What gets you out of bed in the morning?

When we moved to South Central Alaska (maybe 80 air miles due south of Anchorage, 12 years ago. We got a month of -20 - and no snow cover, so the ground froze to China. The first 3 years, we got -20s, and up to a week, several times, of -30 at night, -20 in day.
It's changed. We didn't hit -10 more than 2 nights, last winter.
In the older weather, our neighbors Chihuahuas went out - not very far and not very long! Then they'd burrow into the blankets on the couch!
You need to be in the interior - take Fairbanks (please, take Fairbanks!) to get -40, and it's rarer than it was. The far North's weather is strange and mild, now, ridiculously mild.
But to get back to incontinence: step out in that cold, not properly dressed, and it's a good way to suddenly give yourself the urge! That probably works at zero, in South Carolina!
Or like the old Snoopy cartoon: Charlie Brown get dressed for the weather by mom, all that complex winter gear and layers, gets outside, and says "Now I have to go!"
@AlasSouth, I like the Henny Youngman-esque reference about "now take Fairbanks------please!" That put a smile on my face!😊
I agree that if you're not properly dressed and you step out in severe cold it really does give you the urge and you hope that what you're wearing is absorbent enough to last for, well, at least long enough to get you back inside!!
And yes, that feeling will work at 0 degrees in South Carolina and even in the high 30s in central Florida!
I agree with @Petejc that anticipating new flavors or anything is enough to get out of bed and get up and at 'em!
My aide coming at 8-9 on Thursday and Friday gets me out of bed those days. My hero medication machine gets me out of bed the others. It yells at me at 9 to take my meds. Lol. My cat definitely does not get me out of bed. In fact she keeps me in longer cause she wants to cuddle.
Today, the butt whole who decided not to obey the law and run Jake brakes all the way through town.

Yeah my bedroom window is only 25 feet from the road. Grrr.
For some reason since the hospital (and starting Ativan) I am wide awake at 5-6am. I used to always sleep in til 9. But not anymore. I can sometimes get back to sleep but it sucks. 😩👀
Right now I wake up several times and wonder what world I am in. Then drink some water and try to get some more sleep. I hate getting dehydrated in my sleep, always makes me dream weird.
The couple weeks before Daylight Saving Time ends I always come awake early. Sometimes I'm up by 4 am. Sometime in my 50's I started not sleeping over 5 hours a night. And I can Catnap during the day, even used to when I was standing and waiting in line for something, 5-10 minutes is quite refreshing!!! Things change though. Now I can't stand over 3 minutes without a great deal of back pain. Oh well.
today it was because I couldn't get any sleep. not even a doze. I ate poorly, and when I went to bed felt terrible (hungry, nauseious, ) so that's probbaly why

affectively only been in bed for 1 hour since I have been up since 11 PM
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