t find the right protection. As of late I’ve come up with the perfect routine for me. It of course varies from person to person but this is what works for me.

Diapers: I wear MegaMax in black when I’m out and Northshore supreme with a booster when I’m at home. I tape both diapers top tapes first then bottom tapes. This has majorly reduced leaks for me.

Wipes: I had been using Northshore and Sams club wipes but found out I can get sage barrier cream wipes and gloves from my insurance. This cuts costs.

Clothing: I wear one size bigger and wear a belt. I also wear a tank bodysuit/onsie. In addition I wear pul pants over my diaper. No one knows what I’m wearing and I feel more confident.

Bedtime: I don’t really have issues at night it’s the mornng that’s an issue for me. I wake up and immediately wet. I often sleep in just a T-shirt and MegaMax and sleep on a disposable chux pad (that’s also covered under my insurance)! I rarely have leaks.

Storage: I have a closet full of diapers and supplies. I live in a studio apartment with 2 closets one dedicated for diapers and stuff. No one knows unless they snoop around. But this really doesn’t matter because I keep 2 packs of diapers and wipes/gloves at the end of my bed so I can easily change (I have limited mobility)

I’ve been dealing with this for 7 years. It’s taken me a LONG time ot find out what works for me. I hope this can help someone.
Justej -- Wow! Sounds like u have it all figured out! I can't wear diapers because we are limited to 2 30 gallon trash cans in my mobile home park. Just not enough room in the trash! Sorry you had that accident, but you've risen above it! That takes courage!! Good for u!!!
@justej Great post! Also have the same issues in the morning. Feel like I'm getting there but still having issues finding decent clothing - sweatpants are comfortable but not always suitable. The KayCey pyjamas/jumpsuits I use are great in that, being a disability brand, they are made with having extra room for protection in mind. Can't really see any jeans/chinos with the same feature.
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